GOD spreekt tot de kerkleiders… 2021.(Dutch)

God speaks to the churchleaders. 2021.

Boodschap door The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt.NL. EU.

Boodschap van 02.10.2021.

Schriftelijk geplaatst op : https://jeanschoonbroodt.tumblr.com/post/663949814381379584/tot-de-kerkleiders-in-2021 … en ingesproken en geplaatst op Bitchute 02.10.2021. … en hier nu op deze website d.d. 18.10.2021.

GOD speaks to the prophet who hears…

This says YHWH, the GOD of Israel, to the prophet that has ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to understand My words coming to him by My Holy Ghost of revelation and prophecy :

“Hear, I will send you to the nation of Israel in very near future to be one of My holy prophets to reveal the Good News to the elected ones of Israel that I will add to the Bride of Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. Listen carefully. Many think that they are Eliyah or Moses, but I will reveal who the real two olivetrees / two Lampstands are in very near future. I AM. For My holy word will do as I decide. Many fell away while taking the vaccine/injections, for they loved this world more than Me and My True and Faithfull Wittness Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. The Roman Catholic Church is still a church that commits adultery with Lucifer and Satan in secret. I AM. Many heard it before in former ages, but often were deceived and seduced by her schemes and infiltration of their churches. I AM. Many churchleaders are one with her in disobedience to Me, the GOD of creation. Reason : They betray the True Gospel. I AM. For I AM the GOD of all existing things in the visible and invisible worlds, but alas Satan/Lucifer does not want to give Me that honor and pretends as if He is the god of this creation. His jealousy towards Me and My Son and Our holy chosen ones brings him to the point that he is willing to deceive, seduce and betray and even to persecute and murder many of My followers… who are IN the True Holy Ghost of Me and My Mashiach living. I AM. Many households of “God” are in reality already Laodicea-churches, which are more faithfull to the temporary NWO-Beast-system and its Mammon/666/www./internet-banking and control system, than to Me. As soon as they accepted the injections… or accept the injections… they will be spit out by Me… and will not belong anymore to My True Heavenly Glorious Temple of the Living GOD/ True Gathering of saints or True Spiritual Body of Christ Jesus/ Yeshua ha Mashiach. I AM. Their love for money and pleasure and worldly lusts and worldly riches/wealth/luxury and satisfaction of their soulish life, while abusing My grace, lead… and will lead them to eternal destruction and eternal punishment and suffering in the second death. I AM. I AM the GOD of TRUTH and TRUE LOVE and CARE and of HOLINESS and of RIGHTEOUSNESS. I AM. My Son died on the wood of curses of Golgatha/Calvery to save sinners from their sins.. and to give them new life by means of My giving goodness/grace and love and truth and Holy Ghost, so that they would become and be and remain a holy nation of kings and priests, that would remain in faith and obedience and who would worship Me in holy Ghost and truth. I AM. I AM HOLY, so be holy. I AM. Glory to all who persist/endure following Me in Yeshua ha Mashiach / Christ Jesus and who honor Us… and believe the True Gospel and who build under Our Holy Hand Our Temple on earth on the holy foundation of The Word of GOD, which is the Eternal Foundation given by Us by Our Holy Ghost to Our chosen weak vessels, the prophets/seeers/revelators and apostles and Our Heavenly Cornerstone : Yeshua ha Mashiach / Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ. I AM. Blessed are all who overcome this evil and wicked godless and stubborn and wicked worldorder, that is lead by Satan / Lucifer and the fallen ones and those who are their co-workers or slaves. I AM. Glory to all who overcame/overcome this evil world by their testimony, the Blood of the Lamb of GOD… and because they did not love their lives on earth till the end. For they had/have a living hope and the assurance of eternal life with Us in Eternal Glory, by means of Our grace and truth and Holy Ghost and the holy promisses of Our Words and prophecies and revelations… and Our gift of Faith to them and working in and through them, that has overcome this world. Amen.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the GOD of the True Israel of GOD and of creation, YHWH-Elohim. Amen. Hallelu-YHWH-Elohim. Amen.

Prophecy 18.10.2021. Received by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

Short Prophecies to several nations…

“When I will throw My heavenly Darts… you will know that I AM. ” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, The Great I AM of all universes.

The Satanic / Luciferian Beast-system NWO is already here, but not yet recognised by all…

THE DRAGON / Satan / Lucifer, the Fallen One and leader of the fallen ones, is willing to deceive and seduce all by 666, which also stands for ( Mammon) the riches and the wealth and gold and all luxury… and sexual derailment and lawlessness/thora-lessness and godlessness and idolatry and all wickedness of this evil anti-God and other-Mashiach/other Messiah/Other-or anti-Christ/other anointed one, the false prophet/false apostle/false high priest, religious deceiver and seducer and betrayer of mankind… and His Religious World-Order / Whore Babylon ( Rev. 17+18.) who reigned and reigns the Beast-New World-Order, who was, is and always will be the enemy of the True Holy People and True Holy Kings and Holy Priests of GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, and of the True Temple/Tabernacle of GOD from Heaven, which is the True Gathering/Fellowship of saints, purchased and cleansed by The Blood of The Son of God/ The Lamb of God and God’s Holy Ghost and power and truth and Good News of saving grace and faith in the Great I AM and His Son, the Savior Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesus the Christ, THE TRUE MASHIACH of Israel, that was promised by God YHVH and His True holy prophets and seeers and revelators of the past.

ATTENTION ! Video removed because of occult frontpage.

Many Laodicea-Endtime churches and christianity are even while seeing… blind... and while hearing… deaf to this reality. They still think that Revelation 13 is in future. THEY ERR !!! And teach false doctrines as being “Godly” Inspired. Many churchleaders are under the influence of the NWO-agents, who have infiltrated their churches. The Whore Babylon has already her feet in churches… and is even teaching all just to “obey Romans 13.” without acknowledging the fact and reality that they are already in the fulfilment of Revelation 13. Many churchleaders and theologians/scribes/scholars and famous preachers and evangelists and pastors and teachers of God’s words and popes and priests are even members of the Luciferian cult of Freemasonry worldwide. Many churches/communities/gatherings of biblical believers are already part of The Beast and of the Whore Babylon, without knowing it… or willingly denying it. Some are schocked when they hear it… and will even refuse to believe this fact/reality. You are being deceived already many decennia. When will you wake up … ???

GOD Says :

Go out of her My people, so that you will not be partakers of her sin nor will be/or remain partakers of the plagues… that I poured out upon her. I AM.

Jesus Christ said/says : “My Kingdom is not of this world/cosmos. I AM.”

ENCOURAGING TEXT : “HE, who is in you, is more/stronger than he who is in the world.“Christ within you… the hope of glory…”

And Eph. 1 : 3. + Eph. 1 ; 13+14. + Eph. 3 ; 14-21. + 1 John 2 ; 27. + Rev. 13+14. +17-18.

10.10.2021. By The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


The last statement in the video, that I removed, that the fulfilment of the mark of the Beast will be in the future is a wrong statement… and again falsifies/denies the truth/reality, that is NOW going on in our days 2021.

Judgment… or reconciliation with GOD…

This says GOD :

“My holy word will be like a stream of living water that flows from My throne in the power of Holy Ghost to and through My holy vessels, which are the people wo are set apart in My loving Goodness and grace and heavenly Peace and righteousness to be a testimony to all people of all nations and tribes and tongues of the earth. I AM. My Holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach will soon return to the earth to judge all nations. I AM. Soon I will show My power and Majesty in creation by giving judgement upon the nations and tribes of the earth, because of their unrighteousness and wickedness and idolatry and even Satanism and Luciferianism. I AM. My holy angels will send fire of destruction. I AM. Many will die in their sins/evil/transgressions of the holy Law of GOD/Thora… and will go down into scheol/hades/kingdom of death. I AM. There they will wait and suffer till the day of the last/final judgment. I AM. My holy people will follow My holy Mashiach Yeshua Hinoshri Wamalech Hayehuddim. He is the True savior of Israel and creation in My holy almighty Powers… in the power of My Holy Almighty Ghost and His Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Breath. I AM. Many will suffer in all eternity if they heard My saving message, but rejected Me and Him and her. I AM. A human being will only be justified in Our Holy Presence by means of faith in Us and Our work of reconciliation on Golgatha/Calvery… fulfilled by The Lamb of GOD, who was and is the Lion of Juda, which is Yeshua ha Mashiach / Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ. He is My beloved holy Son and the Temple of the fullness of My deity/Godhood and Ghost, for I AM GHOST. And the fulness of My Almighty Being and Ghost was upon, in and through Him active, while being among the Jews in Israel in the past. I AM. Now He is glorified in heaven, seated at My Right Arm / Hand / Side upon His heavenly Throne. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH-Elohim, the GOD of Israel, the Great I AM, the GOD of the heavens and the earth.

Prophecy 07.10.2021. Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. Nl. EU.