GOD’s WORD to the Israelites… of these days…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

“Hear, ye Israelites, I AM your GOD and Savior in Jeshua Hamashiach, who laid down His precious Innocent LIFE for you, so that He would taste death instead of you. I AM. When you start to understand this Holy Fact and Reality… than you will understand why Moses spoke about a prophet that would come out of your midst… and that every soul that would not listen to that prophet would be destroyed. I AM. You are living in the fulfillment of the things that are written in Holy Scriptures/Scrolls of holy messengers of Me and My Holy Mashiach. I AM. Your unfaithfulness towards Me in the past brought you to the point that you were hardened towards Me and My Holy Mashiach. I AM. Although you are often very intelligent as scribes of Israel, you are still in many ways blind and deaf to My Holy Voice. I AM. Often I tried to reveal to you that My True Mashich was already on earth in the past, but many were not willing to hear this truth and fact. I AM. Many despised that Rabbi of Nazareth, that was born at Bethlechem-Ephratha in Judea in Israel as the son of David, the king of Israel, born out of the Tribe of Juda, who will sit on the throne of David… in all eternity in Our Eternal Kingdom of GOD as My holy King and Son, who will reign Israel and all of creation in future days, when He will return from heaven with Our heavenly holy armies of holy angels… and holy people who believed Us and Our True Good News of an everlasting glory for all… who believed Us and Our redeeming and reconciling work for the sins of the Twelve Tribes of Israel and of all of creation, to restore the broken relationship between Us and them. I AM. My True Mashiach came in the first place to become The Holy Lamb of GOD, that would be sacrificed for the sins of Israel and creation. I AM. His precious Innocent LIFE/soul/blood had to be given into death… to save all from Our holy Heavenly Judgments and wrath and vengeance over their transgressions of the Thora and unrighteousness. I AM. His blood fled out of His wounds on the wood of curses, on which He was hanging, to fulfill the prophecies of My holy prophets of Israel. For the Perfect Innocent Mashiach would die for the trangressions of Israel and creation… and would become the ransom to purchase Israel out of My Holy Judgement and out of the powers of darkness, that had the right to torture their souls on earth and in all eternity in a place of eternal torment. I AM. You have to be aware of the FACT that I AM HOLY. I AM the GOD who wrote your Holy Scripture/Scrolls by My holy anointed prophets/seeers/revelators… and messengers/apostles… in the power of Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Breath/Holy Ghost. I AM. Many of them inherited the Heavenly Kingdom of Me and My beloved and glorified Son Jeshua Hamashiach. I AM. For He did not just die for the sins of creation and of Israel, but was resurrected from the death and dead and grave by My almighty Holy Ghost… and appeared during 40 days to His believers and followers, who were / are My witnesses, who also testified about Our love to Israel and Our saving, reconciling and justifying and sanctifying and completing and glorifying work IN Jeshua Hamashiach and His Sacrifice and resurrection and Glorification at My Right Hand in Heaven, after He was taken up into the sky and dissapeared before the eyes of His disciples in the clouds. And in this the words are fulfilled that were written in the prophet Daniel, that a son of men was brought upon/with clouds of heaven to The Throne of The Old of Days. I AM. The two cherubim, that closed the return into Paradise/Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve transgressed, now will open the way back into Paradise… to all who are purchased and reconciled to Us by the Blood of the Lamb of GOD. I AM. And in THIS WAY , by the Blood of The Lamb of GOD, The Way into Our Presence and the fellowship with Us IN LOVE is now re-opened in heaven and on earth. Amen. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, The HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL and creation, the Great I AM, who revealed Himself to Moses, the man of GOD, and to all holy prophets/seeers/revelators and holy anointed ones… and holy anointed kings… and holy high priests and holy anointed messengers and wittnesses of past, present and future days.

Prophecy/Words of GOD YHVH by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. 03.03.2022.

The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / The Menorah / The Tabernacle of The Living GOD.

GOD speaks to the nation of Russia…

This says GOD to the nation of Russia :

“You will invade, but I will show you that I AM, Russia. You will increase in wisdom and understanding, ye churches of the endtime NOW, but also see My veangeance and wrath over the nations that despised Me and My True Godly Heavenly Reign. I AM. Many call on My name in their distress, but I want, that those who call on My Name, that they quit with evil and go The Way that I showed and show them in My Holy Words. I AM. My Son Yahushua/Yeshua/Jesous/ Jesus… HaMashiach/The Christ… has shown you who I AM and how I want you to be in dedication to Me… till the end. I AM. Many called on My name throughout the ages, but were not willing to go His Way, which is MY WAY to be saved for all eternity. For if Our Way is not your way, than you will go your own way, which is not Our Way and you will live your own selfish sinful nature and will do the works of the flesh which will bring you to destruction. I AM. Russia, I tell you : You will go the way that I will lead you, because of My holy Plan with you to beat/hit those nations that I want to beat/hit, because they were proud and not willing to bow before Me and My Son. Many nations are ripe to be judged… and I Am the One and Only GOD in creation who has the power to give all that they deserve. They all will get their reward already on earth, while they are alive, for I AM the GOD who will give to all that they did to each other. I AM. Wrath and vengeance over those who earned it by their evil and wicked and cruel works and idolitry. I AM.

Russia, I will use you in My hand as a sword to split nations in My way, to reveal who are aware of what is really going on… and who are not… and to show and to reveal the righteouss ones and the unrigtheouss ones. I AM. I will reveal who are My True sons and daughters… and who are the sons and daughters of the evil one/Satan/ Lucifer. I AM. For many will turn against you Russia, but I will give them their reward according to their works. But My Holy reward is something totally different than what they expect to get. For My Holy Anger is going forth and through all of the earth. For I had to look at the most cruel things that the elite of the world did in their secret societies… and all other evil and wicked persons… and therefore I will repay them. Many of the Luciferians and Satanists and idolaters, worshippers of other gods and godesses, are now expecting that they soon will get all power on earth to destroy all righteouss people and to destroy christianity. But I will amaze them. I will shock them. I will bring My Holy fear over them… and I will show them that I AM the Almighty One and not Satan / Lucifer. I AM. For I will raise up armies, that will destroy all wicked ones as I want to do according to My holy Words and holy Plan. I AM. For many are not aware of My Holy Reign and how I judge the living and dead… already now on earth… by My holy Words… and those that I created to bring My holy wrath over them. I AM. Many look forward to My return to Israel, but often are not completely aware of what I will do before that awful moment. I AM. Many think to know Me, but are not aware how I AM to fear, for My dreadfull judgments are so terrible/awful that many will die… just because of the fear that I will bring upon them, because they left Me, the Source of LIFE. I AM the Only One who can save or destroy. For I AM the Almighty One of all of creation. I AM. My Holy Son is My Holy Image/Temple and He and I are One… and if people do not know Me than they do not know My Son… and when they do not know My Son… than they do not know Me, for We are One. I AM. Many christians are luke-warm… but I will do things in creation that will cause fear in them, by which I hope that they will start to change their mindset. But if they remain in their luke-warmness, than I will spit them out by destroying them… and throwing them into the second death/ the lake of fire and brimstone. I AM.

Russia, you will be the Invader that will be slandered and hated by many, but I AM the One who activated you to invade. I AM. For I AM the One who will activate many nations to get to the point that they will see and recognize that I AM the One who will bring and brought judgment upon them… according to My words and prophecies and revelations. I AM. For the wicked will know that I AM the One who repays them their evil. I AM. And the righteouss people will know : GOD is IN Charge, HE has fulfilled His Words. HE is the Faithfull One, who was, is… and always will be, the Almighty One and Holy One of Israel, the GOD of all that was, is… or ever will be, the great I AM, YHVH-Elohim, the GOD of all visible and invisible Reign and powers and universes/or by His words created ones. I AM. And they will glorify Me, the Rigtheouss One of creation, and My beloved glorified Holy Son Yahushua Hinoschri Wamalech Hayehuddim also called Yahushua Hamashiach / Jesus te Christ, The King of The Jews, the Nazarene… who was born at Bethlechem-Ephrata in Judea in Israel, Son of David, who will sit on My Throne in all eternity as My King in My Kingdom… that will last forever. I AM. For He is The Radiance of My Eternal Heavenly Godly Glory, The Expression of My heavenly Godly Being… and the Bearer/Carrier of My Almighty Words by which I create or destroy… according to My Holy Almighty Thoughts, Decisions or Will and Words and Plan. I AM.” ; Says the Glorious Almighty GOD of the visible and invisible worlds/dimensions/realms/universes, the Great I AM, the GOD of the heavens and the earth.

Prophecy received by The Candle/ The Menorah / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


GOTT richtet sich zu Seine Feinde…

( German. D. EU.)

So spricht GOTT, der HERR YHVH ;

“Höret, ihr Söhne des Verderbens, ICH habe euch erschaffen damit Ihr eure Werke des Verderbens tut, weil ihr schon von vor Grundlegung der Welt meinen Ratschuss nicht annerkennen wolltet. ICH BIN. Mein Geist ist zürnig über alle abgefallenen. ICH BIN. Ihr dürft alle noch kurze Zeit geniessen von eure Wollust, die euch zum Verderben leitet. ICH BIN.” ; So spricht der Erhabene, der GOTT über alle Götter von Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft, der Almachtige, El Shaddai, El Elyon, Adonai YHVH, der GOTT Israels und der Ganzen Schöpfung.

Weissagung am 25.02.2022.

Empfangen durch Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / The Menorah / The Tabernacle of The Living GOD.

GOD speaks concerning the addiction to the modern media and their influence…

This says GOD :

“Hear, o people of this endtime, you are watching Teevee, and mainstream media and the video’s and all kind of news and sensational and inspirational things on “the internet of all things”, which is in reality the Spiders Web… to catch your souls. I AM. You are already so connected to it, that you are even almost not capable anymore to live without it… unless it would fall away. But look… how many are addicted. Many are not capable anymore even to sit at a table or in a room without almost continually checking their/your mails, apps and all their/your social media. Many are even not capable anymore as a family to sit at a table or in a room, while chatting with others, to have a normal conversation with one another in that room. Many are even by the social-media becoming a-social and even aggressive… and loaded with anxieties and fears and depressions by seeing and hearing what all is going on in creation. Many are aware of this, but often remain hardened towards those who make them aware of their addiction. Many will end in psychiatry or in mental hospitals, if they remain in this worldly focus, without calling on My holy and saving and healing and almighty Person and Name… or the Name of My holy Almighty Son Jeshua Hamashiach / Jesous Christos / Jesus the Christ. I AM. Remember… that We were/are the Saviors of many throughout all ages, that called on Our holy Persons and Names. We are… I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the GOD of creation, the heavens and the earth, the Great I AM, YHVH-GOD, the GOD of all universes and all universal powers… and the GOD of Israel.


Prophecy/Words of God by : The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / The Menorah.

Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

The deception of the ages… and this age… and how GOD can save…

This says GOD, the Creator of the heavens and the earth :

“Hear, ye inhabitants of the earth, I AM the GOD who will reveal in what time you live, for many are deceivers. I AM. Many are not aware that they live in the fulfillment of the apocalypse/end-time. I AM. Many expect the return of My Son Jesus Christ/ Jeshua Hamashiach. I AM. Still they are not really aware and often not willing to accept that Revelation 13 is now going on in this time, that you are now living in and are facing. The NWO has a plan, already since the man, that was lead by Satan to plan his reign and rule over all in creation, wrote it down in scriptures. Well-known as the scriptures of the “elders of Sion/Zion”. This blasphemy is a blasphemy, because the real heavenly Godly holy Elders of Sion/Zion are already in heaven and known by Us. I AM. Many of their followers of Satan’s church / temples and synagogues… are also known by Us as the Great Whore Babylon, who deceives all by her schemes/agenda’s and sorcery/magic and NWO-goals, which are nothing else than the perfection of Satan’s rule and reign on earth… through total control over and in the lives and spirits, souls and bodies of all living persons on earth. Satan wants by his Satanists and Luciferian’s to erase… total deletion of… all kinds of christianity… and of all kinds of religions, that were/are somehow connected to the words of GOD, that I spoke by My holy prophets, seeërs, revelators, My Son… and the anointed ones with holy Spirit throughout all ages, who were My holy witnesses and of Jesus the Christ/ Jeshua Hamashiach, the Word of GOD that became flesh and blood… to save many, by giving His own life into death to save many by His reconciling sacrifice… and resurrection from the dead and His glorification at My Right Hand. I AM. Many… in these last days… knew or heard this before, but were tempted by the evil one to stay away from Me and My holy Son and Our True Holy Gatherings of True saints/holy people, who really know Us… and Our True Work of saving grace and love and truth and righteousness… according to Our heavenly Glorious everlasting work of salvation in Our holy names and power and authority… complete fulfilled IN Christ Jesus/ Jeshua Hamashiach. I AM. Our True Glorious Heavenly Message was spread throughout all ages by Our faithful ones, that almost all were murdered by the Whore Babylon. I AM. She is the bride/wife of Satan, whose cup is filled with the blood of the true saints/followers/disciples of Me and My Son Jeshua Hamashiach/ Jesus the Christ/ Jesous Christos. I AM. She is drunken of the blood of the saints. I AM. She is very, very, very cruel… and is now leading this NWO-system/Beast-system, that is now ruling and reigning the nations, also called the UN. She is the murderer of all that ever were longing and striving and fighting for true righteousness and love and true care for mankind and creation. Her lust for power and control and satisfaction of her own greed and of her fleshly evil lusts and desires and cruelty is her drive to enforce her total-control system on all of creation, while even themselves destroying creation, while telling people that they are the evil and the wicked that can not without their “global reign and ruling and NWO” , that decides all that they have to believe or to know or to do… according to their godless and evil and wicked and thorah-less and cruel mindset, by which they want people to accept all that they do or want or dictate, without being able to believe in the True GOD of creation… nor to be able to repent from evil, so that all will end in the real eternal hell or second death, which is the lake of fire and brimstone. I AM. Satan hates Me and My Son and Our words of righteousness and faith and obedience and of saving grace and True Heavenly LOVE and goodness and Eternal Glory and Everlasting LIFE with Us in eternal glory. I AM. For he is rejected by Me and My Son and Our holy angels and by Our saints in heaven and on earth. He hates Us and all the love and goodness that We work out among mankind. Therefore We threw him, and all his followers in heaven, out of heaven… and threw them on earth, where he is now going around as al roaring lion, who wants to hunt and kill/murder his preys to devour them. I AM. He is also the Old Serpent/Snake and the Red Dragon that fights the righteous ones on earth. I AM. But We have overcome him. We have victory over him and the fallen ones… although he will do anything he can to make people believe the lie that he is the “god” of this creation. He often plays the game or theatre or acts as if he is the “great angel of light / en-lightment by his knowledge and his powers”. But always remember : He is and remains the father of all lies, deceit, seduction, temptation, betrayal and torture and murder. He is the evil one, who is always the accuser and opponent of those who long for love and righteousness and truth and grace and mercy… and true salvation out of his schemes and snares/chains and powers and evil. Hear, o mankind, I AM the GOD of creation. I AM YHVH / JHVH (YeHoVaH) also called YHWH/JHWH (JaHWeH). My tetragram of My Holy Name and Power and Majesty and Glory… Yod Heh Wav Heh… also stands for Y.H.V.H. = Yeshua Hinoshri Wamalech Hayehuddim = Jesus the Nazarene the King of the Jews, which was the accusation why he was hanging on the wood of curses/cross of Calvery as the Innocent One, who died for the sins of Israel and creation, as the Lamb of GOD that was slain and had to shed its/His blood to reconcile Israel and creation to Me… although He was and is and remains the True Mashiach of Israel, also called the Temple of the Living GOD walking on earth, Immanuel, The God who is the Word of GOD, that became flesh and blood to fulfill the words that My holy prophets spoke concerning the Savior of Israel and creation, the True Mashiach/Anointed One with the Fullness of GOD’s Spirit upon and in Him and through Him speaking and doing/performing powers and miracles… to reveal that I AM the I AM, the GOD who revealed himself to Moses, the man of GOD, who lead Israel out of the captivity/slavery of Egypt in his days. I AM. No-one is more powerful than I AM. He, Jesus/Jeshua/Yeshua/Jesous and I are ONE. I AM. Those who saw or see and heard or hear him… saw/see and heard/hear ME. For I AM in Him… and He is in Me. WE ARE ONE ELOHIM… above all elohim, the GOD(s) above all other gods. We are YHVH-Elohim, the GOD(s) of Israel. I AM. Hear, o Israel, your Elohim is ONE. WE were/are the TRUE Saviors of Israel and creation out of the powers of darkness… when people accept Us as their Savior…. and call on Our names to be saved. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, THE KING above all kings… and RULER above all rulers… and The LORD above lords… and the TRUE GOD above all in the visible and invisible realms / dimensions / universes / worlds, THE GREAT I AM, who rules over all universes… and all universal powers throughout all ages and creations.

Prophecy/Words of GOD by : The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / The Menorah.

Jean Schoonbroodt.NL.EU.
