Category: Uncategorized
GOD tot de heiligen der laatste dagen…
Dit zegt GOD tot de heiligen der laatste dagen over de gehele aarde : “Houdt uw klederen onbevlekt van het kwaad. Weest rein en heilig, want IK BEN rein en heilig. Mijn Agapé/ Goddelijke liefde is rein en heilig en tolereert niet […]
GOD YHWH speaks to Israel… and surrounding nations… 08.12.2023.
This says GOD YHWH to Israel… and surrounding nations… in this endtime : “Hear, o Israel and surrounding nations, you all saw My glory in creation and now I will show you who I AM in all that will happen in these […]
GOD speaks to the “experts” …
This says GOD YHWH to the experts in… technology, theology, politic, defense, ideology, philosophy, medicine, pharmacy, economical and cultural and financial and religious… deceit : “Hear, ye experts in all these areas of life, I know who you are and where you […]
GOD seen in creation… ( Clip made with Clipchamp.mp4 )
Words of God to Israel… 02.12.2023.
GOD reveals what happened… and happens to the enemies of Israel…
This says GOD to the nations, who are envious towards the “Illuminated”-Israel : “You are willing to destroy the State of Israel… or its inhabitants or leaders, but you forgot that I, YHWH-GOD, AM the GOD of the heavens and the earth, who re-established […]
Judgments of GOD…
This says GOD : “When people turn against each other than My judgments have begun. For My Sword of the Spirit of GOD will divide the churches and the nations against one-another, because they all were not faithfull towards My holy prophetical and revelational […]