Author: The Voice in The Wind.
GOD says : “Are you aware that… I AM ?”
“That GOD is MY GOD “, some people say… when they talk about the Savior of creation Adonai YHVH, the GOD of Israel and of all that has breath of life. I AM. Many search by day and night for that which is important […]
How to be saved for eternity… ?
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, the GOD of the universes, the Great I AM : “Hear, ye inhabitants of the earth, I AM the Supreme Commander who is in charge of all universes. I AM. No-one has the powers that […]
Video’s and prophecies and teachings on : and…
My return is at Hand…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel, to the nations surrounding Israel : “Hear, ye enemies of the Son of GOD, I AM YHVH ( YeHoVaH), the GOD of creation and the GOD of Israel. I AM. My holy name is glorified all […]
To those, who have a brain to understand…
This says GOD YHVH/YHWH, the GOD of creation, to the people who are still willing to know who I AM and what happened and will happen : “Hear, ye who have ears to hear and eyes to see and a brain to understand, I […]
To the real brothers and sisters IN Christ Jesus…
Do not trample the blood of the Son of GOD…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, The Almighty One : Hear, ye nations, I AM the One who has told you to believe in My holy message and holy messengers, the apostles and prophets and seers and holy evangelists and shepherds and […]