Message by The Voice in The Wind of Holy Ghost/The Candle.
Message of 10.06.2023. Posted on 12.06.2023.
Message by The Voice in The Wind of Holy Ghost/The Candle.
Message of 10.06.2023. Posted on 12.06.2023.
WORDS OF GOD/ prophecy… to all who have ears to hear…
and eyes to see and to read…
and spirit/mind and heart to understand…
— Jean Schoonbroodt (@jmpschoonbroodt) June 3, 2023
This says GOD YHWH… to Israel and the nations and tribes of the earth :
‘Hear, ye Israelites and nations and tribes of the earth, I AM YHWH-GOD, The GOD of the heavens and the earth. I AM the Almighty One of creation. For I AM the Creator of all visible and invisible realms/dimensions/worlds/universes/or the by Me called into existence ones. I AM. No-One was before Me… and No-one will be after Me that has all powers and authority in the heavens and in the earth like I AM. I AM the One and Only True GOD that was, is… and always will be. You are My creation… and not I yours. I AM. New Ages and New Waves of this world were always a deceit for those who denied Me and My existence and My Reign in creation throughout all ages. I AM. New Orders or World-Orders were always a test to mankind to reveal who the real sons of GOD were/are… and who were/are not. I AM. Your New World-Order-Whore Babylon and Beast-system/order is nothing but a veil, that covers the eyes and ears and hearts and minds and spirits and understanding, by the deceit and betrayal of mankind by Satan and his fallen angels and the evildoers and wicked and deceived and seduced and captured ones of his evil systems. I AM. Now, in these last days, I AM the Only One who can save you in and through My holy names and grace and love and truth IN Yeshua HaMashiach Wamalech HaYehuddim / Jesus The Christ The King of the Jews, My beloved Son and My Holy Image/Temple/Tabernacle and True Mashiach, who led down His precious life/soul/blood… and reconciled by his blood all, that was… is and will be in heaven and in the earth, to Me… as long as people are not willing to reject Him as the by Me ordained Heavenly Savior and Heavenly High Priest according to the Order of Melchisedek/King of Heavenly Righteousness, King of Shalom/Salem/Heavenly Peace. I AM. All New Ages/New World-Orders are just a temptation to all… to reveal who is willing to follow Me IN Christ Jesus / Yeshua HaMashiach, who is the Radiance of My Heavenly Eternal Glory, The Expression of My Heavenly Eternal Being and the Carrier/Bearer of My Holy Heavenly Almighty Powerfull Words… by which I created the heavens and the earth in six/6 days. I AM. He is My Holy Heavenly Eternal Temple/Tabernacle and Lampstand… by which I spoke and speak throughout all ages to all in creation… for He is THE WORD OF GOD that became flesh and blood and bones, The True Mashiach of The True Israel, that lived/will live according to Our Holy Ghost in faith and obedience towards Us and Our True Heavenly Eternal Kingdom and Our Heavenly Righteousness… as it has been revealed and taught and preached by our true witnesses and holy prophets/seeers/revelators and holy messengers/apostles, who were faithful towards Us and the Words and prophecies and revelations that we gave them to speak and write to Israel… and to all the people in creation throughout all ages of worldly Satanic/Luciferian deceit. For WE, the Elohim above all elohim/Gods above all gods, YHVH-Elohim / The Father “I AM YHVH-GOD”… and The Son Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesous Christos / YHVH saves The Anointed One… and the Ruach Hakodesh/ Holy Breath/ Holy Ghost, ARE ONE. “Hear o Israel, YHVH-Elohim, your GOD(s) is/are One'” … in unity, words, plans, Counsel, Reign and works of saving grace and judgments. I AM.’ ;
Says the Almighty One of creation, the Great “I AM” of all heavenly and universal powers… The True and Only GOD of the heavens and the earth.
Prophecy by : The Candle / The Voice in The Wind.
Received by Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. Vlijmen.
Message by God’s Giving Goodness by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL.