Message by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.….html
Message by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Botschaft durch Gottes Gnade durch Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Botschaft in Gottes Gnade durch Jean Schoonbroodt .NL. EU.
By Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Boodschap door God’s Genade via Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Botschaft durch Gottes Gnade durch Jean Schoonbroodt.Nl. EU.
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel to the nations and tribes of the earth in these last days before His return to the earth in the Image of His holy and beloved and glorified Son Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesous Christos / Jesus the Christ / YHVH is salvation the Anointed one :
“Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, the day is near that I will return in Glory in My beloved and glorified Son Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesus the Christ. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the Creator of all universes and of all the visible and invisible worlds/dimensions/realms, the Great I AM, the GOD of Israel. “Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I AM YHVH-GOD and I will bring you all judgment in future times, if you do not start to seek Me… and ask Me for forgiveness of your evil and wickedness and godlessness and sins or transgressions of My holy commandments. I AM. My Holy Son Yeshua/Jesus was willing to sacrifice His innocent life/soul/spirit/body/blood for your lives, to save you… if you are willing to believe and trust and obey Our holy words and gospel-teachings. I AM. Ofcourse it is impossible for you to save your lives by means of religion, but you will only be saved by Our Grace and Love and Truth… and work of salvation, that We worked out in Our power IN My beloved Son Yeshua/ Jesus. I AM. No-one can save him- or herself or other people… unless We do it, by means of Our Giving Goodness… and this on the Eternal Rock of Our Saving Grace through the gift of faith, that We give/create in you by means of Our Holy Ghost and words/truth. I AM. My beloved Son is capable to do all that is pleasing Me in front of My Throne in heaven and on/in the earth… as I command Him to do… or as He wishes to do… to glorify Me and My or Our grace . I AM. Many heard the message and started to believe. But they all will be tested and tempted, so that We will reveal who the True sons and daughters of Us are… and who not ; for many will fall away while they are tempted. I AM. Look for Us and for Our words and promises and hold on to Us and Our words and promises and to Our grace and love and truth… and work of salvation on the wood of curses/cross of Calvery. I AM. Many started, but fell away… because they did not remain in Us nor in Our words nor in Our grace nor in Our work of salvation on the cross IN Christ Jesus / Yeshua HaMashiach. I AM. My holy Ghost warned all not to fall away, but to remain in The First Love, but alas… many were not faithfull. I AM. Blessed are all faithfull ones, who overcame and overcome this evil world and its evil desires/lusts, by walking according to the Spirit of God and denying themselves every day. Amen. I AM. They will inherit the future Kingdom of God. I AM.” ; Says the Almighty One of creation and of Israel, the Great I AM, YHVH-GOD. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH. Amen.
Prophecy by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / The Menorah. 17.04.2022.
Received by Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
Boodschap door The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.