This says GOD YHVH : “Look around, what do you see ? The Revelation 13. being fulfilled in your life. Reason : Total control by the Beast-system/kingdom or new-world-order and the injection of 666-related nano-technology and graphite-(hydro-)oxite and even other technological and bio-and chemical […]
Category: Uncategorized
Word of GOD to those people of Pharma and medicine… who betray mankind…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, the GOD of creation : “Hear, ye people of Pharma and medicine, I AM the GOD of the universal powers and stars and planets and moons and asteroids and komets… and of all that is in the […]
Demon reveals the “evil” of The Injections…
SERIOUS MESSAGE… 18.12.2021. Posted by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. Pharmakeia means Sorcery / Magic… done by Satanists / Luciferians… and all workers who work with powers of evil and darkness or fallen angels and demons […]
Dit zegt GOD : “Zo zeer heb IK de Kosmoia/schepping lief gehad, dat IK Mijn Eniggeboren Zoon gaf, opdat een ieder die in hem gelooft, niet verloren zou gaan… maar het eeuwige leven zou hebben.” “IK YHWH BEN de GOD van de hemel en […]
Attention… Very… IMPORTANT… to all…
THE CROWNS ARE READY… for you… Short Message to strenghten your Faith… and Hope… 16.12.2021.
Psalm 146. Predigt… Eine offenbahrung Gottes… ( German.D.EU.)
Botschaft durch Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. 16.12.2021.
The Almighty One speaks to the nations… concerning… very, very, very near future…
This says GOD : “Hear, ye nations, I AM the GOD of heaven and the earth. I AM. My name is YHVH-GOD, the Almighty One of creation and of Israel, My chosen people, that I chose to make My holy name and glorious power […]