This says GOD YHWH the Allmighty, the Source of LIFE : In these days many departed from Me. They are lost and often feel depressed. Their choice, not to trust Me nor My love nor My grace nor My eternal truths, leeds to emptyness, […]
Category: Uncategorized
This says GOD : I AM.
This says GOD : I AM the GOD above above all gods from past en present and future times. I AM YHWH, the GOD of the universes, the GOD of Israel, the GOD and Heavenly Holy and Righteouss Father of creation and of My […]
Love flows…
Love of God flows from His heart of love… like streams of living water. This says GOD : My Holy love flows from My heavenly Throne like streams of living water to the hearts of mankind, when they are open to Me. I AM. […]
God’s saving love through Jesus…
He who opens his heart for God’s love… is like a flower that opens for the light of the sun. God’s light and love opens the hearts for more light of love and truth and more love towards other people and creation. This says […]
God revealed.
This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty : I was amoung the Israelites in the past, as the prophets revealed in their holy scriptures/scrolls/books. Many read the Bible or the book of Mormon… and receive eternal truths by these holy prophetic scriptures and holy chronicles, […]
Gods love…
This says GOD : My holy eternal love is going forth over the whole earth to minister to people by My holy angels of love and righteoussnes and by Our holy wittnesses, who proclaim or preach or evangelize the message of Our eternal love […]
To the churches.
This says GOD YHWH, the Almighty One, to the churches of this endtime : Many departed from Me. Still I AM reaching out for people to invite them for the kingdom of GOD and My holy Temple and for eternal life, that I want […]
The ministry of holy angels…
This says GOD : In these and future days I will send My holy angels to mankind to minister to them according to My holy love and grace in My and Jesus Christ holy names, so that mankind will know that I AM. I […]