Keep the borders… respect the borders…

Message by The Candle / The Voice in the Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.



In the beginning of this video you will probably hear things you heard before… but later on you will hear an explanation why the things happened and are happening between RUSSIA... and THE WESTand what we all can learn out of it by God’s grace…

God’s Kingdom is now on earth and in the True Holy Temple represented by HIS GHOST.

“This says GOD YHVH to the people of all nations :

“If you seek ME, go to My House/Temple/Tabernacle/ Holy Gathering of people who believe Me… or want to believe Me… and want to have hope and life and blessings… an even get saved… or be saved… or remain saved for all eternity… by means of Our Giving Goodness/ Grace and saving power and the work of salvation worked out in Our holy names… to all who call on Our holy names… and are willing to be transformed by Our Holy Ghost and words and Our work in their hearts and lives. I AM. Many look for fortune and wealth and riches of the earth, but not really to do Our will in their temporary earthly lives. I AM. Many were/are not capable to understand Our gospel of Our work of saving grace and salvation In Christ Jesus/ Jeshua HaMashiach and His reconciling Blood-Sacrifice on Calvery/Golgatha in Israel. I AM. Reason : They are hardened by sin, their sinful nature and Satan or even by Me… when I want them to go lost, because they always remained stubborn towards My call and holy will and holy offer of grace to save them. I AM. My Holiness hates stubborness. I AM. Many were like goats, stubborn, hard and unwillingly to bow before Me, My Son or Our Holy words and holy will. I AM. Many went already throughout many ages into hell/kingdom of death/sheol/hades, where they suffered and suffer, because they rejected Us and Our Salvation in and through Jeshua HaMashiach and His blood on Calvery. I AM. Many will say : “This is wrong teaching, for the last judgment still has to come.” They err… for many are already judged on earth while rejecting Us and Our plead to accept and believe Our Good News/ Gospel. I AM. Our Word is the Judge. Many are now already in the kingdom of death. I AM. Blessed are all who believed Us and obeyed Us till the end… and overcame this evil world in faith and love and truth… by means of Our Giving Goodness/ Grace and work of salvation IN Christ Jesus/ Yeshua HaMashiach. Amen. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD, the Almighty One of creation and of Israel.

Prophecy received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / The Menorah / The Temple of God / Tabernacle.

Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.