Category: Uncategorized
About the ransom… paid for precious souls.
This says GOD : “Hear, ye nations and tribes and generations of the earth, I AM the GOD and Creator of all of you. I AM. My holy name is glorified in all of creation in the visible and invisible worlds, dimensions/realms. I AM.” […]
“WE gave or give as WE want…” ; Says GOD.
Prophecy by The Candle /Jean M. P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Prophecy and explanation by God’s grace by Jean Schoonbroodt./The Candle. NL. EU.
Fulfillment of Revelation.
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of that Spiritual Israel… that lives according to the Spirit and the word of GOD, which are ONE, The Great I AM. : “Hear, ye nations, the time has come that I will lead you into captivity by […]
Word to those who are still in the system…
This says GOD : “You know who I AM. You understand many things from the Old and New Testament, although you never understood the truth that is now really going on in creation. Your stubbornness is the reason why you chose to love this […]
A reason why GOD often does not do miracles…
Words of God to mankind…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel and creation : “Hear, o mankind, I know the distress and persecution that is going around. Many of My believers and followers, who speak truth in a world of lies and delusions and of betrayal […]