Boodschap door Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
Boodschap door Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel that lives according to the Spirit of GOD created in Yeshua haMashiach’s Spirit and words of God :
“You are chosen as My holy Testimony amoung the nations and tribes of the earth. I AM. Many of you were not good, but I chose them/you to become sons and daughters of Me, The Living GOD and Father of creation. I AM. My holy Mashiach was already amoung you in the past as the rabbi of Nazareth, born at Bethlechem Judea in Israel in the City of King David. I AM. Many of you were not willing to follow Him. I AM. Still I called you by the preaching and teaching of My holy Good News, so that you would be saved by Our grace and love and truth and work of salvation, that was fulfilled in My holy Eyes already from before foundation of creation… according to My holy plan to save you, if you believe and remain in the faith in Me and My Son and Our holy plan to save you… and many other people for all eternity. I AM.”
Prophecy to the remnant of the Spiritual Israel.
Received by The Candle / The Menorah / The Voice in The Wind of the Holy Breath / Ruach Hakodesh… of GOD.
Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
This says GOD to the YeHoVaH-Wittnesses :
“Hear, My beloved ones, your name is dishonored. Even My name, because of the works of the flesh in your midst… and the evil that happened by the unfaithfull and those who fell away from Me and My beloved glorified Son Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesus the Christ / Jesous Christos. I AM. Soon I will return with wrath and vengeance to the earth… to destroy the Beast and its Beast- Mammon-666-system. I AM. Revelation is being fulfilled throughout the ages… and you are now in Revelation 13, which is already being fulfilled since 1950. Many were aware of it… and many not. Many kept it in secret/hidden, the knowledge about this reality and fact in those days… and since those days. Still there are christians who deny the truth concerning this evil and wicked reality. They do as if the book of Revelation chapters 4 -19 are still in the future… during the last seven ( 7) years before My return from Heaven to Jerusalem in Israel to save the remnant of Israel. They all err… but many of them are not willing to face this fact. So they keep it secret. They preach about all things according to the knowledge that was taught them in their theology or theological seminaries of faculties or universities or denominational gatherings. They deny the existence of true apostles and prophets and revelators and seeers and many workings and ministries of My Holy Ghost and His Giving of charisma’s to the True Members of the Body of Christ Jesus in creation… and in the Temple of the Living GOD/ Ecclesia. I AM. Many are concerned about many things, but do not acknowledge that they are caught in the Spiders Web. And if they do… than they often are not willing to preach and teach it… nor willing to get out of it… because they love their money and bank-account and wealth and luxury and earthly treasures more than Me and My Holy Son and Our Glorious Truth and True Gospel. Many are so little of faith and so caught in the www.-internet-of-all-things- Beast-Mammon-system, that they can not get out of it anymore. Many are so dedicated in working for and with and in money and its International Banking-system connected to/with /in 666 and the false prophet and His anti-christ name/title of his function and its number, that they are blinded by his schemes and can not recognize him anymore, while serving him in his created web and system, that is envious towards My Heavenly Glorious Eternal Kingdom and Our righteousness. My beloved Son said : “First seek the Kingdom of GOD and its righteousness… and all other things will be added unto you.” He also said to Pontius Pilate : ” My Kingdom is not of this world/kosmoia …” Although He travelled around and had no pillow to lay His head on… still christianity in these days is almost continually seeking earthly treasures and wealth and the riches of the earth… and are not really gathering treasures in heaven. Many are not willing to pick up their own cross to follow My beloved Son and the true men and women of faith…. as mentioned in Hebrew 11. Many are luke-warm and call it even “The true way of life in following My holy Son Yeshua/ Jesjoea/ Jesous/ Jesus “. Many were/are spiritually deceived and seduced and abused and raped by their imperious men and women, Nicolaites/Rulers and Jezebels, and their false teachings and evil schemes and false teachings, that they even called “prophecies” or even “prophetic inspired”, although they resisted Us… and tried even to throw out true prophets and seeers and revelators and apostles and by Holy Ghost inspired dreams and visions, calling them liars/deceivers and false ones and even led by Satan.. or inspired by the flesh or works of the flesh. Many Holy ministries and charisma’s of My Holy Ghost were rejected by them as being not neccessary anymore, for they had/have the bible, although they themselves did not really understand or even falsified texts, according to their false church and their false religion or their education by the ministers of the Whore Babylon… and their books of former “great theologians”, who often even did not knew the full Gospel of the holy scrolls and of the True holy Prophets and Apostles of Me and My Holy Son Jesus / Yeshua/ Jesous Christ / Mashiach / Christos, the Word of GOD/Logos that became flesh and blood. I AM. Now in these last days I will open the eyes and the ears to all who have still ears to hear and eyes to see reality like it is… and a heart to understand what really is going on among “christen-dominion” or the dominion of “anointed ones” in these days of seduction, deception, manipulation and schemes of those who are ” in charge ” of the churches of this Laodicea-endtime churches – mindset, who love Mammon, more than Me and My Holy Righteous Son. I AM. Woe to those who remain in their blindness and stubborness and are not willing to accept My holy Reign in Love and truth and holy righteousness according to the true LIFE that they could see and still can see in My beloved Son and His former holy followers/true disciples, who really travelled with Him and had just one focus… listening and practicing what they saw Him doing and speaking and teaching, while in all this glorifying Me and My love and grace and heavenly glorious care about lost souls/sinners… to save them from this evil/ wicked world and ist worldy lusts and evil desires and false argumentations and reasoning, to get the vomin/poison/virus of the Old Snake/ Old Serpent out of their hearts, mind, spirit, soul, body and life … by the neutralizing Heavenly Glorious Salt of My healing and saving words and the works of salvation and THE WORK of Salvation by My Son fulfilled… and in the power of The Holy Ghost as Good News spread among the nations and tribes… and in Israel and among the Israelites and Jews… as THE ONLY WAY to get saved out of this fallen cosmos. I AM.” ;
Says the LORD GOD YHWH/ YHVH, the Almighty One, the Great I AM of all universal powers and Glorious Heavenly Majesty.
“Glory, Glory, Glory, follow Me.” ;
Says the Lord Jesus Christ to His true disciples and faithful ones, who really want to follow Him till the end…
to end in eternal Glory with Him and His Heavenly Glorious GOD and Father, The Great I AM, The GOD and Father of the True Spiritual Israel … that lives according to the Spirit of God…
that lives not according to the flesh… nor according to the worldly mindset.
They are really on the Small Path to Eternal Glory…
and will remain on this Path of GOD in by GOD given faith and love and truth and obedience and grace… till they end in their Heavenly Glorious Home. They fight the GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH. They are the TRUE WARRIORS, who walk in faith and not in sight… They trust GOD and His words and promises and work of salvation more than what their eyes see… or ears hear or what their feelings tell them.
They build on the Eternal ROCK of Salvation.
They are dressed with the armour of GOD and use her by day and night as neccessary…
They are the beloved ones and overcomers…
by the Blood of the Lamb of GOD… and the words of their testimony… and because they did not love their old sinful life nor their earthly life till the end, for they walked as new created beings/sons and daughters of GOD in holiness and obedience to the Voice of GOD, that led/leads them… even through the valleys of the shadow of death… to end in Eternal Glory… Amen. Hallelu-YHVH. Amen.
Prophecy by The Voice in The Wind of the Ruach Hakodesh / Holy Breath of the Almighty GOD.
Received by Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Prophecy / Words of GOD by The Candle / The Menorah / The Voice in The Wind of Ruach Hakodesh…
Received by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
Boodschap door God’s genade via Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
Boodschap van Godswege in genade… via Jean Schoonbroodft.NL. EU.