Messenger of GOD adresses by video the worldleaders…
The Way to Heaven… ( CLIP )
Actuele profetie van God… ( Dutch.NL.)
GOD speaks to the prophet of the Endtime…
GOD adresses the nations… of the United Nations… 17.05.2024.
This says GOD to the nations of the United Nations :
“You heard about Me. You knew/know about My existence. Still many of you deny Me in your intensions, words and works.
Repent, otherwise I will show My powers and authority and My works in a way that you never experienced before… by which you will fear Me more than anything else in creation. I AM.
For I AM the GOD who rewards all who are doing good in doing My will… and who were or are asking for My will… and are willing to ask Me for guidance in what decisions to take and what to do. I AM.
Many of you were or are Luciferians/Satanists and did or are doing cruel things. If you do not quit with your evil and wickedness… I will completely destroy you on the day of My holy Wrath and Vengeance. I AM. Very soon I will completely destroy all the powers that were/are in charge, that were/are not willing to quit with evil or wickedness and that loved/love or served/serve Satan/Lucifer more than Me. I AM.
I AM GOD and I AM the Creator of all universes that ever were/are… or will be. I AM. I created them… and or create them… and I can destroy them and start again. For all that you ever saw or will see is My work. For I AM the Almighty ONE, who was, is… and always will be the Same. I AM. Woe to those who were/are/remain stubborn like goats. I will judge them and destroy them and will give them over into eternal fire. I AM. You were/are warned by many words and witnesses worldwide in the centuries… and are now again warned by this holy prophecy/these holy words, that are going out of My Holy Mouth to all of you worldwide/all over the surface of the earth. I AM.
Soon , yes very , very, very soon… things will change very quick… in a way you never saw coming/expected to be. For I AM the One who reigns in all of creation, according to My holy will and holy plan and holy Heavenly Order, which is totally different from your Satanic/Luciferian “new-world-order”. I AM.” ;
Says the almighty GOD of all universes, that He called/calls into existence by His almighty creating Voice/Words/Logos… in the powers of His almighty Ghost-Being and IN and through His Beloved and Glorified and Exalted Almighty Son and Image : Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus The Christ, The Living Son of GOD,
who is the Radiance of His Glory, The Expression of His Being… and the Carrier of the powers of His almighty creating and life-giving and sustaining and providing and giving and/or destroying powers… Who was, is… and always will be the Great I AM YHWH-/ YHVH-Elohim, who created the heavens and the earth and all in it… and mankind… and is The Savior of all who regret and confess their evil/sins and turn away from their evil way of life… and are willing to learn… and to be changed to their eternal salvation by God’s Giving Goodness/Grace and Love and Mercy and Truth and Powerful Holy Ghost and Their Eternal Gospel/Good News… concerning salvation IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua HaMashiach and His reconciling Blood… and who follow Him till the end… to end in Eternal Glory with Him and all true saints.
“Amen. Hallelu-YHWH.” ; Says the Spirit of GOD.
Message by :
The Wind 7 / Jean ( = Jochanan/John) Martin Peter Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. Messenger of GOD in these last days.
Where are you standing on…? (CLIP)
CLIP created by Jean Schoonbroodt with Microsoft visible on
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