The Great I AM reveals… HIS WAY…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth :

“Hear, ye who have ears to hear and eyes to see what is really going on in creation, I AM the GOD who calls all people again back to Me. I want you to know that I AM and that I AM not an illusion nor a fantasy of religious “freaks”, but that I AM the Source of all living things and beings. I AM. For I AM GHOST, LIGHT, LOVE. I AM. My holiness is My glory. I AM. I hate evil and love it when people honor one-another and respect one-another in their holy task that they have on earth to be co-workers of Me and one-another to help and serve one-another with the talents and gifts and possibilities that I gave or give them. I AM. Love one-another like you love yourselves and seek the good for all people and do not harm one-another nor judge one-another without knowing the facts and truth concerning a human being and his/her life or situation. I AM. For many are feeling lost and empty and not fulfilled in their lives, because they often even don’t know why they are living on earth. Many seek fulfilment in possessions and material things, but lost or loose Me… because of the seduction and deception in life on earth. Many know that I exist, but chose to love sin and evil lusts and satisfaction more than Me and My heavenly Kingdom of True Love and Holy Righteousness and Goodness and True Care. I AM. Many are drifting away into a place of eternal torment, because they think that living on earth in great wealth and luxury is the only way to be happy. They err. I AM THE WAY and THE TRUTH and THE LIFE, revealed in flesh and blood and bones IN Yeshua Hamashiach / Jesus the Christ. I AM. He who saw or sees Him, saw or sees Me, the GOD of creation walking in a human body of flesh and blood and bones as the man Yeshua Hinoshri / Jesus the Nazarene, The True Mashiach / The True Anointed One with My HOLY GHOST in His fullness / The True Christ, the Son of God, MY SON, My beloved One, who I gave as a Lamb of GOD for the sins (transgressions of the Thora/holy Law) of the 12 tribes of Israel… and by this also for the Jews… and for all of mankind of creation from past, present and future, as long as they do not reject this Holy Gift of My Holy Grace / Holy Giving Goodness and True Eternal Godly LOVE… and compasssion with the weaknesses of mankind. I AM. Many came under My holy judgments throughout the ages, because they rejected Me and Him and Our Holy message concerning this Eternal Gift of Love and forgiveness and reconciliation in the power of Our Holy Ghost and the precious blood of My Son, that fled from Gethsemane till the moment that it was sprinkled on The Mercy-Seat / The Place of Reconciliation on the Ark of the Covenant, that I made with Israel, to reconcile all of Israel and creation to Me. The Ark of the Covenant was hidden by My Hand, under the place where Yeshua /Jesus later would be crucified, in a cave in the Rock-bottem. The wood of curses, on which the Mashiach was hanging and suffering during 6 hours for the sins of mankind, was secured/anchored in the Rock-bottem above the cave where the Ark of the Covenant, given by Me to Moses and by him to Israel, was placed to fulfill all that was / is written by My holy Prophets of Israel concerning the Mashiach and His work of reconciliation for the sins of Israel and creation. I AM. In these days, where you are right now living in, still My holy prophets speak by their holy scriptures in your midst… so also the apostles and the saints, who were all lead and driven by My Holy Ghost to testify/witness about these holy facts. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the Great I AM, the Ruler and Reigner and KING of all by GOD’s GHOST and WORD created things and living beings and spirits in the visible and invisible dimensions/realms/worlds/universes. For HE IS the Almighty One and no-one else. “Amen. Hallelu-YHVH-Elohim. Amen.” ; Says the GHOST of GOD.

Prophecy / Words of GOD received from GOD by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. / The Candle / The Voice in The Wind of God’s Holy Breath.


Vengeance and wrath of God upon the leaders of the nations…

This says GOD YHVH to the nations and their leaders in 2021 :

“Hear, ye evildoers, I know your hidden works and rituals and bloodsacrifices in your secret/occult gatherings of the freemasons on the 30-33 degree-level. I know what you are doing, speaking… and see your heart. I know that I hate your evil and wickedness and cruelty. Soon I will come with vengeance and take you out by My almighty powers and holy armies of heaven. You were/are called to rule the nations and tribes of te earth, but you chose Satan / Lucifer and the fallen ones as your “gods”. You belong all to the church of Satan and to the “high house”, that floats in the air… without an everlasting foundation. You despised My holy prophets and messengers throughout the ages and many of them were murdered by your evil schemes. But now the day of wrath and vengeance has come upon you. I will show you your iniquity and your evil and cruel deeds and will give it to you as an everlasting condemnation in your hearts, as a worm of hell and fire in your spirit, souls and bodies. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the Great I AM , the Ruler and King of the universes/kosmoia, the GOD of the True Spiritual and chosen Israel.

Prophecy 11.09.2021. Received by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.

Shocking and revealing interview…

Stew Peters interviews Dr.Robert Young, researcher.

Posted on 09.09.2021.

Attention !!! Confirms prophecy of 18.08.2021. :

Several messages placed here by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Martin Peter Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. 0909.2021.

To the nations… and people of the earth…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, the Almighty One, the great I AM of all universes/kosmoia/cosmos/worlds :

“Hear, ye nations and people of the earth, I AM YHVH, the GOD of all existing things in the material and spirit-worlds. I AM. No-one is capable to understand all things that I did throughout all ages in all the things that I created by My Word. I AM. Many think that they can erase Me or the remembrance of My Being or words by fighting against Me and My beloved and chosen ones in creation. I AM. Alas, you will fail, for no-one can kill Me nor destroy Me for I AM the Almighty One… and you are just little puppets walking on this temporary earth, thinking that you are very important and that you can keep control over what is going on… on earth. All your vomin and evil and snares and schemes even to eradicate My Holy Temple, The True Body of Christ Jesus / Yeshua ha Mashiach which is the gathering of true saints who follow Me IN Christ Jesus, will fail. For I will always again and again show you that My True Heavenly Temple / Tabernacle is immortal… and lasts forever. I AM. One day My holy Son and His saints will come down from heaven with holy angels that will consume you with holy fire and will cleanse the whole earth from all godless and wicked ones, who did not acknowledge Us… nor Our holy words and gospel and teachings and prophecies and revelations and warnings and temporary judgments. I AM. Now is the time to save your soul and to quit with evil and to call on Our holy names to save your lives and spirit/soul for eternity… and to admit your sins/transgressions of Our holy commandments and your disobedience and godlessness and wicked and cruel ways. If you remain stubborn… and are not willing to repent and to allow Us to show you the way to eternal glory by means of faith that is activ in love and truth and true righteousness and is activ in doing Our holy will… than We suddenly will pour out Our holy Judgments upon you and will punish you for your evil and wicked thoughts, words and deeds and evil schemes… and plan to destroy all of mankind to create for yourselves “paradise on earth” … without acknowledging Me as the Living GOD of all existing things in the visible and invisible worlds. I AM. I AM The King above all kings and The LORD above all lords. So if you remain proud I will humble you… and will show and reveal your Satanic / Luciferian demonic evil attitudes and thoughtpatterns and cruelty and your bloodsacrifices… and I will judge you by those that you despised as beinging the “vulgair” , the “scum of the earth” , in your proud eyes. I AM. Ye haughty men and women on earth, ye are going to hell/kingdom of death/scheol/hades and second death/ the lake of brimstone and fire if you remain in your godlessness and evil and wicked ways. I AM. Blessed are all who I will bring to repentance to change their hearts by means of My grace and love and truth and holy righteousness and mercy and gift of faith in these eternal facts, that were already revealed and taught throughout all ages by My Holy Ghost and by those who were His servants. I AM. For I AM the Living GOD who hates evil and wickedness and cruelty, but who loves mercy, righteousness, holiness, faith that is activ in doing good and that takes care of creation and of people according to My holy and loving and caring and saving and healing will. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Isreal and creation, the Great I AM.

Prophecy 05.09.2021. Received by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.