Preaching/teaching by God’s Ghost by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Preaching/teaching by God’s Ghost by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Message by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt.
01.11. 2021.
Short word by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
This says GOD YHVH, the almighty One of creation :
“You are called to eternal glory by means of faith in Me and My Mashiach/Anointed One/ Christ. Are you willing to follow Me in Him and Him in Me ? For We are One : YHVH-Elohim. We are the GOD’s of creation, The Father and The Son and The Holy Ghost, and Our Holy Ghost and holy angels and holy messengers or wittnesses on earth represent Us. I AM. WE ARE the Elohim above all elohim, Gods above all gods. I AM. Many heard this before and many never. But things do not change unless WE change things. I AM. WE ARE the Ones who love creation… and by this the living beings, that We created on earth by giving them breath of life. I AM. Our Ghost is the LIFE-Giving Spirit in creation. Without Him people and living creatures will die. Many christians and other people and even some religions and scientists are not willing to believe this eternal fact. They often do as if animals are just stupid Spirit-less beasts. But I created them before I created man and woman. I AM. I created them all by means of My Ghost/Spirit and My words and powers and energies and caused them to be… or called them into existence according to My Holy All-knowing Being/Godhood/Deity and universal plans. I AM. All living creatures that I created have energy of life by My Ghost. For just material things, without My life-giving Spirit in them are just dead material things. You can create a human being with your technology of this age, but if I do not connect that being to My Ghost/Spirit of LIFE, than it will just be a clone, but it will only be dead… or even get possessed by a demon or evil anti-God or anti-Christ/anti-Mashiach spirit. So, if you think that you are creators of human beings, than you err. I AM. FOR I AM the Only Creator of True LIFE. I AM. In the days of Noah, the great prophet, who build the ark before the great flood, many fallen angels came into women and caused them to bear them… and even to give birth to them or to their seed, which became the Nephilim. They were a combination of fallen angels and of human flesh and blood and bones. They were cursed by Me, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, and were a curse to mankind in their ages. They were so evil and cruel that they even were man-eaters/cannibals. Some of them were between 50 cm and 7 meters high. Some of them looked as beautifull astonishing woman or man and were powerful because of their Satanic-angel powers, that were still in them… since they left their house in heaven. They were adored by many… and they even started to glorify them and to applause to them, because of how they looked and what they did and how they reigned and how they behaved as gods and godesses. They even taught people secrets of the occult/Satanic powers that they possesed, like magic/wickery, symbols etc. connected to evil forces of themselves or of other spirit-beings of darkness/fallen ones. I AM. Many of them even showed to women how they could behave and dress and become more erotic and lustful… and how to deceive and seduce man… or even to transgress all holy things of Me the Holy GOD of creation. They provoked Me and Noah and His House in such a way that I decided to destroy all… and all of mankind and living creatures, who became abnormal, possessed by demons and unclean spirits and powers of darkness and raised in the occult/ forbidden knowledge. They even cloned people and animals and even transformed the foundation of the genetic holy rules/codes, that I put from the beginning in each living being… that was created by My Ghost and words. I AM. They even mixed the genetic codes of animals with human beings and with serpents and all kinds of several beings, by which they created in My holy EYES anomalous, horrific creatures, abominations. Their evil was so spread all over the earth… and their lies and deceit and seduction… that I could not stand any longer to look at it… or to hear it from My holy chosen angels, who told Me what was going on in the earth. My Holy Anger/Holy Wrath and Holy Fire and Holy Fury filled My heart… and I decided to destroy all.. all over the earth/worldwide in those days… and that only those would be saved, that would listen to the preaching and prophecising of My chosen faithfull prophet Noah… and would believe him… and would prepare to be saved by turning away from all evil in obedience to My Holy Ghost and teachings by My prophet. They would enter into the Ark/Big Ship, that I showed Noah and His House to build… to save them and all who would hear, believe and obey My Words of saving grace. But alas all of mankind was so under the influence of the evil.. and so loved evil… and was so sensual sexual imparted by the evil forces and the occult secret societies, which after a while became even openly visible, and performed their Satanic cults publicly to enforce their Satanic agenda’s upon mankind, that I had to erase them all by The FLOOD. There was no other way possible anymore for Me to save creation… and to start again with people who were not partakers of that evil worldwide Satanic order of those days. Only people, who were not genetically changed and were pure by faith and obedience to MY TRUTH, could become the inheritants of the earth… after the devastating flood, which was My judgment upon the wickedness of mankind and all fallen and genetic changed beings. I AM. I also chose elected persons and living creatures, that I gathered in the ark of Me and Noah… to overcome the FLOOD. I AM. Only Noah and his wife and three sons and their three wives were the chosen ones, for they saw the evil and wickedness and cruelty and hated it… and listened to My Voice coming to their hearts by My Spirit and His teachings and prophecies by Noah. I AM. And I started after the flood again… with the chosen ones and the chosen animals and living creatures that were in the ark… to fill the earth again. I AM. And now in these days, that you are now living in… in this 21 century… as you call it in the West, you are facing the same things going on as in the days of Noah… before I sent the Flood. I AM. My Holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach / Jesus the Christ said in Matthew 24. that the days, before His return, would be like the days of Noah. I AM. He who has ears to hear, eyes to see and an open heart to understand what I reveal, prophecy and teach… will recognize the same things going on right NOW in this age, that you are living in RIGHT NOW. I AM. You are living in the real last days/Endtime. I AM. And all My words and revelations of the Apocalypse of the bible/Book of The Jews and Israelites and of True Born Agains, sons and daughters of Me and True Disciples of Yeshua ha Mashiach /Jesus The Christ and their faithfull disciples, will teach and reveal and prophecise and evangelize, and while shepherding to you, testify or tell you these facts and the reality of these historical things also to you. I AM. Be prepared for the time is near. Prepare THE WAY for Me, YHVH, the Living Almighty GOD of all universes and all universal powers in the visible and invisible realms/dominions/world/universes. I AM. For I will come very, very, very soon… to judge again all of mankind in holy Righteousness. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, The GOD of that was, is… or ever will be, the Great I AM, the GOD of Israel and creation.
Prophecy 31.10.2021.
Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Message by John Schoonbroodt. 30.10.2021.
Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. / The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
Message by John (= Jean) Schoonbroodt / The Voice in The Wind / The Candle. NL. EU.
This says GOD YHVH to the world-wide-web and its spider and creators and sustainers and users :
“Hear, ye people of the www. / 666-internet Beast-system of Revelation 13., of the Book of the Apocalypse of the bible… and by this the Image of the Beast with the Spirit that speaks through it and makes that all will be injected with the vomin/poison of the Old Snake / the Old Dragon that flies in the air to kill, murder and destroy, soon I will pour out My holy judgments and holy wrath from heaven upon you. For I AM furious because of your evil and wickedness and cruelty and your godlessness and your Satanic and Luciferian agenda’s, that have to depopulate the earth and to make people to robots, if they survive the by you created and spread “virus” and “vaccines”. I AM. Soon I will stand up from My heavenly Throne and will come down upon you with My holy FIRE from heaven to consume your gatherings of your secret societies/occult gatherings and organisations. I AM. For I AM GOD in heaven and not you fools. I AM. If you read this than know that no-one of you will escape My holy judgments. You thought to be able to fight Me and My Son and Our Ghost and words to create a godless society, so that you could stay in control and power. But you ERR !!! I AM. For I will destroy your “gods” and by this all your idols, for I AM a holy GOD, the Almighty One, who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. I AM. All your knowledge and science will not be able to stop My holy judgments and fiery wrath/holy anger. I AM. Woe to you evildoers who were/are not willing to repent nor are willing to admit My existence in the heavens and in the earth… working by all of My holy Ghost-powers. I AM. My invisible Being is My eternal almighty power that in reality controls My creation, according to My words and holy will and holy eternal plan. I AM. You are like cockroaches in My holy Eyes, that I will trample… if you remain in your pride and haughtiness and Satanic /Luciferian stupidity and cruelty. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHWH-Elohim, the GOD of Israel and creation, the Great I AM who revealed Himself to Moses the man of GOD, who lead Israel out of captivity and slavery and lead them to the promissed land of Israel… and Who revealed Himself and His Son to all chosen ones and holy prophets and revelators and seeers and holy apostles of the Lamb of GOD.
Prophecy 19.10.2021.
Received by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.