This says GOD : In these days I will exalt My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach, Jesus the Christ. I AM. For many proclaim that they are gods and godesses… and even when they deny this, they still behave like this, by deceiving one-another […]
Category: Uncategorized
GOD is gracious.
This says GOD YHVH : I AM GOD, the Creator of all existing things. I AM. Many don’t acknowledge this, so they err in their understanding of things going on. Many are not willing to acknowledge My Being and Reigning in the universes. I […]
The True GOD.
This says GOD YHVH to the nations : Listen, ye people of the nations, ye inhabitants of the earth, I AM GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, the Creator of the universes. I AM the I AM, who appeared and spoke to Moses… and […]
Fire from heaven…
This says GOD YHVH to the nations and tribes of the earth : I AM GOD and will bring fire of judgement upon the US and EU and many other nations, because of their wickedness and disobedience towards My holy gospel. Many heard and […]
Judgement has begun.
This says GOD YHWH : In these days I will exalt My holy Son Jesus Christ and My holy name amoung all tribes and nations of the earth. I AM. For many will hear that the GOD of creation and of Israel and of […]
The Messiah… Ha Mashiach.
This says GOD YHWH : Listen, ye nation of Israel, I AM GOD the Almighty One of Israel and creation. I revealed Myself to thee by means of My spoken and written words. I AM. Many are the tribulations of those who belong to […]
New churches will arise.
This says GOD YHVH : Listen, ye who have ears to hear and eyes to see, I AM the GOD of salvation IN Yeshua ha Mashiach./Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many have fallen away from the truth of the original gospel/word of God. Many […]
GOD reveals Himself.
This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One of the universes : Soon I will come with great glory to reveal Myself to the nations by means of My glorious Being IN Christ Jesus, when He will appear in heaven on the clouds to take […]