Do not judge… For THE JUDGE is standing before / in front of your door…
Believer and Doer…
Jezus Christus spreekt… ( Dutch.NL.)
Profetie door een getuige van Jezus de Christus. D.d. 17.03. 2024.
Enjoy HIM… CLIP – made with Clipchamp.mp4
Jezebels… and Nicolaites… in the gatherings/churches…
Jezebels and Nicolaites, women and men, lead by another spirit or spirits,
but not lead by the Spirit of GOD or of Jesus the Christ, the holy Ghost.
They even resist the holy Ghost and His leading.
Or resist or deny ministries and charisma’s, worried that they might loose
their total control.
They deny or twist the facts of this Endtime… and even use sorcery and false prophecies,
false revelations and manipulation… to get and keep power.
They confuse people… and cause strive and envy… to get or keep or stay in control.
This says GOD :
“Jezebels and Nicolaites were/are ruling many households of GOD.
Many turn their hearts to them, for they are very intelligent and want to rule over the men of God. Their pride and selfishness is intolerant towards true prophetical gifted men of GOD… or towards the true prophets, seeers and revelators and true apostles of the endtime. Many hear their yelling or screaming towards them when they are furious… when they get not the attention or adoration or the admiration that they need or should have according to their high self-esteem. They think that their “morals” have to be obeyed by all that they want to command… or command… while being intolerant and not willing to submit to the true faithfull humble servants of God. They often play the submissive role, but are in reality like snakes/vipers. They observe their prey and wait till they can suddenly attack and inject their vomine… and or strangle or kill or destroy the other ones in a spiritual sense… by giving false prophecies or teachings… and/or they have their own gods or godesses or idols… or themselves as the goddess/god, that all should worship/adore/admire or obey. I AM. Many men were caught in their spiders-web of intriges and sexuality and sensuality to their own destruction and misery and even falling away from the eternal truth of the real Good News. They despise other Jezebels and Nicolaites or other people… if they do not agree with their “vision”, for they recognize one-another immediatly and are always compatitive… and in a position of strive, envy… and slander about one-another and other people… and/or despise all who oppose them or are not a part of their group/ or order. For each one of them always wants to rule and reign and to be the center of all attention among people. They are very ambitious and often call themselves “superior” to other people and “better and more wise or intelligent” than other people. They are very good in immitation of men or women of God… and are always trying to get them under their feet. They want to be the princes or princesses of adoration and admiration and want to conquer this world and the true holy people of GOD, while pretending to be the most holy ones and the most precious persons on earth or in the churches. They will get involved in leadership, if the gatherings of saints are not willing to listen to My holy Voice and warnings by My holy Ghost to not accept them in a leadership-function. I AM.
Many Jezebels took often over churches by their husbands, that they influenced and manipulated to do their will…
while being disobedient to the true Good News / Gospel of salvation and the true apostle-teachings. Their ambition is so strong, that they are even willing to take over a complete church/gathering, to rule over them, just like also the Nicolaites were/are doing in the past and the presence. They hate every person, that reveals their evil attitude and are even willing to kill or to destroy them by their evil schemes… and their hearts are full of hate and bitterness when they do not get their satisfaction. Many of them are capable to do things… to get their “rights” … that can even destroy a complete gathering or church or their by My holy Ghost appointed, with holy Ghost filled, leaders/humble servants, if I will not chastise and beat them with My holy rod of judgments, like you also can read in the scroll of the Apocalypse/ The Book of Revelation. I AM. Many Jezebels were beaten by Me , because often leading brothers were not capable or willing to resist them… or were intimidated or afraid or even cowards. I hate cowards. Therefore : Resist Nicolaites and Jezebels in your gatherings, if they show up… or are revealed to you as Nicolaites or Jezebels. Confront them with who they are in My holy eyes. I AM. The word/name Nicolaites means translated : Those who want to overrule the people of GOD, while denying My Reign in the gatherings by My holy Ghost. My holy Ghost wants to rule the gatherings. If people resist My holy Ghost and His leading in their own lives… and also in the gatherings, than they will become a sect/cult or a church of mankind, but not a true gathering of true saints. For their worldly way of ambition and knowledge and management will surpress the workings and leading of My holy Ghost… and by this they become anti-christs or anti- anointed ones. The anointing stands for the holy Ghost given by Me and My holy Son. Read : John 3 +14-17. and Acts 1+2. and Romans 8. and 1 Cor.3+4+12-14. and 2 Cor.3. and 1 John 2 ; 27. I AM.
They, the Nicolaites and Jezebels, want that people bow before them…
and erase the true worship of Me and My holy Son Jesus The Christ/ Yeshua HaMashiach in holy Ghost and Truth of Our holy Words… and will become a “social/humanitarian church”, without the power of My holy almighty Ghost. They will even become a church of Satan/Lucifer and will belong to … or be a part of the Whore Babylon. Many churches were infiltrated by Nicolaites and Jezebels… and changed/twisted the Gospel into a false gospel… by adding false teachings or taking or leaving away holy scrolls or words of God or explaining the holy scriptures in favor of themselves… to get or keep total controle over “their flock” … and to use and abuse them to satisfy their own self-esteem/selfishness and ambition, pride or even material wealth and sexual abuse and rape and power-position and even national or international fame as being “men or women of God”, while denying the True Holiness and holy power of Me and My holy Son and Our holy Ghost and 7-folded ministries… and 7-folded holy charisma’s/gifts of grace of Our holy Ghost… to build the True Church / Body of Christ Jesus/ holy Gatherings of Our holy chosen ones. I AM. Many of these deceivers/seducers/manipulators were and will be destroyed in My holy and due time for them, when they were/are complete ripe for judgment… and were/are/remained not willing to repent from their godless and evil and wicked lawless ways. I AM. For I and My holy Ghost and My holy Son and Our holy Words and the True Body and True Bride of Christ Jesus / Mashiach Jahshua are ONE. I AM.” ;
Says The Almighty GOD and Father of creation… and of Jesus The Christ and His True Body and Bride… and of Israel : YHVH-Elohim.
Words by : The Voice in The Wind of Holy Breath/ Holy Ghost of GOD / J.M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.