This says GOD : “See… what I will do in these last days… and admire My holy Outstretched Arm and Hand against the enemies of My delivered Israel. I AM.”; Says The LORD GOD Almighty, the Holy One of Israel according to […]
Category: Uncategorized
The message that we all need in these last days of 2023.
GOD tot de heiligen der laatste dagen…
Dit zegt GOD tot de heiligen der laatste dagen over de gehele aarde : “Houdt uw klederen onbevlekt van het kwaad. Weest rein en heilig, want IK BEN rein en heilig. Mijn Agapé/ Goddelijke liefde is rein en heilig en tolereert niet […]
GOD YHWH speaks to Israel… and surrounding nations… 08.12.2023.
This says GOD YHWH to Israel… and surrounding nations… in this endtime : “Hear, o Israel and surrounding nations, you all saw My glory in creation and now I will show you who I AM in all that will happen in these […]
GOD speaks to the “experts” …
This says GOD YHWH to the experts in… technology, theology, politic, defense, ideology, philosophy, medicine, pharmacy, economical and cultural and financial and religious… deceit : “Hear, ye experts in all these areas of life, I know who you are and where you […]
GOD seen in creation… ( Clip made with Clipchamp.mp4 )
Words of God to Israel… 02.12.2023.
GOD reveals what happened… and happens to the enemies of Israel…
This says GOD to the nations, who are envious towards the “Illuminated”-Israel : “You are willing to destroy the State of Israel… or its inhabitants or leaders, but you forgot that I, YHWH-GOD, AM the GOD of the heavens and the earth, who re-established […]