The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
Prophecy by : The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / JMP Schoonbroodt.NL.
This says GOD to the churchleaders… of the Whore Babylon-connected churches of the end-time :
“You are wellknown to many, but will soon be erased out of the Book of LIFE in heaven. I AM.”
Prophecy received by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel, the Great I AM, to the General of the Seven Stars, that are standing before My and His Throne :
“Hear, o General, soon I will sent you to clean the earth fom the evildoers and wicked people, who were not willing to acknowledge Me and you as the Commanders in Chief of all universal powers. OUR UNIVERSAL HIGH COMMAND of the YHVH-ELOHIM FORCES will soon interupt the things that are going on in the earth. I AM. No-one will know the moment that We will come down from the heaven to make an end to this Beast-system and the Whore Babylon. I AM. Our soldiers, who are undercover on earth and investigate all… and who are active wherever We command them it to be, will soon be revealed to this temporary evil and wicked last kingdom of the world. They will confront them with the truth and facts, that they will not be capable to resist. Our enemies will even be judged by them and their words. For Our Command-structure is invincible and invisible, unless We will reveal Us as the Ones We are. I AM. No-one in this cosmos has more power and authority than We have. Soon all will know and experience it, for WE are faithfull and will do what We announced… and will announce by Our words, that We send/sent to those… that We chose to be Our ambassadors or soldiers and co-workers in the universe and in the earth. I AM” ; Says the GOD of the universe.
Message to the Universal 7-Stars General of the HIGH COMMAND of the Universal YHVH-ELOHIM FORCES : Y.H.W.H.
Received 09.07.2022.
By the Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
In deze video heb ik me in een tekst vergist. Ik noemde dat er een deur in de hemel open ging voor de apostel Johoannes “…In Openbaring hoofdstuk 3.” Dit is fout ! De Deur ging open in Opb. 4 ; 1.
Mijn advies aan allen, die mijn website bezoeken of prediking of profetie :
1 Thess 5 ; 18-24. Speciaal ook : TOETS ALLES… en HET GOEDE/BESTE BEWAAR.
( Dutch.NL.)
Jean Schoonbroodt.NL.
This says GOD YHWH :
“Hear, o Spiritual Israel, I know you all from before foundation of creation. I AM. Your names are written in the Book of Life of The Lamb of GOD. I AM your Shepherd and Savior and Restorer in Love and grace and truth according to My holy prophecies and revelations. I AM. I AM Gathering you all out of the nations to My holy name in Israel. I AM. For the days are near that I will save My remnant from the Beast and the Whore Babylon and the false prophet/anti-christo/anti-christ/other christ/other anointed one, who is the deceiver of all nations by his Mammon-love and system and www.-system, the anti-God/anti-christ Spiders web. Many were/are deceived by her sorcery and pharma-keia and denied My power and reign. They even tried and try by their evil and wicked cults/secret societies of Satan/ Lucifer to completely erase all that is good, holy or righteouss according to My holy words. I AM. They even harm the unborn babies and babies and little children to do Me as much pain as possible. For they know that little children are the most precious in My holy eyes. But soon I will show them all My grace in a way they never expected. For their evil and wickedness and cruelty is only because Satan/ Lucifer forces them to do so. They are slaves to the Evil One. They are even not capable to get out his powers and horror-activities. I AM. Unless I will lead them out of their cults, there will be no hope for them… but the expectation of an eternal suffering in flames of fire and brimstone. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHWH, the Almighty One of creation, the GOD of Israel.
Prophecy 26.06.2022.
The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
“Ga uit van het Beest.”; Spreekt de Almachtige, de GOD van de hemel en de aarde, de GOD van het Ware Gelovige en Gehoorzame Israël, dat naar de Geest van GOD leeft, de IK BEN, die tot Mozes sprak.
Profetie d.d. 25.06.2022.
De Stem in de Wind / De Kandelaar.
“Sehet, höret und verstehet, ICH habe euch lange genug ertragen. Jetzt aber bringe ICH Mein Zorn-Gericht über euch und eure Habe. ICH BIN.” ; Spricht der Hoch-Erhabene der ganzen Schöpfung, YHWH-Elohim. “Amen”, spricht der GEIST GOTTES.
Weissagung am 25.06.2022.
The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / The Menorah.