The Almighty GOD of the Cosmos…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty GOD of the Kosmoia/Cosmos/Universe, the heavens and the earth :

Hear, ye inhabitants of this kosmoia/universe, I AM the invisible Eternal One, YHVH-GOD, who reigns all worlds that I created and called into existence by My Almighty words, spoken in the power of My almighty Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit/Holy Pneuma/Holy Dynamis/Ruach Hakodesh. I AM. Many heard this before. I AM the Almighty GOD. No-one has the same powers that I have. Only My holy and beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many saw or heard Me speaking to their hearts, innermost being, while I appeared to them in My holy Image/Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ in dreams, visions, revelations… or by prophecies… or while I taught them the reality of Our Being and existence by Our anointed ones with holy Ghost, who wrote or spoke or read or taught them Our words and revelations and prophecies or holy testimonies or Our holy chronicles/history-books, which were written by anointed ones, to reveal true historical facts. I AM. For many are deceived and seduced by liars. Some even falsefied Our words or holy chronicles by changing them and by re-writing them to seduce mankind… and even taught them on schools, so that mankind would remain under their control. Many of these seducers wanted that they would never get to know nor accept true history, so that they could remain under their anti-God and anti-Mashiach/anti-christ control. Satan used them to keep mankind under his controle. By lies they all denied Me and My Son and Our Truth and Eternal Facts/Reality and Our True Good News concerning Eternal Glory for/to all who believe and trust Us more than the lies of the liars and evil ones. I AM. For WE, the Father Adonai YHVH/the LORD GOD, and the Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ and the holy Ghost, are One. We are YHVH-Elohim, the Elohim above all elohim. Translated : We are The YeHoVaH- Gods, the Gods above all gods. WE are I AM.

Prophecy 14.06.2020. Received by The Candle/Jean Schoonbroodt/J.M.P. Schoonbroodt.

The Perfect One…who saves.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, the heavens and the earth :

Hear, ye tribes and inhabitants and nations of the earth, I AM YHVH, the God of all existing things. All powers are under My Soevereign Reign active according to My holy universal plan and time-schedule. I AM. For I AM the only One with unlimited powers. I AM. For I called all things in the visible and invisible worlds into existence, even all spirits and their dimensions. I AM. Many of you heard this before. Many people were lost, but found by My soevereign grace and love and truth. My holy love and compassion with the weaknesses of mankind lead Me to sacrifice My only holy Begotten Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… to save them from the powers of darkness and to place them into My heavenly Kingdom, by means of grace through the gift of faith in Me and My Son and Our heavenly Good News. I AM. Many heard this Good News, but laughed about it. They were proud and blinded by the evil one… and despised Our heavenly righteousness. Our heavenly righteousness is totally different from the “righteousness” of mankind. Our righteousness is in this, that We call all righteouss who believe Us and Our holy Gospel/Good News. For all of mankind sinned/transgressed Our holy commandmends/law/Thorah/10 commandments, given by Us by means of holy angels to Moses, the man of God, and by him to Israel, the twelve tribes of Israel. I AM. All sinned and fall short of the glory of Us. All are guilty. All deserve to be judged by Us. All deserve punishment. But I AM LOVE. Therefore I chose to save mankind from eternal punishment and suffering in a place of eternal torment/condemnation. So I had to find a Perfect One, Some-One, who was willing to take the punishment, that mankind deserved, on his spirit, soul, body… as a substitute/vicarious sacrifice. No- human being lived so perfect that they could have fulfilled My holy will. The Only One, who could fulfill My holy demands, was My Only Begotten Son… Yeshua ha Mashiach. He was the Perfect Lamb of God, who was slain for the sinners/transgressors of Our holy Law. He was judged and convicted and tormented instead of them, allthough He was completely innocent. My holy judgments struck Him, so that I could save all that would believe in Him as their Lamb of God, that carried their sin upon His perfect sinless life/person/body… and whose blood was shed for their sinfulness and sins to reconcile them to Me for all eternity. Now I can offer all forgivenss of their sins/evil and can give them eternal life as a free gift, if they/you accept this work of saving and redeeming and atoning love in My and Jesus Christ’ holy name and grace. I AM. Accept this work of salvation, so that you will not be condemned anymore, but will have peace with Us. I AM.

Prophecy 13.06.2020. Received by The Candle.

GOD, the Judge…

This says GOD YHVH :

Hear, ye nations of the earth, I AM the GOD of the universes. I AM. My holy name is YHVH-GOD forever. I AM. My holy Ghost and holy angels glorify Me and My beloved and glorified Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ/Christo Jesu. I AM. Many tribes and nations heard about Us and our Reign in creation, but denied it, because they loved godlessness more than accepting and believing and obeying Us and Our words or holy Good News/Gospel of Our saving and reconciling work. Still We are God. Many will bow their knees in future, when they will be humbled in Our holy Presence on the day that we will reveal Us to them… to judge them. I AM.

Prophecy 12.06.2020. Received by The Candle.

Who is in the holy Tabernacle in heaven ?

This says GOD YHVH :

Hear, ye people of God in this temporary creation, I AM the GOD of the heavens and the earth. I AM the Almighty One, the Creator of all existing things in the visible and invisible worlds/dimensions/universes. I AM. No-one was god before I AM… and there will never be a God like I AM… nor after Me a god like I AM. For I AM the First and the Last, I AM the Beginning… and at the beginning of all things… and I AM the End at the end of all temporary existing things… and than I will begin/create/start a New Heaven and a New Earth, where there will be completeness, perfectness, eternal everlasting glory… for/to all who have overcome this temporary sinful world/creation in faith in Me and My holy Mashiach/Anointed One with Holy Ghost/ Christ… Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. And listen and hear and understand that these things are already fulfilled in Our holy Eyes. I AM. Soon He will return to take His beloved ones up into the clouds/sky/heaven, so that they will be with Him forever. I AM. For they have overcome this evil world by their faith in Us by means of Our gift of faith to or into them, created in them by Our Ghost/Spirit and words/revelations/prophecies… and holy Good News/Gospel of saving grace and of reconciliation by the blood of the Lamb of God, that was shed on the cross of Calvery… and on the place of reconciliation/atonement and redemption on the Arc of the Covenant on earth and in heaven… in My Holy Presence… and in the presence of My holy angels and holy heavenly powers in the Most Holy/Sacred Place in My Heavenly Tabernacle/Temple/Holy House. I AM. Like there was a holy visible tabernacle on earth among the Israelites/12 tribes of Israel, while they were in the desert under the leading and guidance by My Hand through Moses, where I was among them… and where I had My heavenly Throne in the past, there is now also a Holy Tabernacle in Heaven, where I AM seated on My Holy Throne as the King and Ruler and Lord above all and over all… and where Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ is seated at My right hand ; who has got all power and authority in the heavens and in the earth in My holy name… and where He is My holy Image in the appearance of a glorified human Being/Man of flesh and bones, who lives in the power of the fullness of the Spirit of My Godhood/Deity. I AM. And He is My Holy Eternal King and High Priest, who has all power to save all that He wants to save for eternity, and He is The Judge of the living and the dead, Who can defend, justify and reward people and let them enter into the Kingdom of God and eternal glory… or who can punish, chastise, them or destroy and throw them into places of eternal suffering, punishment or condemnation. I AM. For He is the exalted Righteous One, who lived perfect My holy will according to My holy scriptures/scrolls/biblia/books… to fulfill all My promises concerning My Savior for mankind. For He gave His precious sinless perfect life into death as a ransom for the lost/sinful souls of mankind, so that He can save them all, if they don’t reject Him and His saving grace and truth and reconciling and sanctifying and justifying and glorifying work, and would/will bring them all back into My holy Presence/Heavenly Glory… by means of the shedding of His own precious blood/soul/life on the cross of Calvery/Golgatha to cleanse and purify them in Our holy Eyes in the power of His blood and Spirit and truth and to forgive all their sin/transgressions, so that they are justified by grace through faith and are set apart by Us in the power of the Life-Giving Holy Spirit of Love and Truth and Comfort and Intercession… and of worship, in heavenly truth, of Us… and Our grace… and which is the Spirit of revelation and prophecy, which reveals and glorifies Us and Our Truth, and which is the One who testifies about Jesus the Christ and glorifies Him and preaches the True Gospel… and who reveals future things and the hidden things. By His holy charisma’s/holy gifts/holy workings/holy ministries and powers, that He gives like He wants, and that We poured out into their hearts and with which We sealed them… after they heard and believed Our Good News of Our Love and saving grace and truth, because of Jesus’ work and their faith in Him as their Savior, because of Our loving kindness and eternal love and grace and truth and compassion and knowledge of all things… and of Our heavenly eternal mercy, He leads the Body of Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach, the True Temple of the living GOD here on earth, the true holy Gathering of Our saints. I AM. These sealed ones, who have Life in the power of Our holy Ghost, are Our holy ones/saints, who are kings and priests in Our Holy Eyes and who glorify Us and worship Us in Spirit and truth. They are Our Ambassadors on earth, who represent Us and Our Glory and Our Glorious Heavenly Eternal Kingdom and its righteousness in thoughts, words and deeds/actions and powers of Our Holy Ghost… to Our Glory and the glory of Our glorious eternal love and holiness and grace and truth. I AM. They are the heirs of Our heavenly glorious Kingdom… and will receive their crowns and inheritance and will reign with Us in all eternity, after they have overcome by means of their faith… and have washed their robes in the power of the blood of the Lamb of God and trust this Gospel and hold on to it/stick to it… and confess it before the eyes and ears of men and angels… till the end, and who were/are willing to suffer and die for Me and their Lord and God and Savior Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… and this message of salvation in YHVH’s and Jesus Christ’ name and grace and love and truth and the power of the Holy Spirit… and endured/endure persecution and died/die for My and His name and Our holy original Gospel… and Our Kingdom of Heaven and Our righteousness. Amen. They are Our witnesses in this last age, in these last days. They are Our beloved and chosen ones. And while they confess Us… and remain in faith and prayer and listening to Our Voice in their hearts… and obey Us, being lead by Our Spirit and words and holy angels to do Our works that we prepared for them to do, We will strengthen them… and give them all that they need to overcome sin and the evil one and evil spirits in the air and evil in human beings… and We will do what these beloved ones, Our children/sons and daughters in the faith, ask Us in Jesus Christ’/Yeshua ha Mashiach’s holy powerful and gracious and loving and caring and saving name. For We are faithful. All Our holy promises are “Yes and Amen” in Our holy names : Adonai YHVH/YHWH, Lord/Master (God) YHVH/YHWH, the Father, the Great I AM, and in the name above all other names glorified in the heavens and in the earth : YHVH/YHWH saves the Anointed / Yeshua ha Mashiach / Jesous Christos / Jesus the Christ. I AM. Blessed are all who hear, read and believe/trust and spread and confess this eternal truth to their eternal glorious salvation… and of those, who will also accept and believe Us and Our testimonies and will be sealed, and than will also testify concerning this glorious plan and Good News of Our perfect and gracious love… and plan of saving grace through faith in Christ Jesus and His reconciling blood. For We so loved creation, that We decided to save all, who believe this eternal glorious message. I AM.

Prophecy 11.06.2020. Received by The Candle/J.M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

God visited Abraham…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

Hear, ye nations, I AM GOD, the Father of creation and was on earth and visited Abraham, My beloved friend. I visited him to make him known My plan to destroy the cities Sodom and Gomorrah. For these cities were so wicked, that I had to make an end to their existence and to their inhabitants. For I saw and heard the evil. I saw their lawlessness and godlessness and all the cruelty and all their blasphemy… and that they were not willing anymore to quit with evil, although I spoke to them by Lot, the righteous one amoung them. Their hearts were so filled with satanic and Luciferian and Bale-worship and worship of demons and fallen ones, that I decided to destroy them by My holy judgement. For I sent two angels to Sodom to save Lot and his two daughters… and to bring My judgement upon the evil ones. My holy righteousness demands judgements upon those, who are not willing to change. I tried many years by Lot and My Spirit to warn them for the consequences of their evil idolitry. But they were, just like in the days of Noah, not willing to listen to My voice to their hearts and consciousness. I AM. All the thoughts of their hearts were evil by day and night. Therefore there was a point of no return. So I had to destroy them, so that their evil and wickedness and idolitry and cruelty would not fill all of the land. I AM. I told Abraham, My friend, about My decision. He pleaded that I would spare them. And I told him that if there would be five righteous people in Sodom, I would spare Sodom. But there were no 5 righteous ones. So I destroyed Sodom with fire and brimstone from heaven and consumed all. I AM. If cities or regions or nations or tribes or generations are so wicked, that I and My righteous ones and holy angels can’t stand it anymore, and when these evildoers and sons of satan are ripe for My holy consuming judgement, than it will come at a moment that they will not expect it, so that no-one can and will flee it. I, YHVH-GOD, AM the Holy One of creation. And I AM The Righteous One. Woe to them, that are not willing to be changed by My grace and love and truth and righteousness, but who have a satanic and demonic pleasure in wickednes and evil. Today and in these and future days I will keep warning all people worldwide. If they remain stubborn and wicked… I will destroy them also at a moment that they will not expect it. For I never changed. I AM the I AM, the Holy One, who hates all kind of evil. I AM.

Prophecy 10.06.2020. Received by The Candle.

The anti-christians and evil…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

Hear, ye people, I hear the words of those who are anti-christians. I know their global plans and revealed them by those that had this mission by My holy Spirit and holy angels. I AM. My name is blasphemed by many, who were not willing to accept Me nor My Son nor Our words/gospels/teachings of the prophets and the apostles of Me and The Lamb of GOD, the Lion of Juda, the True Mashiach, Yeshua ha Mashiach/Christ Jesus. I AM. Now is the time of vengeance and wrath. And I show to all of you the wickedness of the lost ones, who love money and sex and lies and deception and immorality and the evil lusts/sinful desires/works of the flesh of this world more, than My holy righteousness. I AM. The evil, which is in hearts of mankind, will be reavealed. Although many are not willing to admit this, still I will testify of the evil of mankind who fell away from Us. Many have satan to their lord and god, for they do his will and evil desires. I, the lord GOD YHVH, AM. Many will fall into the hands of Me, the living God, and I will consume them with fire on the day that I will bring My judgement upon them. I AM. For many are on the broad-way to eternal destruction and punishment. I AM. For I AM a holy GOD, who hates godlessness and wickedness and evil… and who will punish all who reject the gospel of salvation… and who are not willing to turn around to Me and My Son and Our Truth, which can save them for eternity, if they remain in the faith in Us and Our saving grace and work of salvation and reconciliation on the cross of Calvery… and in Our work of sanctification, by means of Our grace and truth/word in Our holy names in the power of holy Spirit. I AM. The true witnesses of Me and Jesus Christ and Our True Gospel will overcome this world, if they remain in faith and obedience to Us. I AM. They will inherit eternal glory in Our everlasting Kingdom and will reign with Us in all eternity. I, the Lord GOD, Adonai YHVH, AM.

Prophecy 07.06.2020. The Candle.

Word to Israel…

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel :

Hear, o Israel, I AM the GOD of the heavens and the earth. I AM your God. I brought you back into the promised land, although you not yet have all the land that I promised to Abraham. But soon things will change, when My holy Mashiach will come down from heaven, to the Mount of Olives at the East-side of Jerusalem, with his heavenly holy armies of holy angels and saints. I AM.

Prophecy 06.06.2020. Received by The Candle.

To Persia/Iran…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, to the nation of Iran :

Hear, o nation of Persia/Iran, I know your circumstances. I see your suffering. I know the reasons why. For I AM the GOD of creation. Now I ask you to accept the fact/reality of My holy Reign in creation. For I AM a holy almighty GOD and Ruler, who leads the hearts of kings and rulers on earth according to My holy will and plan. No-one can defeat Me. Nor My chosen ones, unless I allow it to happen. For I AM the GOD who sent His Mashiach/Messiah/Anointed One with Holy Ghost/Christ… called Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, who is My Chosen One… to save all who accept His message and life-giving and blessing and eternal-life-giving message, like it is written by My holy Ghost by My holy prophets and apostles of Israel. There is no other message, which can take curses away from a person, family or town/city or region or country or nation. I AM. For it is Me who gave Him as a ransom for the souls of mankind on the wood/cross of Calvery/Golgatha, to save their souls from My wrath and judgements and punishments, because of their transgressions of My holy Thora/Law. I AM.

Prophecy 04.06.2020. Received by The Candle.