( Dutch.NL. EU.)
Boodschap door The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
Hier geplaatst d.d. 17.11.2021.
( Dutch.NL. EU.)
Boodschap door The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.
Hier geplaatst d.d. 17.11.2021.
Very short encouraging testimony and message of 2, 56 minutes.
By The Voice in the Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and creation :
“Hear, ye christians of this endtime, ye are often dishonored. But remain in Me and My words that I spoke and speak by My holy prophets and revelators and seeers and apostles of the Lamb of God / Yeshua Hamashiach/ Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many are provoking Me by dishonoring My holy Son Yeshua Hamashiach /Jesus the Christ and My and His words. I AM. My holy prophets and apostles of this endtime are aware of the beauty of the women on earth, but meanwhile understand the danger of connecting with them, if they are just worldly focussed. I AM. Many evangelists and elders and shepherds and teachers and deacons were already caught in their web, like also many christians, by which they became disobedient to Me and My Son and Our Holy Ghost and Our holy words and warnings. I AM. Many are now even already chained to pornography. I AM. When they remain in this addiction and idolatry and sorcery, for disobedience and stubbornness is sorcery, than I will spit them out on My day, that I will judge them. I AM. For I AM a holy GOD and hate evil in all its appearances. I AM. Many churchleaders fell already in the Spiders Web and trap… and got chained to powers of darkness. I AM. Because of this they even became evildoers by abusing and even raping churchmembers and manipulating them not to speak out about their evil. I AM. Therefore judgment has come upon them and their churches, by which wickedness increases among them under the veil of prosperity-gospel and modern church-meetings with openness to all people, even to those that I would reject in My holy Gatherings, because of their not willing to obey My holy apostle-teachings nor prophetical utterances nor holy revelations. I AM. Many, who call themselves “priests”, are in reality sons of Lucifer/Satan/the Devil/Diabolos/ the Evil One, the father of all lies, deceit, evil manipulation, abuse, rape, torture, murder, blasphemy… and all kind of evil and wickedness and idolatry and sorcery and disobedience and of provocation and of theft and deception, seduction etc. They are evildoers in My holy Flaming Eyes of Fire. I AM. Soon I will come and destroy them by My holy angels with consuming fire, when they are definite ripe for hell/second death. I AM. For I hate their works and evil manipulating greedy and self-esteeming words and vocabulary, while dishonoring or denying My Almighty Holy Reign and Holy True Good News and Holiness. I AM. They are like a virus to My True Body of Yeshua Hamashiach/ Jesus the Christ, who really undermine and even try to deceive them and even to destroy them. I AM. Many of them are raving wolves in sheepsclothing, speaking almost only the most beautifull words that tickle the ears of people, who want to become rich/wealthy, influencial, famous and are also very ambitious in the wrong direction. They are all on the broad raod to eternal destruction by following these false ones. I AM. My Son Yeshua/ Jesus never taught people to become rich…. but to follow Him, who was a vagabond/wanderer in Israel without any pillow to lay his head on to rest. I AM. His True followers/disciples took their cross upon them in following Him… and almost all had to die for their Savior and Lord YHVH / Jesus the Christ, for He and I are One. I AM. Now in these last days many christians are so caught up in worries of their existence and in earning much money that they are even falling away from Me in unbelief… or even rebell against Me in their prayers, for they are not willing to suffer for Christ sake. I AM. Their love for money, wealth/luxury/possessions, satisfaction/fulfillment of their own soulish lusts or of the flesh is so important to them, that they are even willing to deny Me or even to reject Me and My Son and Our True Teachings… and to go to a human/social/NWO-subjected church-building/gathering, that looks as if it would be pious and submissive to Us, but is just a church of the worldly-minded, who are in reality enemies of Us… and a church of humans… and even a church of Satan, where I AM not represented as I AM in reality. My holiness and righteousness you will not find among them, nor My Spirit. I AM. My advice to all who have still ears to hear, in this age of deceit and seduction and betrayal and lies and schemes of Satan/Lucifer and the fallen ones and their followers or slaves or co-workers, is : “Leave the Whore Babylon, the fallen one, the wife of Satan, so that you will not be part of his/her evil/sin/transgressions of God’s commandments… nor that you will become/be/remain a partaker of the plagues, that I pour out upon and among them. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the Great Universal I AM, the GOD of the True Godly Heavenly Spiritual Israel/ The True Bride of Yeshua ha Mashiach / Jesus the Christ, who is her Heavenly Glorious Bridegroom, who longs for Her… and she longs for Him… to be united in all Glory in all eternity.
Prophecy 12.11.2021. Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Message by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. / The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.