Than things will happen. For His Voice/His Word created all… and His Voice/Word will destroy one day all… and than GOD will create a New Heaven and a New Earth, according to His promiss/Words that He spoke to… and by… His prophets and revelators […]
Category: Uncategorized
This says GOD to the churches of this endtime :
“You are called to glorify My Son Jesus the Christ and Me… and not yourselves, nor to promote the world and worldly succes. I AM. For all the visible things are temporary, but the Invisible things are everlasting. I AM. Many are caught in […]
De “IK BEN”, GOD de Almachtige, spreekt… tot de Gemeenten IN Christus…
Dit zegt GOD tot de Gemeenten in Christus in deze laatste dagen voor Zijn wederkomst : “Hoort, gij kinderen van God, IK BEN de GOD die sprak tot Abram/Abraham, maar ook tot Mozes, de man van GOD, die onder Mijn hand Israel uitgeleide deed […]
GOD YHVH speaks to the tribes, nations, Israel… and the churches of this endtime/last days…
This says GOD YHVH : “Hear, ye tribes and nations of the earth and Israel and churches of this endtime/last days, before the return of the Mashiach/ Christ/Anointed One with My holy Ghost, I AM the GOD of Adam and of Abel and of […]
Admit that you need GOD’s love and grace and help… so that HE will become active in your LIFE… Important video-preaching. Message of about 19 minutes… with explanation how to get a relation/connection with/to GOD. By Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. Messenger of GOD. 05.02.2022.
IF we do not accept the 10 commandments of God anymore…
05.02.2022. Please read Exodus, second book of the bible, chapter 20… and know that God wants us to stop transgressing these 10 commandments… and to ask God in Jesus Christ’ name for forgiveness that we sinned against God and Christ Jesus and mankind and […]
GOD speaks to the elders of the churches/gatherings… 02.02.2022.
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation to the elders of the churches in these last days : “Hear, ye elders of the churches of these last days, I AM the One who leads and guides My holy sons and daughters by My […]
Strong powerfull message… to strengthen all…
Please listen to this message till the end… for even people who do not believe might be blessed at last by this message. God bless you all in Jesus Christ’ holy and gracious and loving and caring and saving and healing powerful glorious name. […]