GOD explains what is going on in the spiritual world… and why they want us all to be injected…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation :


“Hear, ye people of creation, I AM GOD and know what is going on. My Son and I are One. Soon He will come to take His beloved Ones to Him, so that they will be with Him forever. I AM. Many forgot that I AM always very correct and faithfull to all My holy words and promises concerning Israel and the nations and the tribes and the True body of Christ Jesus and the True Bride of Israel. I AM. Many searched the scriptures to find out when the Mashiach/Anointed One/Christ would come. Well, He was already here as many of you knew and know. Still the Jews are waiting for His coming. But He will not come/return before the times are fulfilled according to My heavenly Plan… and when He comes He will come to save the remnant of Israel from the Beast and the false prophet and their armies, that try to destroy My holy chosen remnant of Israel. I AM. Woe to those who deny My holy everlasting truth and are evil and wicked in their schemes and plans to devour many… and are like a roaring lion that seeks prey to hunt and to kill and to devour, like their master Satan / Lucifer and the fallen ones. I AM. Soon I will reveal who are the goats who will be thrown into fire… and the sheep who will enter into the kingdom of Me and My beloved glorified Son Yeshua/ Jesus Hamashiach / The Christ / The True Anointed One of Israel. I AM. Till that moment many will be tried and tested and tempted by the Old Snake/ Old Serpent/ the Old Red Dragon to accept the mark, name, number or number of the name of The Beast, so that they will go lost for all eternity, when they are totally one with the Beast-digital-www.-internet-of-all-things-system, that wants to control all areas of life and even of the brain, body, soul and mind and spirit, so that mankind will not be capable anymore to make own choices and are not capable anymore to repent and ask Us for forgives or to believe to their salvation. Many “ingredients” of the injections are so created and put together, by the godless and lawless people, that they will erase many and will make many suffer and even cause harm and make even people totally addicted to the “follow-up”- injections to stay alive. Many will be victims of the NWO-agenda in a way they never saw coming, or when they heard it… just called it “conspiracies” or “nonsense”, for their believe was more in “science” than in ME… the GOD of creation. I AM. I often warned all by means of the communication with other people, who investigated the “ingredients” or who were faithful scientists or who were people in high positions who knew and know what is really going on and what the real goals are of those in charge of the NWO or Beast-system, that is already here, but by many denied. These faithful scientists were Our whistleblowers, that We activated by Our Holy Ghost and holy angels to make known or confirm the facts, that were and are going on behind the scenes of those organisations that are involved in the depopulation-agenda and total-control-agenda of this anti-God and anti-Christ- Beast-worldorder, that is described in the last book of the bible, called the Apocalypse or the Book of Revelation, given by Me to Jesus Christ… and by His holy angel to the holy apostle John, to make known to the true servants of GOD what was, is… and will be. I even gave by Holy Ghost inspired dreams, visions, revelations and prophecies worldwide… to children of God… to warn them, so that they would not take the injections of the Old Serpent, that rules this endtime Beast-NWO-system in such a way, that even many intelligent and even many religious people and even many christians fall into his trap… and get caught in his snares… to be lead to the kingdom of death/scheol/hades and second death. I AM. Many even despise in these days MY HOLY GHOST in His holy revelations and prophecies, that clearly warns, reveals and testifies about the deadly injections and that they will lead people to become robots, if they survive the injections. Satan/Lucifer uses all kinds of possibilities to inject or give something into the bodies of people to make them to his slaves, so that he will hinder, if it would be possible, that any-one would be saved for all eternity. He will do anything to get all under his total control, for He fears Our return to the Mount of Olives. For than, just before We start Our Kingdom of heaven on earth that will last for 1000 years, he will be caught and thrown into the dark Pitt/Abbyss. He fears that moment and therefore he will try all he can do to hinder Our return. He knows that if He can deceive and betray all of mankind and inject them with his poisonous injections, that he will stay in control on earth… and Our return would be hindered. This is his hope and his work in these days to get them all to become one with his www.-total-control-system. He is the Snake/Serpent, but also the Spider in his world-wide-web, that is created to control… and take all over that is in creation, so that no-one will escape his evil and wicked and murderous plan. He uses and even abuses and deceives even the most intelligent scientists and politicians and worldleaders and kings and rulers of the earth and all in high positions to work his evil Satanic plan out in this endtime, that you are living in right now…. and are facing right now. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD, adonai YHVH, the GOD of Israel, the GOD and Father of Yeshua Hamashiach / Jesus the Christ, the GOD and Father of all true Spiritual Israelites, the True Bride, and of the True born again christians, sons and daughters of the Almighty GOD and Father of creation, the Great I AM.

Prophecy 30.01.2022.

Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

GOD makes very clear how HE looks at mankind… christianity… and christians… in these last days…

This says GOD :

“In the past I had many messengers who were often very poor, but very faithfull… and were lead by My holy Ghost to preach and teach and prophecy and reveal and to evangelize and shepherd and to train disciples, while having only Me and My word and holy promises. I AM. Today many are rich and wealthy and even many live in luxury… and preach and teach and make disciples to become rich and wealthy… or even to remain it when they are or even to increase their wealth and influence and power and fame. And many even teach one-another how to become very quick rich by their economical and all other knowledge and technology, while calling themselves “very blessed”, because of their worldly succes or importance or impact or directing or producing or managing qualities or capacities and “glorify God, who has given them this opportunity”, while they are often even connected to freemasonry and other secret societies. I AM. Many are not aware that they are lead by raving wolves… and people who love Mammon more than Me and My holy Son and Our holy True Gospel and Word of God according to the True New Testament-teachings of Me and My Son and Our holy apostles and prophets/seeers/revelators and holy servants and true disciples and true followers and faithfull ones from the past… and so in the beginning of the True Body of Yeshua Hamashiach / Jesus the Christ / The True Gathering / True Spiritual and by the True Holy Ghost lead Temples/Churches/Candles. I AM. Nowadays many are grown up with a mixture of Mammon and christianity or God’s words… and are even so focussed on their money and bank-accounts and gold and silver and precious stones and worldly riches, that they have lost the True Dedication to Me and My Son… and in doing so THE FIRST LOVE… and are nowadays very luke-warm. If they do not quit with their Mammon-serving and addicted mindset and atttitude, than I will spit them out… and will throw them in scheol/hades/kingdom of death. I AM. Many think that We are gracious, yes.. we are… but not in the way that many think. When any-one on earth calls on Our holy name than he or she has to quit with evil… and to leave the Whore Babylon and The Beast of Revelation 13, that nowadays is called the UN and NWO. I AM. Those who deny these facts are blind, naked, miserable and even deaf to the truth of Us, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and Our True Gospel-teachings and holy prophecies and revelations. Many who trusted in their wealth and money or gold etc. often fell away… or even went lost, because of their lust for money and wealth and worldly satisfaction of their soulish desires and even fleshly satisfaction in sensual and sexual derailment to their eternal suffering and destruction and eternal condemnation. I AM. Blessed are those disciples, who are not wealthy but poor, for they will be rich in faith in and by Us in overflowing grace. I AM. Their Treasure is in heaven… and not on earth. They follow Us and obey Us, wherever We sent them. I AM. And they will be like the True Heroes of Hebrews chapter 11. I AM. For Our holy Eyes are going forth and trough the whole earth to seek and find one person, who is willingly to serve Us with total dedication… and whole-heartedly… and to Him We will reveal Us in a mighty and powerfull and glorious way. I AM. Woe to those who love money and luxury and worldly and fleshly satisfaction or their possessions more than Our Holy Kingdom of God and Our heavenly righteousness. I AM. My Son said : “First seek the Kingdom of GOD and its righteousness… and all other things… that you need… will be added unto you.” ; Says the LORD GOD, the Almighty GOD of Israel and creation, YHVH-Elohim.

Prophecy 28.01.2022.

Received by The Candle / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt.NL. / The Voice in The Wind.

Please read Revelation 13+14. + Revelation 4+5. Bible / Apocalypse.


HIM, who will give you the Laurel or Crown of Glory and Eternal LIFE… in Heaven and in The Glorious Kingdom of GOD

… or him / Satan/ The Devil / Lucifer / The Fallen One… who will give you the earthly 666-talents of gold / Mammon / Beast- NWO/UN-system… with the number of the Beast 666 in all to the www.-internet-of-all-things-connected-digital-social -and-financial-national-and-international-banking-computing-and-total-security-and-total-control-system… and to lead your precious soul to Scheol/Hades/Kingdom of Death… and Second Death / The Lake of Fire and Brimstone… because of your love for money and worldy security and “peace” and worldly lusts and satisfaction and possessions and wealth, while denying and resisting God’s holy call to Eternal LIFE and Eternal Glory with Him and Yeshua Hamashiach / Jesus The Christ through repentance and faith in Him… as your Lord and God and Savior and Healer of your life…. ?

Satan / Lucifer / The Old Dragon / The Old Serpent / The Old Evil Snake, who deceived Adam and Eve… by which they lost paradise… who knows how to deceive, seduce, betray mankind… by those who are his servants in high postions… to get them under his total evil and wicked control… to their eternal damnation.

Message by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. / The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.


This is a fact… and not a science fiction…

Those who deny this SCIENTIFIC FACT… or fight this… are ignorant of the depth of what is now really possible and going on in this age… or are willingly co-workers of those who want this total control-system… to enslave mankind and to do whatever they want to do to… or with… or in them by their technology.


Hacking Humans…

How far is todays technology really…

YOU WILL BE AMAZED… yes even SHOCKED… what they can… and already did… and are doing right now… and will do in future.

ATTENTION !!! This is NO science-fiction, but pure science and technology that is NOW worked out in mankind…

REVELATION 13 IN NOW !!! And all who do not accept it are seeing blind… and hearing deaf… and are on the road to second death, which is the lake of fire and brimstone.
