Category: Uncategorized
Do not judge… For THE JUDGE is standing before / in front of your door…
Believer and Doer…
Jezus Christus spreekt… ( Dutch.NL.)
Profetie door een getuige van Jezus de Christus. D.d. 17.03. 2024.
Enjoy HIM… CLIP – made with Clipchamp.mp4
Jezebels… and Nicolaites… in the gatherings/churches…
ATTENTION !!! Jezebels and Nicolaites, women and men, lead by another spirit or spirits, but not lead by the Spirit of GOD or of Jesus the Christ, the holy Ghost. They even resist the holy Ghost and His leading. Or resist or deny ministries […]
GOD zegt : “IK KOM MET VUUR… ” ( Dutch.NL.)