God kondigt aan…

GOD spreekt…

Dit zegt GOD :

“Zie, IK keer spoedig terug naar de aarde in Mijn Beeld/Zoon Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesous Christos/Jezus De Christus, het vleesgeworden woord van GOD, de Logos, die de uitstraling is van Mijn heerlijkheid, de afdruk van Mijn wezen en de drager van de woorden van Mijn almachtskrachten. IK BEN.” ;

Spreekt de HERE YHWH,

de Almachtige, de Heerser en Koning der tijdperken/eeuwen, de Alpha en de Omega, de Eerste en de Laatste.


Ontvangen door de Stem in de Wind.

GOD speaks to Israel… in these days of tensions and war.

This says GOD YHWH to Israel in these days of tensions and war :

“Hear, o Israel, in your midst are chosen ones, a remnant that I will protect against the enemies. Not all Israelites are real Israelites, but only those who are born again out of water and Spirit of GOD. I AM. They walk according to the Spirit of GOD and His leading and do My works among the people and nations. I AM. They are the True Israel of GOD. I AM. I spoke and revealed Myself to Moses, the man of GOD, that I sent to Egypt to deliver Israel out of the power of Pharao of Egypt. I AM.” ;

Says The Almighty One of Israel, YHWH-Elohim, the Elohim above all elohim, the Only True GOD of the heavens and the earth, the Great “I AM”.

Prophecy by The Candle /Menorah / The Voice in The Wind.



GOD speaks to the nations in 2023 and 2024.

This says GOD to the nations in 2023 and 2024 :


“You were very anxious about what would or will happen. But I tell you : Fear Me and quit with your godless lifestyle and with your evil and wickedness… otherwise I will pour out further judgments upon you. I AM. For I AM the Holy GOD of the True Israel… according to the Spirit of GOD living in obedience to Me and My Good News… among all bad news. I AM. For I AM the True GOD of creation… and I will not spare you, if you remain stubborn towards My holy call and holy prophecies. I AM. Blessed are all who know Me as I AM in reality… and who acknowledge Me in/on all their ways, while being led by My Holy Ghost and/or holy angels. I AM. Woe to all who remain stubborn and were/are not willing to learn from Me and My Holy Son Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesous Christos / Jesus The Christ. I AM. For We will judge the living and the dead by Our Holy Words on Our Day for them. I AM. Glory, Glory, Glory in all eternity to those who believe, trust and obey and follow Us till the end. I AM.” ;

Says The Almighty One of creation, the great “I AM”, who spoke to Moses… the man of GOD.

Prophecy by The Wind of GOD’s Breath.   13.11.2023.