Prediking onder God’s Hand tot allen… in deze laatste dagen voor Zijn wederkomst ten oordeel… 23.11.2021. Door Jean Schoonbroodt / NL. EU. / The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
Category: Uncategorized
GOD the Warrior…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel, the Almighty One, who sent Moses to Egypt to deliver Israel out of the hand of Pharo of Egypt. : “Hear, ye Israelites, I AM the Great I AM. I will show you to war against […]
Prophetic site… Audio-messages and video’s and LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS. 22.11.2021.
WARNING to the people of this Endtime… 2021…
ATTENTION ! ATTENTION ! ATTENTION ! HOLY WARNING OF GOD. “This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty GOD and Father of creation, the GOD of Israel and of the nations, the GOD of all heavens and the earth, the Great I AM : “Hear, ye […]
De Liefde van GOD en van Jezus… en de heerlijkheid…
Prediking n.a.v. Jesaja 52 ; 13 -15 . ( DUTCH.NL. EU.) Door God’s genade via Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU / The Candle / The Voice in The Wind. 21.11.2021.
How Satan will destroy billions… Prophecy by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle. Received 16.11.2021.
The-7-stars-General of the HC of The YHVH-Elohim-forces speaks :
This says The -7-stars-General of the HC of The YHVH-Elohim-Forces/Armies : “Hear, o people of this temporary earth, I know what is going on. My Holy Intelligence knows what is going on. We work inside and outside of the system that you are living […]
Hoe GOD naar dingen kijkt…
(Dutch. NL. EU.)