
This says GOD YHVH to the endtime-churches of Christ Jesus :

Hear, ye endtime-churches of Christ Jesus, I YHVH AM your GOD and Father. I AM your LORD GOD, I AM the I AM. Many were seeking for the truth, but found lies, betrayal, greed and haughtiness amoung you. Many were dissapointed in you, therefore I will restore them in a way that only I can do. I AM.

Prophecy 25.06.2019. The Candle.

The everlasting Kingdom of GOD.

This says the GOD of creation :

I AM the I AM, the GOD of Israel and creation. Soon I will reveal Myself to creation in My holy Image/Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many will be amazed and shocked when they will see Him coming with the clouds of heaven. I AM. But I AM the GOD of revelation and of prophecy, who always revealed Myself to creation during all ages by means of My words, Spirit, Son or holy angels and saints to chosen ones, who I ordained to holy prophetic or apostolic holy ministries amoung the people during all ages. I AM. Their holy scriptures are amoung you according to the grace I gave/give to you. I AM. They all glorify Me and My holy Son and Our reign from eternity to eternity. I AM. Our Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom from eternity to eternity, for We were the Creators and Kings throughout all ages, although many denied this… and still people are denying this. We were amoung our chosen people of Israel in the past as We chose to be, according to our words and promisses. I AM. When We left them, than it was often to their chastisement or temporary judgement. I AM. But We will show to all that We are the YHVH-Elohim. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 23.06.2019.

God speaks to the United Nations and their leaders.

This says GOD to the United Nations ( UN ) :

“Hear, ye United Nations, I AM the GOD of creation. My holy name is YHVH-GOD, the GOD of Israel and creation, the GOD of the universes and of all the things in the visible and invisible material and spiritual worlds. I AM. No-one can blame Me for the evil that you did or will do, if you denied/deny My holy existence and universal Reign. I AM. Many of you despised/despise Me and My holy eternal values written in Holy scriptures of the Bible. Many of you were not willing to obey Me nor My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ nor Our Holy Words nor Gospel-teachings. Many of you chose godlessness or idolitry by even worshipping “gods” and “godesses”, who were/are in reality demons or satan and Lucifer or Baal/Bale or fallen angels. Your GOD is the Dragon/Satan/Lucifer/the old snake, the fallen one, because you loved/love Mammon/Gold/wealth/luxury, earthly power and sex and sexual abuse and manipulation more than Me… and My Holy Godly Eternal Righteousness. But soon I will make an end to this idolitry, when I will pour out My holy judgements upon you, for I AM a jealous GOD, who will not give His own honor to statues or images of “gods” and “godessess”, which were/are fallen angels or demons or images of people… who sinned against Me and My Son and Our Eternal Almighty Reign, by making themselves to “gods”, who despised Us… and deceived people, by turning them away from Us. I, YHVH-Elochim, AM. Many will die and will be thrown into eternal darkness… and will suffer in all eternity, after being judged in My holy Presence, unless… you repent and accept Us as the True GODS of creation : YHVH-Elochim. WE are : GOD the Father, The I AM YHVH, and the Son YHVH saves the Anointed One/Yahushua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… and the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit/Holy Breath of YHVH. Hear, ye nations, the time of My holy Judgement is very near. Prepare yourselves, ye leaders of the nations, and prepare the people of your own nation, for Our return to the earth is near. Soon, WE will come down from heaven with great Power and Authority and Glory to judge all nations and their leaders and inhabitants. I, YHVH GOD, AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH/YHWH, the GOD of creation and of all universal powers and of all powers of nature.

Prophecy 09.06.2019. Received by The Candle.

O, Jerusalem…

This says GOD to Jerusalem in Israel :

O Jerusalem, how often did I try to gather you under My holy Wings, but you didn’t want to come to Me. Now, hear Jerusalem, My holy Two Wittnesses will come very soon to you to demonstrate My holy powers… and power to judge… and to preach/prophecy to you concerning the Truth. Soon you will know who the True Messiah/Mashiach is. I YHVH GOD AM.

Prophecy 24.05.2019. Received by The Candle.

The two prophets at Jerusalem.

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel in this age :

Israel, You will hear that I will send two wittnesses/two Olivetrees/two prophets in these last days before the return of Mashiach from heaven. I AM. Many Don’t know this. They will have the same power as Moshe/Moses and Eliyah. I AM. Soon they will appear at Jerusalem in Israel. I AM. Many will hear their loud voices when they will proclaim the gospel in Gods power and authority for the nation of Israel and the other nations of the earth. I AM. Many will fear and tremble when they will punish the nations with judgements and plagues and powers. Many godless and wicked people will hate them. I AM. Many will start to seek Me and My Mashiach in honest prayer, because of their powerful testimony. I AM. But only the chosen ones will be heard and saved. I YHVH GOD AM.

Prophecy 21.05.2019. Received by The Candle.

The Two Olivetrees…

This says GOD YHVH the All-knowing GOD of Israel and creation :

I AM the Only One who is without sin. I AM. Soon I will send My Holy Two Olivetrees/Wittnesses/Prophets/Candles, who will testify and prophecise during 3,5 years in Israel at Jerusalem, who is also called in the heavens and on earth Sodom and Egypt. I AM. MANY OF ISRAEL AND THE NATIONS WILL SEE AND HEAR THEM AND THEIR MESSAGES and will fear them and their holy powers, for I will give them the powers which were also in Moshe/Moses and Eliyah. I AM.

Prophecy 19.05.2019. Received by The Candle.

I will bring disasters…

This says GOD YHVH the Almighty One of Israel :

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I YHVH AM GOD and I will bring disasters upon the nations who rejected Me and My Son Y.H.W.H. and My holy gospel… and who were willing to destroy Israel and the true saints and chosen ones out of Israel, the nations and christianity. I AM. My holy word will be fulfilled… and the holy prophets and apostles and the holy angels/messengers from heaven and their messages/words/promisses will be fulfilled. I AM. Soon the time will come that I will go into judgement with the EU and The USA and the UN and with many nations and tribes of the earth. I AM. Reason : Their godless attitude and wickedness. I AM. For many despised Me and My Son and were willing to sacrifice little children to Baal. I AM. Many sacrificed lives to this fallen angel. I AM. Therefore I will consume them with fire on My day of judgement. I AM.

Prophecy 19.05.2019. Received by The Candle.

God heals and restores…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One :

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth : I YHVH GOD AM the GOD on the Throne in heaven. I AM. I AM also near those who are broken in their heart and depressed in their spirit. I AM. I AM the GOD who heals and gives new hope and new life. I AM. Many, in creation, were lifted up by My Love and Spirit and truth and holy eternal promisses. I AM. Many were raised up as children of Me, although they were My enemies in their sinful nature, but I was willing to reveal My love and goodness and grace to them in forgiving them… and in restoring them, so that they would become My beloved children, sons and daughters. I AM. Come to Me, ye nations and tribes, come… and accept My True Heavenly Love in your personal lives. I AM.

Prophecy 14.05.2019. Received by The Candle.