Short message by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Short message by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Short message by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to all who have ears to hear what the Ghost of GOD says to the holy communities of these last days/endtime :
“Hear, ye sons and daughters… and brothers and sisters of Yeshua ha Mashiach Jesous Christos /Jesus the Christ, you are called to eternal glory, but resist the evil one and obey Us and our Holy Ghost and words more than those who are disobedient towards Us. I AM. Many have lost already their hope for eternal glory. Reason : They were not faithful till the end. They loved the world and what is in her more than Us and Our heavenly Kingdom and Our heavenly glorious eternal riches and Reign and holy righteousness. I AM. Many were not willing to loose the things of this world to inherit Our glorious Kingdom. He who loves his earthly life and wants to save it… will loose it, but he who looses his earthly life for Us and Our Gospel and Our Kingdom and its righteousness… will save it. I AM. You heard these words before. For My beloved glorified Son Yeshua / Jesus taught this also by My Holy Ghost in His days on earth… and so also did His faithful or anointed followers. I AM. Hear, my beloved and chosen ones, I AM your heavenly and Almighty GOD and Father and I will fulfill My holy promises given to you by My Ghost and words and by those who were/are My holy messengers. I AM. In these last days you will be tempted to take the injections, which are connected to and are one with 666 / the Anti-Christ and its/his religious Whore Babylon and his Anti-Christ-World-Mammon /Money-system. Read Revelations 13 +14. You are now living in the days of fulfillment of these revelations. Many are not willing to believe this. The truth and reality of this fact is too hard to them to be true. They were told in their synagogues/schools/bible-studies and churchbuildings and church-gatherings that they would never face this time of temptation. But now they are facing this time… and many ignore/deny it willingly, for they resist My holy Ghost and His revealing dreams, visions, revelations, prophecies, night-visions and true teachings concerning this endtime. Many are already hardened and will go lost for eternity… for they were/are not willing to accept that We would allow them to go through such an evil time… or kind of tests/temptation/trials/tribulation. But We will reveal in this time the true sons of God… and the sons of unbelief and disobedience. I AM. We are willing to strengthen all who entrust to Us all their ways in or to obedience to Us… and Our Ghost and words and directions, that We give them from Our Heavenly Throne. I AM. Blessed are all who follow Us… and pick up their cross every day and deny themselves every day … and follow Yeshua ha Mashiach / Jesus the Christ till the end… and who will overcome this evil world and its temptations and who worship Us in Holy Ghost and truth in obedience to Our holy will, by means of grace through faith in Our leading and guidance in Our holy names and love and truth and righteousness and Holy Ghost. I AM. They are Our True Saints, who are purchased by the Blood of the Lamb of God… and washed their robes in His blood and Ghost and words of GOD… and all this by means of Our Giving Goodness / Grace and faithfulness. I AM. For We started the Good Work of Faith in them… and We will make them complete till the day of Yeshua ha Mashiach / Christ Jesus in Our Heavenly Glory. They are the Overcomers, who will sit with Us on Our Heavenly Throne to reign with Us forever in Our Kingdom. I AM. Let him who has ears to hear, hear what the Spirit of GOD says in these perilious times, where the Beast-System-World-kingdom is active to prepare people to eternal suffering and destruction and condemnation… by their godless and lawless/thoraless and deceptive and seductive manipulation by leading them away from Us… and bringing them under the power of Satan and Lucifer and the fallen ones and those who are their slaves/co-workers on the broad road to hell/ kingdom of Death/scheol/hades and Second Death, which is the lake of brimstone and fire. I AM. And My Son says, to all who are really willing to inherit the Kingdom of GOD and its eternal Glory : “Glory, Glory, Glory… follow Me… till the end.” I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-Elohim. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH. Amen.
Prophecy received 04.10.2021. By The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Very important short message. This is NOT SCIENCE-FICTION nor an illusion, but reality and facts revealed by GOD, who never lies, for HE IS THE TRUTH. All people lied or lie in their lives, but GOD not !
Prophecy 03.10.2021.
Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
This says GOD to the traders/merchants/dealers of the earth :
“Hear, ye traders /merchants / dealers of the earth, I AM the GOD who despised the king of Tyrus ( 1) after he became proud and rejected My holy reign. I AM. In these days I AM still the same. One of his sins was that he made many trade agreements / deals in unrighteousness. I AM. You are on that same broad road to eternal destruction. Repent. Turn around… back to Me in faith and obedience to this call… and quit evil and wickedness… and do not go on with evil… and wicked deals. I AM. If you are connected with child-abuse… and child-kidnapping and child-trafficing and child-abuse and child-rape and torture and cruelty… or occult/secret societies or Satanism or Luciferianism or serving fallen angels or demons or worship of “gods” and “godesses” and are not willing to quit with it, than I will destroy you totally… unexpected. I AM. For I AM Adonai YHVH, the GOD of True Holy Heavenly Honor and Holy Truth and of Heavenly Holy Righteousness… and of Holy Anger / Holy Wrath… and Holy Vengeance. I AM. What you sow… you will reap. Whatever you did to the least of Mine, you did to Me… and I will take revenge and will bring it back upon your heads and lives. I AM. No-one will escape, when the day and the hour and moment will come that I will bring My fury upon you. I AM. Many important people and leaders and kings and rulers of the earth will fear and tremble when the day of My Holy Wrath will come. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-Elohim, the GOD of The True Spiritual Israel and of creation, the Great I AM, who revealed himself to Moses, the great man of GOD, who lead Israel out of slavery in Egypt… and lead them to the promised land under God’s Hand.
(1) Ezechiel chapter 28.
(2) Photo of Lion with two children = GOD revealed in His Son Yeshua ha Mashiach / Jesus the Christ… is also called the Lion of Juda, who has overcome… and who will devour His enemies on the day of judgment and wrath and vengeance. HE LOVES CHILDREN and said : “Let the children come to Me… and do not hinder them. For theirs is the Kingdom of God/Heaven. I AM.”
Prophecy 03.10.2021. Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Preacher and prophet of the Almighty GOD, King of the universes.
Message by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
Very short message of 3 minutes by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and of all of creation, to the nations and tribes of the earth :
“You were/are condemned when you took/take the mark, name, number… or number of the name of the Beast (1). I AM. Many heard this before but denied it. Many falsified the scriptures, while they translated them or explained them or falsified the teachings and prophecies and revelations of the word of God . Many were/are slaves of the Beast/NWO-UN-system (1) from past, present and future. I AM. Many will inherit the second death / the lake of brimstone and fire… and will be tormented in all eternity. I AM. For I AM the Holy GOD who hates unholiness. I AM. My Son died to save all who would believe and obey Him and His Gospel of salvation. But alas… many were not willing to obey Him till the end. Just a little flock will overcome this Beast-system by leaving it… in obedience to My Spirit/Ghost and His True Teachings and Revelations and Prophecies by faithfull disciples and followers of Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesus the Christ. I AM. They will be persecuted and murdered by the Beast (1). I AM. But they will be the glorified ones, who will sit with Me and My Son on Our heavenly throne in all eternity and will reign with Us from heaven in the Eternal Kingdom of GOD. I, YHVH-GOD, AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty YHVH-Elohim. “Amen” ; says the Spirit of GOD.
Prophecy 29.09.2021. Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean Martin Peter Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
( 1 ) BEAST = Belgium Economic Administrative Social/Security-Technology-System. Its Super-Computer is settled at Brussels in Belgium. EU. And all other Super-Computing systems and servers, providers and browsers and divices are connected and one with it. And all social and administrative and security-sytems world-wide were/are/ have to be connected to its World-Wide-Web-internet-digital-system connected to 666 by means of the original barcode-system based on 666… for total registration of all data… for total control… to keep all nations and tribes under control of the Anti-Christ, whose number of his title of function is 666. The Anti-Christ is the Other Christ/False Christ/False Maschiach/False Anointed One, who is the High Priest of The Whore Babylon, which is the man of Rome who sits on his throne, where the kings and rulers of the earth have to visit him… and to bow for him… and commit spiritual idolatry and spiritual fornication with him and his religious false church/temple. The Modern Tower of Babel (2) ( Babylon) is the EU-Government-building at Brussels in Belgium. EU. It is the real modern version of the Anti-GOD world-unity-system (2) that lives in rebellion towards The True GOD YHVH and His Holy Words and Holy Will and Holy Reign in heaven and on/in the earth. The NWO/UN/EU- Beast-system has its roots in the Spiritual Whore Babylon, the Anti-GOD religious system from Babel (2).
( 2 ) In Genesis 11, of the Old Testament of the Bible, you will find that mankind rebelled against God’s holy will. God gave the commandment that people should multiply and fill the earth with people. But Nimrod, started to build the first city : Babel , and build a tower that had to reach into heaven… and that tower had to be a spiritual symbol of “unity” and of godlessness and idolitry and kept people strict to that arear… and in this way under strict total control of that wicked ruler/king Nimrod… by which people did not multiply and spread all over the earth… and were/became/remained disobedient to GOD’s holy will/commandment and plan to multiply and fill the whole earth with people. So God did something that caused that they all had to separate from one-another…. and still would fulfill God’s wil… = multiplying and filling the whole earth with people. Read that historical fact. Mankind did not change… nor has changed in this 21 century. They are always repeating the historical facts and mistakes and even cruelty and foolishness of former old days. Nimrod thought is his day also that he was modern and intelligent and wise and wanted power and control. But he was a fool in God’s holy eyes and a lawless and evil and wicked man who played god… and wanted all to be his slaves. But GOD showed him, when he did not expect it, that the True GOD was/is and remains in charge… and that GOD’s plan will be fulfilled.
Read Revelation 13 +14. + 17+18. … and Genesis chapter 11.
For further understanding of the mysteries of Revelations use on this page “search”…
and enter 666 or mark, name or number of the Beast or Rev. 13 etc. .. or whatever question you have concerning the gospel or the bible or biblical themes concerning endtime or facts and reality… or concerning nations, UN, Israel etc. You will find prophecies, video’s that can / will / might answer your questions… by God’s Hand and grace and love and truth and holy righteousness. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH-Elohim. Amen.