This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel : “Hear, o Israel, I AM GOD and My name is YHVH. I AM. Many of you heard this before, but denied it. Reason : Fear of people/men… and fear of Me. I AM. But I […]
Author: The Voice in The Wind.
The return of the son of David…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, glorified and appeared in Christ Jesus : “Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM Adonai/Lord/Master YeHoVaH/YHVH. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, the God of Israel and of creation. “I […]
God speaks to the UN… 2020.
This says GOD to the nations of the earth of the United Nations : “Hear, ye United Nations, the time is now that I AM revealing who you are and what your plans are… and what you did and will do in near future… […]
God’s words to the heavens and the earth…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation : “Hear, o heavens and the earth, I AM GOD, your Creator. I called all of you into existence by My Ghost and His words, for I AM Ghost. I AM YHVH-Elochim. I AM. No-one […]
Word of God to the nation of Iran…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the nation of Iran : “Hear, o nation of Iran, I AM GOD… and I created the heavens and the earth. I AM. Many of your inhabitants are shocked by all that is happening […]
Word of God to the churches of the end-time…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the churches of this endtime : “Hear, ye churches of the endtime, I YHVH GOD AM the GOD of creation. I AM the One, who leads creation according to My holy plan and holy […]
The great Spider…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation : “Hear, ye people of this end-time, you are watching Tee-Vee and are looking on the internet and its world-wide-WEB of the great Spider, who will suck you out by its evil mindset, if you […]
GOD’s return…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel and of creation : Hear, o Israel and ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM YHVH-GOD, the God of the heavens and the earth. I AM. Soon I will return, for I prophecied […]