Sharp word of GOD to the Endtime-churches…

This says GOD YHVH, The Almighty One of creation and of The True Israel living according to the Spirit of GOD :

“Hear, ye fools of the endtime-churches, who despise My prophet Eliyah in the endtime. Soon He will stand in My Presence… and will judge you because you rejected His warning prophecies that He spoke and wrote. I AM. For many thought that they would never meet him here on earth, for they all thought that he would come after the rapture, together with the second Lampstand/Olivetree/Wittness/Prophet Moses. I AM. You are wrong and deceived by the Old Snake/Serpent/Old Red Dragon. For I have them in My Hand and they are now standing before Me the GOD of creation. Although they are already a while on earth and testified among the nations… I will soon sent them to Jerusalem to be My wittnesses to them. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD, YHVH GOD, the GOD of all heavens and the earth, the great I AM.

Prophecy 29.11.2021. Received by The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

GOD encourages His believers…

This says GOD :

“Arise My people, for I AM your GOD and Savior for eternity. Do My works and war against the evil spirits in the air… by praying and remaining in Our words… and fight the Good Fight of faith in obedience to My Holy Ghost and words and True Godly LOVE and compassion and True righteousness, according To My Holy Guidance in your personal lives and in your Holy Gatherings, wherever you are or will meet one-another. I AM. For My Holy Presence will be in your midst by My Holy Ghost and holy angels. I AM. Be aware of the fact and reality of these last days. You are confronted with evil in various places, but know that We have overcome them in Our Holy Power and Authority and Our Almighty Ghost/Spirit. I AM. I will strenghten you and encourage you to use the Heavenly Armour and will help you, while you are walking in Our grace and love and truth and dedication to Us. We are I AM. My Holy Ghost and Our Holy angels will minister to you amidst all circumstances. I AM. Although many of you face often temptations, trials, tests of life and are often confronted with evil and unbelief in people, still I AM faithfull and will never leave you nor forsake you. I AM. “; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation and of all created beings. “Hear, o people of the Spiritual True Body of Christ Jesus/ Yeshua ha Mashiach, I know your tribulation and know that many of you are already persecuted because of Me and My beloved Son and your holy Faith, that will give you eternal glory with Us… after having fulfilled your holy testimony and tasks in this temporary creation, but remain looking/focussing on Me and My Son and Our words/promises and the Eternal Glory that you will have in Our Heavenly Jerusalem and in Our Holy and glorious Presence and Future Heavenly Kingdom of GOD. I AM. Never give up. Endure, for We will give you all grace and truth and love and power to overcome all that you will face in future days. I AM. We are faithfull… even when people are unfaithfull. We are THE UNSHAKE-ABLE ROCK OF ALL AGES… on which all can build their houses/families to stand firm in the faith and to resist evil. I AM. Wherever you go… remain in Us and in Our words, coming to you in the power of Holy Ghost. I AM. For We have already won. The Eternal Victory is Ours and yours, for We are one with you… and you are one with Us. For you all reveal Our victorious Glory over evil in remaining in Us and Our words. For We will lead you in Our Triumph to make the sweet aroma/lovely fragrance of Our Holy Temple and Love and Truth and Eternal Righteousness known to various places in Our Holy names. I AM. For We are the TRUE Elohim above all elohim, We are the TRUE Gods above all gods from past and present days. I AM. We are YHVH-ELOHIM, The Eternal GOD and FATHER of all : YHVH, The SON : YHVH SAVES the Anointed One /Yeshua Hamashiach / Jesus the Christ… and THE HOLY GHOST OF YHVH/Holy Wind/Holy Fire/Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Breath, Our Holy Breath. Amen. WE THREE ARE ONE in Our reign, plan and holy will with and in creation. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the Great universal I AM. “OUR REIGN WILL NEVER END, although all earthly kingdoms will just last for a short period of time. I AM.” ; Says the All-Migthy One, the GOD of all visible and invisible worlds/dimensions/realms/universes, the Great “I AM YHVH”, the GOD of the True and Faithful Godly Holy Heavenly Armies/universal powers/forces.

Prophecy received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean (= Yochanan = YHVH is gracious)) Martin ( = man/warrior) Peter ( = Rock or Rock-Stone ) Schoonbroodt ( = Clean Bread ) (= Manna = Bread from Heaven = The Word of GOD that became flesh and blood = Yeshua Ha Mashiach / Jesus the Christ).

HE IS THE CANDLE ( = LAMP = Radiance of God’s Glory, Expression of God’s Being, Carrier of the Words of God’s Almighty Powers)

THE VOICE IN THE WIND (GOD’s Ghost speaks the words of The Father and The Son and of their words spoken by their holy messengers, who were also lead By God’s Holy Ghost as a testimony to all in creation, concerning the True Elohim above all : YHVH-Elohim, The Godhood/Deity of Israel and creation… and of the New Creation, the New Heaven and the New Earth, where there will be glory in all Eternity for GOD’s chosen ones, The True Israelites)

GOD gave me a name that glorifies HIM.

To HIM belongs and be all Glory and Majesty and true worship NOW and forever… in all of creation. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH-Elohim. Amen.


WORD to the True Spiritual Israel… of this Endtime…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel according to The Ghost of God… living in this endtime in obedience to the True Good News about the True Mashiach of Israel :

“Hear, o Spiritual Israel, that you are living according to My holy grace and love and truth and goodness and faithfullnes and holy words, I AM your GOD and Savior in these last days before My return to Israel from heaven with My True Mashiach. We will come down from heaven to the Mount of Olives at the east side of Jerusalem, where He also went up into heaven after having fulfilled His holy task to save Israel and many out of the nations from their fallen state… and transgressions of Our Thora and of Our holy Teachings by giving His Innocent Life as a ransom for their and your precious souls/spirits/lives. I AM. Soon, yes very soon, He will come to save the remnant of Israel. I AM. For many nations will again turn themselves against you. Again they are trying to destroy you completely by the bio-weapen that is now going around… and “the solution” that they are offering you for this “global pandemic”. You were/are injected with the vomin/poison of the Old Snake / Old Serpent / Old Dragon / Satan / Lucifer and the fallen ones, the evil spirits in the air, who have power in people on high places/positions. I AM. Many of them are members of secret societies, who are willing to destroy billions of people to create paradise for themselves on earth. They have these plans already al very long time… and prepared and staged all to work it out in such a way that people would be desinformed and manipulated to take the “snake-bites”. Soon many of your State/nation of Israel and of the nations will die because of the “ingredients” that are in them. The injections will have their effects according to what they put in them. You are often not aware of the danger you are facing right now and in future days. Never take the injections. Do not allow any-one to inject you with something that you do not know… or is rna-dna-changing. For there are many cruel people in high positions, who are even willing to do the most cruel things to little babies, children, teens and people or animals… but promote themselves as being “holy persons” or as “good people” who do charity… or created or create “foundations” for “good goals”, but are in reality predators and raving wolves in sheep-clothing. I AM. ONLY TRUST ME, for I AM the Good Shepherd of My heavenly Sheep, who will be with Me in all glory in eternity… after having fulfilled their holy tasks and testified about Us and Our holy work of salvation IN the True Mashiach. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-Elohim, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the Great I AM.

Prophecy 27.11.2021.

Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Martin Peter Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

Again a word to the prophet… who lives temporary in the EU.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the prophet in the EU :

“Hear prophet, you are called to be My Voice to the nations and Israel and to the churches and communities… and Ecclesia/True Heavenly Gatherings on earth of the True Saints. I AM. Many are church-attendees. Many are church-members, but when they are not My holy Children, sons and daughters, than they err in their religious way of life. Many long to have a good life, but are often not willing to accept My will for their lives. Life on earth does not mean that people have the real LIFE that I wanted to give them. Many are on the road of self-destruction. They think that they do not need Me, for they behave as selfmade men or women, although they err. For even the godless know that they are not always capable to do what they want to do… although they claim te be free, but are often captives of their own selfishness, evil mindset and or uncontrolled lusts of the flesh and greed and other bondages. I AM. Many seek “the stone of the wise” and do not realize that He was already on earth and was/is revealed to all : Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesus the Christ, who is The Stone of all Wisdom that gives Eternal LIFE to all who believe Him… and follow Him in by Us given and created faith in Our works of saving grace and / or redemption and of Our holy Words and promisses. I AM. Your days are counted. Soon the Son of GOD, the son of men, will come back to the earth to give eternal LIFE to His beloved ones and chosen ones, who followed him till the end to inherit the Eternal Kingdom and Eternal LIFE and the Eternal Glory with Us. I AM. Many heard it before, but ignored or denied it or rejected it. No wonder if they got hardenend towards the TRUTH and in being so are not willing to believe the TRUTH anymore, by which they have to believe the lies of Satan and his slaves and co – workers more than Me, the TRUE and ONLY GOD of creation. I AM. My Son, Yeshua Hamashiach Wamalech Hayehuddim / Jesus the Christ the King of the Jews, is now on earth active by His Ghost and holy angels and saints / holy people and witnesses… to reach out to the nations to offer them the free gift of Eternal LIFE, by means of creating faith in them by His words… to save them for eternity, by means of His Giving Goodness / Grace. You are called to Glory by the preaching of The Word of GOD. But if you remain stubborn, than you will have to face the eternal consequences, which are terrible / awfull. My beloved holy Son is capable to reach out to all… if they are willing to listen to His Voice/ Words, which are Mine. I AM. My call is to all… but not all are willing to come to Us to besaved for eternity. Many are so religious, that they are even not capable to see who I AM nor what is really going on… right now. Many are blinded by the schemes of Satan. Many I will not open the eyes again. For I revealed or taught them already the True Good News. But alas… they were not willing… to accept eternal facts and reality. I AM. My Holy Ghost and holy angels will rescue/save those who believe, trust and obey. I AM.” ; Says The LORD GOD, YHVH-GOD, the Great I AM, the GOD of Israel and creation.

Prophecy 26.11.2021.

Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.