The King and Ruler of Israel…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, to Israel :

Hear, o Israel, I AM GOD. I AM your GOD. Remember the days that I was in your midst. Remember all the things you went through in the past. Remember the Holocaust… and that I brought you back into the promised land of Israel. I AM. Still I AM gathering you from the nations. For I AM the Faithful One. I AM your King and Ruler from the Beginning. I AM. Trust Me in all circumstances. And allow Me to speak to your hearts. I AM. Many of you need Me, although some are still doubting if they are willing to acknowledge Me in everything of life. I AM. Soon My holy Mashiach will come down from heaven to the Mount of Olives to save the remnant of Israel, that will cry out : Blessed is He, who comes in the name of YHVH. Amen. I, adonai YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 05.11.2019. Received by Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt NL. EU.

Future battle…

War against Gog and his armies.

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel :

In these days I will reveal , that I AM your GOD and Saviour , o Israel. I AM. Soon your enemies will try to defeat you, but I will destroy them on the mountains of Israel. I AM. Many armies will gather to this battle, but all will be defeated by Me. I AM. I cause them to come against you , so that I can reveal to all nations and to you that I AM YHVH GOD, the LORD GOD, of Israel. The GOD , who is glorified in righteousness and judgement and in saving works and grace and truth. I AM. And all the nations will know, that I YHVH GOD AM the Only and True GOD… who is a Saviour to you, o Israel, for I AM your GOD and LORD and Saviour. I AM. I AM the Great Warrior against all your enemies, o Israel. I AM.

Prophecy 04.11.2019. Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt NL. EU.

God speaks again to the nations : Hear, ye nations….

This says GOD YHWH to the nations :

Hear, ye nations, I AM still speaking to you. Although many of you are not really interested in Me nor in My Son, We still try to reach out for you to save many of you, if you were willing to listen to Us and Our holy words/gospel/good news. I AM. We are the Gods of creation : YHWH-Elochim. We are the Ones, who were/are from eternity to eternity… and We don’t change. I AM. Many of you heard Our voice, while listening to Our words in churches or while reading holy scriptures or being evangelized or while listening to testimonies of Our saints or while listening to holy songs, concerning Our Being and powers and glory and work of salvation on the cross or eternal Reign and judgement. I AM. Many were sometimes touched by My Spirit in their heart and got emotional while listening to Our words/songs. I AM. But many of you didn’t accept Our holy message to you, but were willing to love the world and its temporary lusts and money and power or influence or godlessness and even luciferianism/satan-worship or demon-worship more than Our eternal saving and blessing truth. I AM. Soon We will make an end to all this evil idolatry, for We are the almighty GODS of creation and no-one else. We YHWH-Elochim, the Father YHWH, the Son YHWH saves the Anointed One/Yahushua Hamashiach Wamalech Hayehuddim/Jesus the Christ the King of the Jews… and Our Holy Ghost/Spirit/Dynamis/Holy Breath are One. WE will judge the living and the dead. WE are I AM.

Prophecy 04.11.2019. Received by the Candle.

Different judgements will come…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty Creator :

Hear, ye nations, I AM GOD and will bring fire of destruction to all who denied Me and My Son… and who had no knowledge about Us and Our holy gospel. Many rejected Our truth and chose for the lie. I AM. Many will be judged according to their works. I AM. Soon it will happen. For My holy heavenly armies/holy angels are ready to destroy the wicked on the earth, who were not willing to get to know Our heavenly gospel of salvation or who willingly chose for satan/lucifer and the demons and unclean spirits, which they served as their slaves. I AM. Many will fear and tremble in the near future, when My holy judgements will hit their lives or cities or regions or nations. I AM. For I AM the Holy GOD of creation and of My chosen nation of Israel. I AM. Many will be thrown into the kingdom of death/scheol/hades and will suffer there, while waiting for the last final judgement. I AM. Those whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb of GOD will be thrown into the second death, which is the lake of fire and of brimstone and sulfer. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Blessed are all who heard My voice in the preaching of the good news/gospel… and who repented… and who prepared themselves for eternity by means of faith in Me and My Christ Jesus… and in Our saving work, that We fulfilled on the wood/cross of Calvery for the sins of creation… to reconcile and justify and to forgive and sanctify all, who believe in Us… and Our holy work to save all who believe, by means of Our grace and love and truth. I YHVH GOD, the LORD GOD, AM.

Prophecy 30.10.2019. Received by The Candle.

Hear, o Israel, I AM your GOD.

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel in these last days :

Hear, o Israel, I AM your GOD. Hear, o Israel, I AM your GOD. Hear, o Israel, I AM your GOD. Trust Me more than the liars in your midst. I AM. For many of you were deceived to believe that the true Mashiach will come amoung you as a human being, who will reign on the throne of David. But I tell you that the true Mashiach will come from heaven. He is My glorified Son, who will come in My holy Glory and heavenly Power to the Mount of Olives at the East side of Jerusalem in Israel. I AM. Many of you expect a man with earthly power, but My holy Son, the Immanuel, the true son of King David, the True Mashiach, will come in heavenly glory and power and his name is Yeshua ha Mashiach. I, YHVH GOD, the Lord GOD, AM.

Prophecy 23.10.2019. Received by The Candle.

Word to Israel.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the nation of Israel :

Hear, o nation of Israel, I AM your GOD. Hear my words, I AM YOUR GOD. Return to Me and accept My holy Mashiach, whose name is Yeshua ha Mashiach, the Rabbi of Nazareth, born in Beth-Lechem Judea in Israel. His mother was a virgin, when she became pregnant by My holy Ghost who created My holy Mashiach in her womb. I AM.

Prophecy 20.10.2019. Received by The Candle.

O Israel… many of you are deceived.

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel :

Hear, o nation of Israel, I AM GOD. Your hearts have to be changed by My Spirit and truth concerning your eternal destiny. Many of you are godless. Many of you are even idolaters and many of you don’t know Me. I AM. Some of you are very dedicated towards “holy books” that I would not accept as being holy. For many of your Rabbi’s were not always inspired by My holy Ghost/Breath/Ruach, but by deceiving spirits of this world. Many of them even blasphemed My holy eternal truths concerning My beloved Son, the Mashiach, who was already amoung you in the past… and which is known to many of you as Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. Return to Me… and accept Him as the Lamb of God, who was slain for the sins of My people of Israel. The Innocent was judged by Me instead of the guilty. I AM. Accept that He was crucified for your transgressions of the Thora, so that He would die instead of you… and would be resurrected from the grave… and would appear to many of His followers… and would be taken up into heaven, so that He is now a High Priest in My holy Presence, who prays and interceeds for those who believe in Him… to their salvation. I AM.

Prophecy 15.10.2019. Recieved by The Candle.

To the Lobby-ists… and manipulators of this world.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Creation, to the Lobby-ists of this world :

Hear, ye manipulators of this world, I AM the GOD of righteousness and of judgement. I see and hear your ways of influencing politicians and people of power, but soon I will make an end to this. For soon I will bring judgement upon many nations, for I AM a holy GOD who hates evil… and hates it when the wealthy despise the poor and abuse them with their schemes and their greed and their multinational corporations, who want to destroy the sovereign nations or states and who try to create a worldwide monopoly, by which their wealth increases and their power… and by which they control nations and states as they want. Many of them will soon be powerless, when My holy wrath and vengeance suddenly will fall upon them. I YHVH GOD AM. Soon I will destroy the evildoers and wicked ones, who were not really willing to serve Me and My creation like I wanted them to do. I YHVH GOD, the LORD GOD, AM.

Prophecy 14.10. 2019. Received by The Candle.