Category: Uncategorized
Der Lebendige GOTT erscheint den Menschen…
Very short Gospel-message…
GOD to those of the last 10 years…
This says GOD : ‘You walked in the valley of the shadows of death, but I AM the Resurrection and Eternal LIFE. I AM.’ ; Says GOD to all who had this experience the last 10 years. 24.10.2022. JMPS. NL. EU.
Tot de Ecclesia, die de Hoer Babylon verliet / verlaat en het Beest…
https://www.evernote.com/shard/s383/sh/4c2b495d-157e-0e72-3f52-785c0d14b30d/ca6b46a2984af8d3e633a590356402d4 24.10.2022.
Christus leven = Heerlijkheid. Mammon = 2 e dood.
https://ugetube.com/watch/christus-leven-heerlijkheid-mammon-2-e-dood_gDoUbKrX8GczMyS.html 23.10. 2022.
Die Knall-Harte Realität der Endzeit…
Botschaft durch Gottes Gnade im Namen Jesu Christi. 23.10.2022.
GOD says : ‘Welcome to My glorious Kingdom.’
This says GOD : ‘You are welcome in My heavenly Glorious Kingdom and Holy Spiritual Temple, when you are born again and are willing to serve Me… till the end… in following My beloved Son Jahshua HaMashiach/ Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ. I AM. […]