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Please visit the link above on … and read the comments below the video.
This says GOD YHWH :
“Hear, ye people of these last days, I AM GOD, the Almighty One of creation and of Israel. I AM.”
“Many were searching for the truth, but found lies and deceit and seduction and betrayal. Many were anxious to loose their job or money-bankaccount or their gold or silver or worldly treasures, but lost the True Eternal Treasure of Eternal Life … and the clothes of Godly holy righteousness, the glorious heavenly white linnen of heavenly white, bright light of Gods purity and of the Glorified Lamb of GOD, the Lion of Juda … Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesus The Christ, the glorified Eternal Son of GOD, whose Radiance is like the sun in all its glorious white powerfull glorious light. All are called to that heavenly everlasting glory with God and His Son. Alas … many were not willing to become partakers of that everlasting glory in Gods heavenly Kingdom … they loved the worldly glamour and temporary shining of the Satanic fake light more than God’s everlasting Glory IN Christ Jesus and His Glorious Good News, Gospel of saving grace and love and truth and reconciliation and sanctification and justification and completion and glorification over and to and in and with all who are chosen to be His disciples/followers in true faith and trust and obedience to Him and His Holy Spirit and Eternal Holy Truth and Godly Love in YHWH-Elohim’s and Jesus Christ’ holy name, power and authority. I AM. Still I call all, who have ears to hear and eyes to see, to return to Me and My Son … by calling on Our names and by repenting and by believing and accepting Our Good News to save your/their lives/blood/souls for eternity. I AM.” ;
Says the GOD and Father of creation and of Israel and of the true holy gatherings of holy people on earth, who honor YHWH-Elohim … and the holy scriptures inspired by God’s Holy Ghost.
Message received by Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt . NL. EU . The Candle / The Wind 7.