The Almighty One speaks to the nations… concerning… very, very, very near future…

This says GOD :

“Hear, ye nations, I AM the GOD of heaven and the earth. I AM. My name is YHVH-GOD, the Almighty One of creation and of Israel, My chosen people, that I chose to make My holy name and glorious power known to all the tribes and nations of the earth throughout all nations by their testimonies and their holy scriptures, that were written by My holy Ghost by My anointed ones out of Israel. I AM. Many of you heard this before, but lost it again. Many of you heard about My work among the Israelites and with them among the tribes in the Middle-East in former days. I AM. Still many despise them in these days and were/are even willing to destroy them. BUT I AM GOD and will stand to My holy promises that I made to My friend Abraham. I AM. I AM FAITHFUL and will never break My holy vows nor My holy Covenants that I made with My chosen ones. I AM. Even when people are unfaithful… I remain faithful. I AM. Soon I will reveal to all that I AM… in such a way, that no-one can remain denying My existence. And even when they will do it, they will just be liars and deceivers and betrayers and killers of mankind. I AM. My Holy Ghost is moving and working in the hearts of many in these last days to confirm the evil that is going on with the injections. Many will die, because of the New World Order-agenda’s. I AM. The new-world-order is the fulfilment of the Revelation 13. , which is now going on among the nations. Many will be killed/murdered by the injections, because the “ingredients” are like the poisenous bite of a snake. Many are deceived and even allowed/allow themselves to be deceived, although many sober scientists acknowledged and warned all worldwide… or tried at least to reach out for as many as possible, but were often rejected by the Media and social-media, who had to do what the new-world-order-agents commanded them to do. Many of them will be held accountable for their co-conspiracy against mankind at the day hat My Tribunal-Judgment will take place. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of the heavens and the earth, the Great I AM, the GOD of all universes and universal powers of the visible and invisible realms, dimensions, worlds. “Soon, yes very soon, I will bring judgments over the evildoers and wicked people, who denied Me and My Son and Our holy Heavenly Reign in creation. I AM. For We are faithfull. We are The Righteouss Ones, who will judge the living and the dead. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD of all Heavenly Universal Powers and Armed Forces. “MY Holy Son, the 7-Stars-General Y.H.W.H. , will soon show up to make an end to the Beast-NWO-kingdom and its temporary reign. For We hate the Whore Babylon and The Beast, for they are evil, wicked and murderous and full of sorcery and magic and Satanic and Luciferian occult knowledge and of evil spirits of darkness and of deceit, seduction, betrayal, manipulation and all kinds of sexual derailment and cruelty and of torturing and murdering of little babies and children and teens and people and evil Satanic orgies and bloodshedding/blood-sacrifices/human sacrifices and of child- and human-traffiking… and We will make an end to this in Our Way… and at Our Day…. and Our Time… and Our Hour. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty. “For We are preparing Our armies to make an end to the Satanic-/Luciferian-/fallen angels-/demon-cults… of this age. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD, the GOD of The True Heavenly Israel… that obeys HIM more than the liars and deceivers and evil and wicked ones of this temporary earth.

Prophecy / Words of GOD… 16.12.2021.

Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

GOD YHWH/YHVH speaks to the nations… about His two Menorahs in Israel…

This says GOD YHVH/YHWH, the GOD of Israel and creation, the great I AM :

“Hear ye nations, I AM the GOD who will bring fire of destruction upon you by My holy prophet Eliyah if you will try to kill Him when He is at Sodom and Egypt, Jerusalem, in Israel. I AM. Your armies I will devour with fire out of his mouth. I AM. For I have prepared him for this holy task to be My holy witness with His fellow-worker Moses, the man of GOD. For these two lampstands/two olivetrees/two witnesses and two prophets will preach/prophecise in their days to Israel, Jerusalem and all of the Israelites and Jews and to the nations, so that all will know who the True GOD of creation is. I AM. No-one will be capable to kill or murder or to harm them, for I AM the Almighty One of creation. No-one will ever defeat Me. I AM.” ; Says the Almighty GOD of all universes and the Heavens and the earth, the Great I AM of all visible and invisible real worlds of spirits and material dimensions.

Words of GOD/Prophecy by The Living GOD, received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
