Message by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL.
Message by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL.
Message by Jean Schoonbroodt by God’s Grace/Giving Goodness.
This says GOD YHVH to Israel and the nations :
‘Hear, o Israel and ye nations, I AM GOD and will bring heavy weather upon you. For My holy wrath and vengeance will be poured out upon you in future days, because of your unwillingness to repent and to allow Me to lead you to the Door of salvation. I AM. Many of you heard the message, concerning My holy work among the Israelites in the past, but still refused to accept her to be saved by My Grace and love and truth in the Good News/Gospel of salvation IN Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many started with Us… but left Us during tests of lives. I AM. Soon I will reveal My power and glory IN Christ/Mashiach, when He will return from heaven in My glorious power and Majesty. I AM. Prepare My way… by taking out of the way all the things that I hate and that I showed/show you by My holy Ghost and words of God… and accept My holy Reign in your own lives… and follow the Perfect One, Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus the Christ, and His faithfull followers/disciples. I AM. They all picked up their cross and denied themselves every day… and left all they had to follow Me in Him and Him in Me, for We are One. Blessed are all who really leave the Whore Babylon and the Beast. I AM.’ ; …
Says the LORD GOD Almighty, The great ‘I AM’, who was, is… and always will be.
The Voice in The Wind of Holy Breath/Ruach Hakodesh of GOD.
Prophecy 02.07.2023.
Boodschap in God’s genade d.d. 18.06.2023.
Door Jean Schoonbroodt.NL.
17.06.2023. by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL.