God calls all again…

This says GOD YHVH to the nations and tribes of the earth in these last days before the Rapture of the True saints/believers/christians :

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, soon I will accept that people will be caught up into heaven/the sky, so that they will be united with christ Jesus, their Lord and God and Saviour. Amen. I AM. Many will be astonished and in shock and fearfull and in great awe and panic when it happens, for many thought that it was just a “joke” of “mad” and “religious fools”, as they often called them. Many will be scared to death by what they will see and experience in that day and that hour… that it will happen. I AM. Now, in these last days, I call all again to repent… and to call on My name and the name of My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesus the Christ to be saved. I AM. Allow Us to lead and guide you into all truth to save your precious souls for eternity. I YHVH GOD AM. Read the bible and follow bible-studies and allow us to renew your ways of thinking and speaking and acting in faith, that We will save you for eternity, because of the redemptive and reconciling and justifying work of Us IN Christ Jesus and His blood on the cross. I AM. Allow Us to baptize you in water and Spirit of GOD, so that you will be added unto the saints, that will be caught up in heaven… to be with Us in all eternity… and that will reign with Us in the Kingdom of GOD. I YHVH GOD AM.

Prophecy 09.05.2019. Received by The Candle.

Word to the nations of the earth.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel according to the Spirit of GOD :

Hear, ye nations of the earth, I AM GOD, your Ruler and Lord… and King above all kings IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. Many seek Me to get their selfish desires or wishes fulfilled. But not many are really willing to submit to My holy authority in creation. I AM. Therefore I will send My holy messengers to you to eradicate your lies and selfishness by revealing them to you and others, when you are not willing to confess them as sin. I AM. Many heard My voice to their conciousness, but rejected or denied her. Still I AM trying to get your attention in different ways, but many of you were/are hardened towards Me and My holy Son and Our Spirit and Our words/revelations/prophecies. I AM. Therefore I will bring judgement upon you according to My former holy words and prophetic utterances and revelations and holy scriptures. I AM. MY holiness will bring holy fire amoung you, so that you will experience that WE ARE. I AM.

Prophecy 17.02.2019. Received by The Candle.

How God looks at things.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel and creation :

Many seek Me, but are not willing to change their way of life… untill I lead them to repentance by My love and grace and truth in the power of My Holy Ghost. I AM. Many are worshippers of demons, willingly or unwillingly, knowing or unknowing. Still I AM calling all to repent and allow Me to change their ways of thinking, speaking and actions. I AM. Many worshippers of Me are not holy, but rather unholy and often stubborn or little of faith and even sometimes idolaters. I AM. Still I AM patient, for I don’t want them to go lost for all eternity. I AM. Many churchleaders are even often unfaithfull or even idolaters or often under the guidance of spirits that are even enemies of the cross and enemies of My true gospel. I AM. Therefore I will reveal Myself in revelations and prophecies in these days to restore My true gospel. I AM. Many are seeking for the real truth and true orginal gospel when I activate them to do so. I AM. Many are caught up in the desires of the world and flesh and worried about their financial future and trust more in worldly regulations and worldly assurances and policies than that they really trust in Me as their Sustainer and Provider in all circumstances. I AM. People should trust Me and My holy words and promisses and My Almighty power more than what their eyes see. I AM the Invisible GOD who is Spirit/Ghost and who reveals himself in many ways in creation to mankind. I AM the Almighty One, El Shaddai. I AM.

Prophecy 02.04.2019. By The Candle.

The GOD of revenge…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel :

Soon I will punish all nations who try to devour Israel. I AM. Many nations are not willing to accept My holy plan with Israel and the Jews. Therefore I will take revenge. For I AM GOD and not a sinful human being. I AM the Holy One of Israel. I AM the GOD who is a consuming fire to those who deny My holy Being and will… and Gospel and Holy plan with Israel. I AM. Be aware, that I AM the GOD who destroyed in the past millions of people who were willing to destroy Israel. I AM.

Prophecy 21.03.2019. by The Candle.

The return of Mashiach…

This says GOD YHVH :

Hear, ye people of Israel, in these last days before the return of the Mashiach from heaven :

Soon I will exalt and glorify My holy name amoung all nations of the earth by means of the appearance of My holy Mashiach, who will come down from heaven to the Mount of Olives at the East-side of Jerusalem in Israel, where He also was taken up into heaven, before the eyes of His followers… after those days when He appeared as the Rabbi of Nazareth… after the preparing work of the prophet Jochannan, who was priest of the order of Abia. I, adonai YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 17.03.2019. by The Candle.

Two Candles in Jerusalem.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel, to the nations and tribes of the earth :

Hear, ye people, soon I will come with vengeance, for vengeance is Mine, I AM. Many sinned and sin against My holy nation of Israel, which exists out of elected Israelites and Jews out of the twelve tribes of Israel. I AM. Many inhabitants of the state/land of Israel are unholy… and if they don’t repent I will bring judgement upon them. Soon I will send two prophets to Jerusalem, who will call all to repentance… and will reveal My heavenly holy powers to judge nations in performing powers in My holy almighty Spirit. I AM. Many will fear, when they will see their godly powers and what they will work out in creation. For I AM GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, who can save or destroy. I AM.

Prophecy 07.03.2019. The Candle.

Rebellious mankind…vs…revealing GOD.

This says GOD :

In these days I will exalt My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach, Jesus the Christ. I AM. For many proclaim that they are gods and godesses… and even when they deny this, they still behave like this, by deceiving one-another in denying My holy Existence and Son and Spirit and words and holy Gospel-truth. I AM. Many will go lost for eternity, when they chose/choose for iniquity, evil and godlessness and fury and wrath and anger and agression and an envious attitude towards Me and My Son and Our Spirit of righteousnes and truth and of judgement and mercy. For I AM the Unchanging GOD of creation. No-one can blame Me for the evil that people do, for they have all their “own will” to serve Me or to deny and rebel against Us… and our holy eternal Reign. I AM. Many will fall into the hands of the Living GOD, who I AM, and will be consumed by My holy fire of judgement, unless they repent and turn back to Me and My Son and Our Holy Gospel and Our Holy Temple. I AM. Our Holy Temple is existing out of living stones, which are the True saints on earth, who trust and obey Us… according to Our grace, poured out upon them and into them, by Our Life-giving holy Spirit. I AM. Many don’t know the Holy Spirit nor His hidden work in the hearts or minds in My holy saints and in the lives of those that We prepare for eternal glory. I AM. Many are not aware that I, YHVH GOD, AM amoung them by My Ghost and Powerfull Spirits/angels, who serve Me and My Son and Our holy Temple or gatherings of saints IN Christ Jesus name. I AM. The mindset of many people is just focussed on earthly things like sex, drugs, pleasures, wealth, luxury, ambition, money, influence, power, religion, philosophy, tradition, cultural things and occultism and even satanism… and different political and socialistic or communistic or marxistic and other “social” or “kapitalistic” views and systems and global items, who almost all deny Us and deny Our heavenly eternal values and truth and power and eternal glory. Therefore they are all on the broad-way to eternal punishment and destruction, unless We reveal Ourselves to them… and lead them to repentance, by Means of Our revelations and prophecies or apostle-teachings and holy words or visitations from heaven by means of Our own appearances or of Our holy angels, with messages from Our heavenly throne. I AM.

Prophecy 17.02.2019.The Candle.

GOD is gracious.

This says GOD YHVH :

I AM GOD, the Creator of all existing things. I AM. Many don’t acknowledge this, so they err in their understanding of things going on. Many are not willing to acknowledge My Being and Reigning in the universes. I AM. Still I AM GOD and in control, although many think that satan/lucifer has all powers. But they are blinded and hardened by his schemes. I AM. Many will go lost for eternity, if they don’t turn around. I AM. Many are already My beloved children IN Christ Jesus on earth and in heaven, but are often neglected, despised or even called “insane” etc. Still I AM their GOD and Father and the GOD and Father of creation, which is the work of My Hands and My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesus the Christ. I AM. For He and I and Our Spirit/Ghost/Pneuma/Breath are One. We are YHVH-Elochim, the YHVH-Gods above all other gods and godesses in creation. We are the Almighty Ones and no-one else. We chose and choose whomever We want to serve Us in the positions and tasks We have prepared for them to do. I AM. Many deny Our power in this, but We wove them in the wombs of their mothers according to Our holy will and plan with/for them… and within creation. I AM. Soon We will be exalted by Our complete creation, when Our words and plan are fulfilled. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 10.02.2019. by The Candle.