When GOD speaks to the earth…

Than things will happen. For His Voice/His Word created all… and His Voice/Word will destroy one day all… and than GOD will create a New Heaven and a New Earth, according to His promiss/Words that He spoke to… and by… His prophets and revelators and by His Son and His apostles. Are you already prepared for that day that God will judge the living and the dead. He is willing to save many by means of His grace and love and truth, because of His redeeming work fulfilled in Christ Jesus, the by God Anointed One, Mashiach/ Christ and Savior of Israel… and of all out of the tribes and nations that believe by Gods grace His Good News, Gospel of God’s work… and saving grace in and through Jesus the Christ, the Living One.

Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


The Great I AM created all in the visible and invisible worlds.

This says GOD to the churches of this endtime :

“You are called to glorify My Son Jesus the Christ and Me… and not yourselves, nor to promote the world and worldly succes. I AM. For all the visible things are temporary, but the Invisible things are everlasting. I AM. Many are caught in the Spiders Web and will go lost for all eternity, if they do not quit with walking according to the lusts and desires of this world. I AM. My holy Spirit will lead all to get to know the truth that will set them free, if they are willing to obey My Holy Ghost and His prophecies and revelations and teachings etc. I AM. My holy Word is everlasting and is The Rock that will carry all that will be saved as long as they build on that Rock. I AM. No-one is capable to save himself/herself unless We Intervene in their lives and give them the grace to be set free by means of Our Heavenly Love and grace and power and truth… and work of salvation fulfilled in Jesus the Christ / Jeshua ha Mashiach on the cross of Calvery. I AM. There is no other way to get saved than by Our work of reconciliation, sanctification and justification and completion fulfilled in all that Jesus Christ did for the chosen ones out of Israel and the gentiles/nations and christianity. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation.

Prophecy 07.02.2022.

Received by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

De “IK BEN”, GOD de Almachtige, spreekt… tot de Gemeenten IN Christus…

Dit zegt GOD tot de Gemeenten in Christus in deze laatste dagen voor Zijn wederkomst :

“Hoort, gij kinderen van God, IK BEN de GOD die sprak tot Abram/Abraham, maar ook tot Mozes, de man van GOD, die onder Mijn hand Israel uitgeleide deed uit de gevangenschap in Egypte, waarbij IK de Farao en zijn legers vernietigde in de zee. IK BEN. Mijn Geest is zeer verontwaardigd over het ongeloof en klein-geloof dat IK vind onder hen die beweren Mij te kennen. Toch zie IK, dat velen Mij en Mijn Zoon en Geest en Ons woord onteren in de dagelijkse praktijk door hetgeen zij vaak zeggen en beweren. Zie, IK BEN de IK BEN die IK zijn zal, de Onveranderlijke. IK heb in deze laatste dagen velen opgewekt om te onderzoeken hetgeen gaande is in de schepping. IK heb de mens de eeuw in het hart gegeven, zodat hij gaat zoeken of hij de waarheid mag vinden en door die waarheid Mij. IK BEN. Want ziet, er zijn velen die de leugens aan elkaar vastknopen om te verleiden en te misleiden en uit te buiten en om zelf hun genotsbevrediging op allerlei wijze te verwezenlijken, ook al gaan ze daarbij te ver en verleggen zij daarbij Mijn aloude grenzen, die IK vastlegde in de hemel en op aarde en in de schepping en in heilige geschriften. IK BEN. Mijn Geest is vertoornd over dezulken… en daarom sla IK ze vaak met allerlei vernederingen en ziekten en plagen en tracht IK hen tot inkeer te brengen. IK BEN. Sommigen herkennen het en weten het en erkennen het, maar sommigen zijn koppig en willen Mij niet die eer geven die MIJ toekomt, want IK bewerk zowel heil als onheil in de schepping… en IK toets hart en nieren van allen, die beweren dat zij “goed bezig zijn” en van allen die beweren Mij te kennen. IK BEN. Mijn Geest is dag en nacht actief op aarde om de volkeren en natiën de weg ten eeuwig leven voor ogen te zetten in Mijn Zoon Jezus De Christus/ Jeshua Ha Mashiach en in Mijn en Zijn trouwe discipelen. IK BEN. Helaas is de ontrouw groot in deze eeuw, ook onder velen die Ons weliswaar belijden, maar vaak niet meer zoals Wij werkelijk waren en zijn en blijven, daar velen hun eigen dogmatiek hebben, waarin zij vaak Mijn werken willen persen, zonder te beseffen dat Wij verkiezen die Wij verkiezen… en dat Wij bepalen of iemand gered wordt of niet voor de aardse tijden en/of voor de eeuwen hierna. IK BEN. Ons werk is groter dan dat velen wisten of weten of kennen of erkennen. IK BEN. Zie, IK BEN de Almachtige en doe nog steeds tekenen en wonderen en krachten en geef nog steeds gaven en talenten… en alle goud en zilver is van Mij… en IK geef het aan wie IK wil, ja waarlijk, zelfs tot hun heil of onheil. Want indien IK zie dat het hart van de mens deze eeuw meer lief heeft dan Mij en Mijn Zoon en Ons evangelie en Ons hemels koninkrijk en Onze gerechtigheid dan zal het goud of zilver of edelstenen of hun rijkdom en weelde en hun aardse goederen en hun ophoop-neigingen en hebzucht en ijdelheid hen zelfs ten valstrik zijn voor hun wereldsgezinde zielen. Hun Mammon-liefde zal hen in het verderf brengen, zo waarlijk IK de Eeuwige BEN, die was, is… en zal zijn. Zie, velen hebben ooit Mijn naam aangeroepen in de hoop dat IK hen zou redden, maar zie, velen zijn weer verstrikt geraakt in de Mammon. Hun bezit werd hen tot valstrik. IK BEN. Zie, wie de wereld en haar begeerten meer lief heeft dan Mij… zal voor Mijn Aangezicht niet kunnen bestaan op de dag dat IK met hen in het oordeel ga. IK BEN. Mijn Geest en woord zijn een door alle eeuwen heen… en wie Ons niet wil horen noch wil gehoorzamen zal zich zelf en anderen schade berokkenen. Wie dus denkt, dat IK hier niet zou spreken maar een “andere aanklagende geest”, die heeft niet begrepen zoals hij/zij zou moeten begrijpen. IK BEN. Zie, IK BEN YHVH, de GOD van Israël en van de gehele scheppingen van verleden, heden en de toekomst. IK BEN. Niemand was Mij tot leermeester, maar IK BEN Degene die allen leven en geest en adem en levensenergie gaf, geeft… of zelfs zal wegnemen. IK BEN. Zie, IK en Mijn Zoon en Onze Geest hebben alle macht in de hemelen en op aarde en Wij doen hetgeen Ons behaagt naar Ons plan en raadsbesluiten, zoals Wij deze reeds van voor grondlegging der schepping hadden vastgelegd… en door de eeuwen heen via onze dienaren/profeten en apostelen openbaarden aan de mensheid in hun dagen. IK BEN. Mijn Geest heeft zeer velen door alle eeuwen heen hetzelfde onderwijs gegeven, maar helaas waren de meesten niet bereid Ons te geloven noch te gehoorzamen, waardoor zij zich zelf en anderen in ellende stortten. IK BEN. Mijn Geest is dag en nacht actief in de schepping in samenwerking met Ons en de heilige uitverkoren engelen en heiligen om het Woord van God te verspreiden als heerlijk licht in de duisternis… en Ons heil, gewrocht IN Christus Jezus, zo te verkondigen en uit te leggen en zo te profeteren en te openbaren dat velen daardoor gered kunnen worden, zo zij blijven in Ons en Onze woorden met geloofsvolharding tot het einde toe, ziende op Ons en dus ook op Mijn Tempel/Beeld/ Zoon, de Geliefde, Jeshua Ha Mashiach / Jezus De Christus. Amen. Zie, IK BEN de GOD die de waarheid nooit zal verloochenen, maar zelf deze verspreidt en zaai om te redden die Wij daartoe hebben uitverkoren van voor grondlegging der schepping. IK BEN. Velen loochenen dit feit, deze realiteit, en maken daardoor het evangelie weer tot een werk-gerechtigheids-evangelie, waarbij zij Onze heerschappij in werkelijkheid verloochenen. IK BEN. Zie, niemand kan zich iets nemen, tenzij het hem of haar door Ons van uit de hemel gegeven wordt. IK BEN. Onze genade is superieur boven al het andere. Wie deze verwerpt, verloochent, zal vroeg of laat gaan ervaren dat aan Onze zegen alles gelegen is. Wij bepalen wie Wij waar en waartoe inzetten in Onze schepping. IK BEN.” ; Spreekt de HERE GOD, Adonai YHVH, de Almachtige, de Vader van de schepping, die Zich openbaarde aan Zijn profeten… en hen als Zijn getuigen en boden zond onder de mensen… en overal waar HIJ ze deed bazuinen/luid roepende het Woord van GOD deed verkondigen… tot heil van hen die geloofden en gehoorzaamden… en tot onheil over hen die Zijn woorden verachtten of weerspannig bleven.

Profetie d.d. 07.02.2022.

Ontvangen door Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. / The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.

GOD YHVH speaks to the tribes, nations, Israel… and the churches of this endtime/last days…

This says GOD YHVH :

“Hear, ye tribes and nations of the earth and Israel and churches of this endtime/last days, before the return of the Mashiach/ Christ/Anointed One with My holy Ghost, I AM the GOD of Adam and of Abel and of Henosh and of Noah and of Abram/Abraham and of Isaack, Jacob/Israel and of Joseph and the other 11 sons of Jacob/Israel and of all holy prophets and of My beloved Son Yeshua/Jesus Hamashiach/Christ, the Savior of My people who believed in Me and Him from before foundation of creation and who were and are My chosen ones, for they are not dead but live all before My holy Eyes. I AM. My Holy Ghost is activ by day and night to restore Israel by means of My giving goodness/grace and love and truth and the preaching of the Good News. Many Israelites, who were spread among the nations/gentiles, because of their disobedience and their idolitry, mixed with people of the gentiles and are only known to Me and to no-one else. Still I know their roots and I will call.. and already called… many of them to hear and believe the Good News… to create and breath new LIFE into them by My Holy Ghost… and sealed them with My promised Holy Ghost. Now they are My holy wittnesses. I AM. Many of them will be revealed by My Holy Ghost of revelation and prophecy, that they are in reality Israel according to the Spirit of God… created in Yeshua Hamashiach/ Jesus the Christ to be My holy sons and daughters and holy children and co-workers and holy priests… who worship Me in Holy Ghost and truth… and serve Me, the Great I AM, the GOD of creation and of Israel. I AM. Many of them are now My holy wittnesses and are longing to be with Me forever. I AM. WE are already with them by Our holy Ghost and holy angels, that work with them or in and through them… according to Our holy will and plan and holy grace and truth and promises and holy prophecies and revelations. I AM. Many of them go through many trials and temptations and tests of life, but will overcome this evil and wicked word-order of these last days by Our grace and truth and strengthening powers and gift of faith… that has already overcome this world. I AM. WE will fulfill Our words and will lead and guide them to do Our works in creation among the tribes and nations of the earth, according to Our Giving Goodness and loving care and true holy righteousness. I AM. Many of them already reached out for many and already beared much fruit. I AM. Soon I will return with My Son visible from heaven to Jerusalem… to fulfill the promises that I gave to Israel and to My twelve apostles of the Lamb of GOD and to the apostle Paul. I AM. Many are already looking forward to that moment that I will restore Israel completely and will give them their promised land. I AM. Now, in these days of the Beast of Revelation 13, I will reveal Myself to many… and I will warn them not to take the injections of the Beast. I did it already in te past, but many were not willing to believe it… nor to accept it… nor to acknowledge it, because their life and lust for money and the wealth and wellbeing of themselves and their family and their political engagement was more important to them than to be aware of the fact that Our Kingdom is not of this world. I AM. Many preached the gospel, but had more concerns about their earthly possessions and the money on their bank-account, than that they were concerned about being rich in Our Holy Heavenly Kingdom in doing Our holy will. I AM. Many Laodicea-churches of this endtime are more concerned about human rights than that they acknowledge My holy righteousness and holy judgments upon the nations and tribes of the earth. For many nations and tribes are already under My holy temporary judgments, because they already refused the Gospel of salvation in the past, when it was offered to them by My holy witnesses in their days. I AM. Today… those who have open eyes to see My works in creation, know these holy facts… and see reality, but many other people sleep and are seeing blind and hearing deaf to My holy works in creation. I AM. But soon many will be shocked when My holy Flaming Eyes will look at them… and when I will go into judgment with them. I AM. Blessed are all who wait for Me and Our holy return from Heaven to the Mount of Olives at the East-Side of Jerusalem, to destroy the enemies of My remnant of Israel by the Breath and consuming fire that will go out of the Mouth of My Holy Glorified Son Yeshua Hamashiach/ Jesus the Christ. I AM.” : Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and creation, the Great I AM.

Prophecy 06.02.2022.

Received by The Candle / The Voice in the Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. Messenger of the Living Almighty GOD.

IF we do not accept the 10 commandments of God anymore…


Please read Exodus, second book of the bible, chapter 20…

and know that God wants us to stop transgressing these 10 commandments… and to ask God in Jesus Christ’ name for forgiveness that we sinned against God and Christ Jesus and mankind and creation… and ask Him for grace and love and mercy to become a new person filled with Holy Ghost… to lead you and many other people to the Small Path of Eternal Glory and to walk with God and Jesus on that Small Path in truth and love and true faith, that will be a blessing to you and many other people and creation… and that will save your and their precious souls for eternity, because of faith in what Jesus Christ/ Yeshua Hamashiach did for you and them and creation… to save many. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH-Elohim. Amen.

Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. / The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.

GOD speaks to the elders of the churches/gatherings… 02.02.2022.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation to the elders of the churches in these last days :

“Hear, ye elders of the churches of these last days, I AM the One who leads and guides My holy sons and daughters by My holy Ghost and not only you. I AM. Many are comforted by Me in all circumstances or situations or trials, temptations and needs. I AM. I AM their GOD and Father and I AM faithfull to all My beloved children who are one with Me and My Son in Our Holy Ghost and who do the good works that I prepared for them to do. I AM. My holy Son Yeshua Hamashiach / Jesous Christos / Jesus the Christ and I and Our Holy Ghost and Our holy angels are continually active to take care about all Our beloved ones in creation, although they all have their weaknesses and struggles to stand firm in the faith in these perilious times. I AM. WE are faithfull although many are sometimes unfaithfull. We can not and will not deny Ourselves nor Our saving grace and love and works and powers and workings or gifts or charisma’s or ministries of Our Holy Ghost or the activities of Our Holy heavenly armies / holy angels, who also lead and minister to people who were and are chosen from before foundation of creation to be saved by grace through faith in Us and Our work of salvation in Christ Jesus / Yeshua Hamashiach / Jesous Christos. I AM. My holy sons and daughters are by day and night involved in Our works of love and true care and grace and faith and righteousness. I AM. WE are in control, althought it often might seem as if it would not be the fact/reality because of the temptations and trials and evil and wickedness that is now going on… on earth. Although The Beast of Revelation is now activ and visible to all who recognize this endtime that they are living in… before Our return… We are still in control. For We allow Satan / Lucifer and the fallen ones to tempt all people on earth, so that will be revealed who My real sons and daughters are… and who are not. I AM. Your task in the Churches/Gatherings in these last days is to be meek, humble and obedient to My Holy Ghost and His instructions… to lead and guide Our flock with heavenly love and wisdom and holiness and True care, so that no sheep will go lost or will fall away. I AM. Many of you were disobedient in the past and allowed the Beast and even the Whore Babylon to get influence in your churches/gatherings. I AM. Now I call all of you to repent from your worldly attitude and mindset to think that you always have to obey the authorities according to Romans 13. You are now living in the days of the completion/fulfillment of Revelation 13. If you are now still not capable to see this fact/reality, than you are blinded by the schemes of Satan / Lucifer and the Luciferians in high positions in society… or you came/are under the Pharmakeia/Sorcery/Magic/Witchkraft/Occultism-powers of darkness of the Religious Bride / Wife of Satan / Lucifer / the Old Serpent / Old Snake / Old Red Dragon, called the Whore Babylon, that ruled and reigned throughout all ages the kingdoms of the earth, that were anti-God and anti-Christ inspired… and enemies of the crucified and glorified Christ Jesus / Yeshua Hamashiach / Jesous Christos and of Our Holy Gatherings/saints/holy people. I AM. In these days the True Churches / Holy Gatherings will stand firm in the true faith in obedience to My Holy Ghost and the True original unfalsified gospel of salvation and of Our Heavenly Kingdom and Our righteousness and Our Eternal Glory for/to all who have overcome this evil world-order in following My Son… in picking up their own cross and denying themselves every day… till they end in Our Eternal Glory. I AM. Now, in these last days, you face reality and even things that shock many. But you all have to fight the Good Fight of Faith till the end in following Me in My Son Jesus the Christ / Yeshua Hamashiach / Jesous Christos. Remain in Him and His Words and allow My Holy Ghost and My Son and Our holy angels to minister to all children of God in these last days… and know that I AM always capable to do immeasurable more than you even can ask and/or imagine according to My power in the universes, that I created by My Words. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD of creation, the Great I AM, the GOD of Israel and of all nations and tribes and tongues, the GOD of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, the Father of all spirits and flesh and bones and blood and of all living beings that have breath of life and life-energy, the GOD of the visible material/measurable worlds/realms/dimensions and the invisible spirit-worlds/realms/dimensions.

Prophecy 02.02.2022.

Received by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. / The Candle / The Voice in The Wind.

Strong powerfull message… to strengthen all…

Please listen to this message till the end… for even people who do not believe might be blessed at last by this message.

God bless you all in Jesus Christ’ holy and gracious and loving and caring and saving and healing powerful glorious name. Amen. And all this to the Glory of GOD, the Heavenly Almighty Father of creation, the Great I AM, YHWH. Amen. Hallelu-YaHWeH. Amen.

Message by Jean Schoonbroodt / The Voice in The Wind / The Candle. NL. EU.
