Concerning The Beasts and their deception to eternal suffering…
De porno-wereld… ( Dutch. NL.)
GOD spreekt… aangaande deze eindtijd… ( Dutch.NL.)
GOD again to the churches of this endtime…
This says GOD to the churches of this endtime :
“Hear, ye churches of this endtime, You heard My Voice by My Holy Ghost speaking to your hearts and by My/His words, revelations, prophecies and holy scriptures and by those who were/are servants of the holy Spirit of Me, the GOD of Israel and creation. I AM. Although I often spoke to you and warned you not to be partakers of evil.. still many of you returned often to the evil that I set them free from… and by this again crucified Me, the Son of GOD, Y.H.W.H., Yeshua HaMashiach Wamalech HaYehuddim = Jesus the Christ The King of the Jews, also called in his days in Israel among the Jews : Yeshua of Nazareth, the Rabbi of Nazareth ; “the son of an adulterous woman”, although My mother Miriam/Mary was a virgin when she was visited by Our holy angel Gabriel, who announced to her that she was chosen to become the mother of the Son of GOD, who would become the Savior of Israel for He would save them from their sin. For the power of the Almighty One would cover her… and the holy child that would be created in her womb would be called the Son of GOD. And now listen, ye churches of this endtime, I AM your GOD and Father as long as you remain in Me and My Son and Our Holy Ghost and words… and you are faithfull to the True GOD of creation, who I AM and always will be. I AM. For We are One with all who are chosen and loved by Us with Eternal Love. I AM. Many left Us and became even enemies of the cross. I AM. Let all… who really love Us… pick up their own cross and deny themselves every day. I AM. My Son became a vagabound. He and His disciples left all to inherit the Kingdom of GOD… and travelled around. For Our Kingdom is not of this temporary evil and wicked world that lusts for temporary satisfaction of the lusts and desires of the flesh and the Mammon, while being enemies of Us and Our holy heavenly righteousness. Many are caught in the worries and anxienties of this world… and in doing so and being so… they have no ears anymore to hear Our Voice to their hearts and by this The Good Seed of Our LIFE-Giving Words can not grow in their hearts. They surpress it. And in doing and being and speaking and being more concerned about the worries of life… than about the Eternal Values of Us and Our Eternal Glory and Righteousness of Our Everlasting Kingdom… they are on the Broad Road to eternal suffering. I AM. Alas… Although We tried to reach out for them, they were not willing to stick to Our Words… nor to take heed not to despise nor to neglect it. I AM. Only those who really were/are/remain wide and open and were/are/remain prepared to receive Our Good Seed will bear good fruit. I AM. Blessed are all who fight the Good Fight of True Faith in Us and Our Eternal words and promisses and work of Salvation and reconciliation and sanctification and justification and completion IN Christ Jesus and His Blood and Words and Holy Ghost and grace and love and truth. Amen. I AM.” ;
Says the Almighty One of creation, the great “I AM”,
who spoke to Mozes… the man of GOD… who delivered Israel out of the slavery to the Pharao of Egypt and led them to the promissed land under GOD’s Hand.
Message by The Voice in The Wind of GOD’ Spirit / The Candle.