Category: Uncategorized
Even when evil….
GOD tells… why there is so much suffering…
https://jmpschoonbroodt.livejournal.com/69977.html 17.11.2022.
Encouraging call of GOD to people in these days…
This says GOD : ‘When you are alone, than call on My name, for I AM a hearing GOD. I am. Many searched for truth or righteousness and found lies, deception, seduction, rape and abuse and manipulation and all kinds of evil and wickedness […]
GOD SPEAKS… to the nations… and their ‘global’ gatherings…
True Love… man + woman…
https://at.tumblr.com/jeanschoonbroodt/true-love-a-gift-of-god-11112022/mw4z7oewadac 12.11.2022.
The Rock… that saves…
Message by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
GOD speaks to The True Israel…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of the True Israel walking according to the Spirit of God : “Hear, ye real Israelites, I AM your GOD and Savior. Remain in Me and My words and in the faith in the true Mashiach. I AM. […]