Days of fulfillment…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

Hear, ye inhabitants of the earth, I AM GOD above all existing things in the visible and invisible worlds. I AM. Many seek Me in these days… or seek My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesus the Christ. For many know, by the signs of these days, that they are living in the last days or end-time. They know by My holy Ghost and by Our holy scriptures that the things, written in them, are now being fulfilled according to Our holy plan. I AM. You are living in the days of fulfillment. Soon the anti-christ will lead many to eternal destruction and punishment, by leading them astray and away from Me and My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, the Lamb of GOD, the Lion of Juda, who has overcome. I AM. My Son will soon be glorified in a very special way… and so His True Body/True believers/True Church/True Holy Temple. I AM.

Prophecy 03.06.2020. Recieved by The Candle.

The Supreme Commander…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and creation :

Hear, ye inhabitants of this earth, I AM the GOD of supreme commanders. I AM the Supreme Commander, who is in charge of creation. I AM. My holy powers are under My control according to My holy will and plan with and in creation. I AM. Many are not aware of what is really going on. Some know. But still I AM in control… although it might seem different. I AM. My holy name will be exalted all over the earth, and also the name of My beloved son Yeshua ha Mashiach / Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ. I AM. For We… and Our holy Ghost… are the Gods of creation, the Elohim above all elohim, Gods above all gods, and Our holy name, to separate Us from the false gods, is YHVH-Elohim. I AM. We will lead the things in this age according to Our words and prophecies and revelations… as you can find in Our holy scriptures/scrolls/books/biblia. We are I AM.

Prophecy 02.06.2020. Received by The Candle.


This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, the Ruler above all… and in creation, The God of Israel :

Hear, ye inhabitants of the earth, I AM GOD and I AM the Almighty One, who loves My creation, but who hates evil and godlessness and all the evil that separates people from Me and My love and grace and mercies and holy gospel of saving grace and of reconciliation. I AM. Many proclaim to speak the truth, but are liars and seducers and deceivers. I AM. Therefore I will speak here to you, so that you can get to know the True Gospel of saving goodness of Me and My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesus the Christ and of Our holy prophets and apostles and evangelists and shepherds and teachers and holy witnesses, who were/are anointed with Holy Ghost and who were/are born again and sealed with the promised holy Ghost, who is the Spirit of Truth, who lead/will lead them and you into all the truth, which can save all who believe in Us and Our words. I AM. Many proclaim that they are ministers, but when they deny Our Truth… or preach or teach another gospel/good news than the One We revealed and prophesied and taught and preached by our Holy Ghost by Our faithful ones and their holy scriptures… than they are seduced or deceived or themselves seducers or deceivers. I AM. You are living in the end-time/last days before the return of My Son Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM.

Prophecy 30.05.2020. Received by The Candle.

God’s Love…

This says GOD YHVH :

Hear, ye nations, there is no GOD but Me that can save. I AM the I AM. The Almighty One. I AM the Father of creation. I AM the GOD and Father of all true prophets and apostles and holy people/saints. I AM the GOD and Father of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ/Christo Jesu. I AM. I AM the GOD and Father of My holy Israel. I AM. My holy Israel are the true warriors of GOD, who lived and live according to My holy Ghost and gift of faith and words… and who believed/believe and hoped/hope and trusted/trust My holy promises concerning The Mashiach/The Anointed One/The Christ, who would come/came/will come to save Israel from their sin and enemies… and to restore My heavenly Kingdom to them. I AM. Many of the 12 tribes of Israel will be lead to acknowledge this fact and reality by means of My holy heavenly goodness or grace and truth/words. I AM. Many of the nations will also be lead to acknowledge His return. For the days are near, that the true Mashiach will descent from heaven with His holy heavenly armies of holy saints and holy angels to Jerusalem in Israel, according to Our words and prophecies and revelations. For He was already on earth in the past and already fulfilled His/My work to save many from their sin… and to reconcile Israel and all of creation to Me, so that I would and will forgive them their sin/transgressions of My words/Thora/teachings/laws… and will lead them, by My holy Ghost, to repentance by means of grace and My heavenly truth and love and giving goodness and tender mercies. I AM. For I AM the Living GOD, who is Light and Love and Ghost… and who so loved/loves creation, so that whoever believes in Me and My Mashiach, will not go lost for eternity, but will have everlasting life. I AM. For I will justify all because of His saving work. For He became the Lamb of God, who took all sin of creation and My holy judgment and wrath and eternal punishment over their sin, which they did out of unbelief and weakness and out of ignorance concerning Our righteousness, upon His spirit, soul and body, so that all who believed/believe in Him… would/will not be condemned anymore, but will be justified by Us. I AM. His flesh and blood/crucified body on the wood of curse of Calvery/Golgatha was the ransom for all the precious souls of mankind, to save them for all eternity, unless they would reject this saving work to their own damnation. I, the Lord GOD, Adonai YHVH, AM.

Prophecy 29.05.2020. Received by The Candle.

The Almighty Ones…

This says YHWH, The GOD of Israel, to the nations :

Hear, ye nations, I AM GOD, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. I AM. Many heard this before, but forgot it. But I AM the GOD of revelation and prophecy and the GOD who remembers people the fact, that I AM. Many scholars are deceived and seduced and are even themselves seducers and deceivers, when they are not willing to hear what My Voice and Spirit and word says. I AM. For iniquity fills the earth… and many are filled with evil when they are not willing to submit to Me and My Son and Our Spirit and words. I AM. For We are YHVH-Elochim, the YHWH-GODS. We are The Ones who are in charge of the things that exist, according to Our plan and holy will and heavenly agenda. I AM. Many on earth have their agenda, but are not always aware of Our agenda and time-schedules. I AM. WE are The Elochim/Gods of creation. We are the Ones, who have created time as a dimension, in which you are living according… to Our plan and gifts and talents and possibilities to create. We are the Elohim above all elohim. And even when some of you behave like gods or goddesses… or want to be like Us… or want to be admired and worshipped like gods or goddesses, than We are still the GODS of the universes, who are the Almighty Ones. All honor and true glory and worship will be given to Us, even by those who are not willing to accept Us as their LORDS and GODS and Holy Almighty Masters. For We will work out, that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that We are the Elohim above all elohim, the GODS above all gods and the Kings and Rulers of the heavens and the earth, the Lords above all lords. We are I AM. Many will hear Our Voice coming to their hearts by Our Spirit or spirits/angels or messengers or words in these last days, so that all will know that WE ARE. I, YHVH-ELOCHIM, AM.

Prophecy 26.05.2020. Received by The Candle.

The King… and the Way into His Kingdom…

This says GOD YHWH/YHVH :

Hear, ye people of these last days, I AM the GOD of creation, MY creation. I AM. Many of you heard about Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. Still I AM longing to save you from the chains of hell. For many are deceived and seduced and chained to evil spirits. The Only One who can save you out of these bondages/chains is the GOD of the heavens and the earth, who I AM. My Ghost/Spirit is capable to do immeasurable more than you even can ask in prayer or even imagine in My and Jesus Christ’ holy powerful and mighty name. I AM. Many, who read or heard and believed My words, sometimes experienced it. Faithful ones/believers experience My love and grace and truth every day. I AM. Still I have to encourage and strengthen them, and all who call on My holy name or the holy name of My Son, every day… by My graceful Spirit and words/truth… to keep them walking by faith and not by sight. I AM. Faith is a gift of Me and My Son and of Our Holy Ghost/Spirit. By means of grace and truth and the gift of faith in Us… and Our words…. you are saved. Our work of salvation, on the cross/pole/wood of curse of Calvery/Golgatha IN the crucified Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ and His blood on the cross and on the ground… and on the Arc of the Covenant, made peace between you and Me. Now We offer you forgiveness of your sins and sinful nature… and eternal life as a free gift by means of faith in US and this saving work and fact/reality. You are justified by Us, because of Jesus’ reconciling work on the cross/pole/stake/wood of curse and on the Mercy-Seat on the Arc of the Covenant, which was hidden in a cave in the rock under the cross/pole.. I AM. My holy Son, died, was buried… and rose from the dead on the third day. He visited/appeared to His disciples in His resurrected body of flesh and bones… and spoke to them… and showed to them, that He was not a spirit but a human being, who ate bread in their presence. Fourty days later He met with His apostles/disciples on the Mount of Olives at Jerusalem in Israel, and was, while blessing them, taken up into heaven… and disappeared before their eyes in the clouds of the sky/heaven. I AM. Now He is seated at My Right Hand in heaven… as the High Priest/Intercessor/Advocate/Justifier of all who believe in Me and Him and Our saving work… and as the King of all kings and Despotes/Ruler above all rulers and Lord above all lords… and has got all powers and authority in the heavens and the earth. Therefore He sent and sends His apostles/messengers/disciples and prophets/seeers/revelators and evangelists and shepards and teachers and elders and deacons and believers and all His witnesses among Israel and the nations to prepare all for His return. For soon He will return in My holy glorious almighty powers and glory to judge the nations, when He will come down from heaven with His holy heavenly armies of holy angels and saints. For they will descent on the Mount of Olives at Jerusalem, where He was taken up into heaven, so that the prophecy will be fulfilled that was spoken by two holy angels/man in white robes, after He was caught up into the sky. This you can read in the Book of Acts chapter 1. He, the Son of GOD, the son of man, the Second and Last Adam, who is the Christ/Anointed One with Holy Ghost/Ha Mashiach is the Savior in My almighty powers of all who believe and who repent and who will be born again by means of water and Spirit of GOD, Adonai YHVH, who I AM. He is also the Savior of the remnant of Israel in those days. He will start the Kingdom of GOD visible on earth in those days, where He will be the promised King on the throne of David in Israel during thousand years, who will rule and reign all of creation in those days. And the Kingdom of God will be restored in those days to Israel… and all true Israelites and Jews will live in peace under My Wings in their promised holy Land of Israel. And the nations will not war anymore, but the peace of Us, YHVH-Elochim, will fill the earth. And this will be in those days the new earth and new heaven for those who will indwell this Holy Kingdom of YHVH/YHWH-GOD, like the prophet Isaiah prophesied. I, Adonai YHVH/YHWH – GOD, AM.

Prophecy 22.05.2020. Received by The Candle. ( J.M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.)

GOD and Jesus speak…

This says GOD :

“I AM the I AM, the GOD of creation. YHVH is My holy name forever. I AM. Many seek Me in these days, because of the iniquity they are confronted with. I AM. But the Revelation will be fulfilled. I AM. Many will follow the anti-christ/other christ and Beast in future days and will choose for the injection/mark/sign/name/number/sign/tattoo of the beast… and the number of his name is 666. They will be thrown into eternal suffering/second death. Their love for money, worldly pleasure and fulfillment and satisfaction and their will to stay alive… will lead them to eternal destruction and suffering. Jesus words will be fulfilled. He says by My Spirit/Ghost : “Those who love their earthly lives more than God’s truth… will choose for the lie of satan… and will become his slaves/sons and daughters… and will go lost for all eternity.”

Prophecy 19.05.2020. Received by The Candle.

God will convince…

This says GOD :

“I AM the I AM, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the GOD of Israel, the GOD of creation. I AM. Many have heard about Me and My Reign in creation. Many did/do not believe Us nor Our words nor revelations nor prophecies nor dreams, for they were/are hardened in their hearts towards Us by means of the lies and deception, that were/are spread in creation by Satan and the evil spirits… and those who are their slaves. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Many were/are hardened, because of their own choices and rebellion against Our holiness and holy will or words. I AM. Many will be humiliated when they will be confronted with their evil and sinful nature and mindset and evil words and deeds. I AM. For We are the GODS/Elohim above all… and We will seek to lead all to repentance by means of Our holy Ghost, who will convince the world of sin, righteousness and judgement. I, Adonai YHVH-GOD, AM.”

Prophecy 18.05.2020. Received by The Candle.