GOD’s chosen ones… and the children of disobedience…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation and the GOD and Father of creation :

“Hear, ye people of these last days all over the earth, I AM YHVH-GOD, the GOD of creation, which is the work of My Hands. I AM. I AM the One and Only True GOD of all universes of past, present and future. I AM. No-one will flee… when My judgments suddenly will be poured out upon ye all, unless you are one of the chosen/elected ones from before foundation of creation according to My holy sovereign choice. I AM. Many churches deceived many as if the work of salvation would be the work of mankind and their religious dedication to their churches and their dogma’s and rituals. But alas I AM the Soevereign One, who chose already before foundation of creation who would spend eternity with Me in eternal glory. I AM. For many were taught that they would have to earn their salvation by doing good works. But I AM the One who molds the hearts of people, according to My holy will and plan… for I AM the One who decides if someone will overcome this worlds and its evil or not. For I AM the One who decides if someone will be saved for eternity or not… and when and why. I AM. Many preached and teached that I AM GOD. Many thought that they were preaching My holy words according to My holy will… although many of them erred, because of the lies and false teachings of deceiving and seducing spirits that infiltrated their hearts and spirit and minds by those who were also deceived or willingly deceivers and seducers of churches and mankind, because their attitude and their hearts were very ambitious and wanted to be churchleaders and not really humble servants of Me. Many of them wanted to earn their money by being religious or very dedicated to “their way of serving Me” according to their theology, but in reality dishonored Me and My holy Son in doing things that were opposite towards Our holy apostolic teachings and true mindset. I AM. Many lost their soul for eternity, because of greed, the lust for money or ambitious goals that were not Mine. I AM. Many looked for sexual satisfaction in all kinds of sexual activities in their lives or relations or partner or husband or wife… in a way that was not pleasing Me. I AM. Many heard and knew that I was willing to sanctify them, according My Holy Words by My Holy Ghost, and so their conciousness, heart, spirit, mind, soul, body… so that they were/are holy Temples/Tabernacles of My Holy Ghost. I AM. Alas… many were stubborn concerning My sanctifying work in their lives.. and hurt themselves and other people or even children and babies. Many were/are children of disobedience… and are often chastised by Me, because of their evil fleshly attitude/mindset/ desires/lusts, that will lead them to destruction… if they don’t quit with it and are not willing to repent. I AM. My call to all is : Repent for My Kingdom is near. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the Great I AM, the GOD of the heavens and the earth.

Prophecy 27.05.2021.

Received by The Candle / The Voice in the Wind / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

“For they resisted ME…”

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of the heavens and the earth :

“Hear, ye elected/chosen ones from before foundation of creation, soon I will come down from heaven to gather you. I AM. Many learn and teach My words, but are not chosen ones. I AM. They will start with Us, but will fall away during tempations, trials or tests of life. I AM. Many try to influence My heavenly Bride, but will fail. Many try to deceive My heavenly chosen ones of Israel, but they will remain fathful to Me. I AM. Soon I will reveal the true chosen ones of creation to all of mankind and to the world of holy angels and fallen ones. I AM. For they overcame the evil one and this evil world, that was lead by those who were/are My enemies. I AM. For they resisted Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach and Our holy Ghost and holy ones, who warned them not to go the way of godlesness and evil and thoralessness and wickedness. I AM. Still they remained in their evil Satanic/Luciferian cults and orgies and secret societies. I AM. I AM not pleased with their ways… I will judge them very soon. I AM. In reality they are already judged by My words, but soon I will show them wo I AM as the GOD of creation, the Invisible One, who will lead them to the places of judgment. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, The Great I AM, the GOD of the universes.

Prophecy 26.05.2021.

Received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt.

A Voice in The Wind… reveals judgment upon the authorities of the nations…

This says GOD YHVH to the authorities of the nations in this endtime :

“Hear, ye authorities of the nations and Israel in these Last Days/Endtime before My holy return to judge you, I AM GOD and not a human being like you are or My prophet JMPS, The Candle / The Voice in the Wind. I AM. Know all that I AM the GOD of wrath and revenge… who will give people according to their works. I AM. When you are connected to the great spider of the world-wide-web, which stands for 666, than you are under judgment. I AM. Many of you heard before these days about these things. You chose for Mammon and not for Me. I AM. You deceived all of mankind to be knit in into the web to control all and to do what your leaders behind the scenes commanded you to do, although they knew what the consequences would be : Eternal condemnation. I AM. You can read it in The Book of Revelation chapter 13+14, the last book of the Bible, also called the Apocalypse. I AM. Many of you heard it before, but thought it to be “just an illusion of an insane one, who thought to be a special person, who had personal contact with an imaginary GOD”. But alas for you… I AM the reality you are confronted with every day, that I confront you with your evil and idolatry and wickedness by those who are set up by My Holy Ghost and holy angels to show you your guilt and future punishment. For I AM the LIVING ONE, the GOD of all universes… which can not “be taken out”… like some of you did with people that were your “enemies”, but in reality were godly warriors for righteousness and truth and love and true care, that you betrayed and even persecuted under the veil of “anti-terrorism”. In reality you are the terrorists in My holy Eyes, for your evil hearts denied My existence and thought that you could reign creation without Me. But you err. I AM GOD YHVH and The Warrior who fights evil and wickedness and lies and betrayal and all works of darkness. I AM. Your “gracious” master and lord Lucifer/Satan will lead you to eternal hellfire/second death/lake of brimstone and fire, where you will suffer in all eternity. You chose to deny My holy Word and Gospel… or used it or abused it to lead people into your trap. I AM. Soon I will tear down your world-wide-web/internet. ” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, the Creator of all existing universes, the Great I AM, YHVH-Elohim.

Prophecy received by The Candle/ The Voice in the Wind / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

My holy wrath is going forth all over the earth…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and creation :

“Hear, ye nations and Israel, many are your enemies… surrounding you. Many are the problems you are trying to solve. Many are concerned about their lives and future… and many are without hope and without true LIFE. I AM. Even those who try to save people are often without hope and real assurance that they themselves will be saved for eternity. Many are even already condemned on earth in their soul, spirit, mind, conciousness, because they fell away from The Source of LIFE. I AM. Now they are suffering in their souls. But I AM who I AM, the Holy and Righteouss One of creation. I AM. Many churches are closed and many will follow, for My holy wrath is going forth all over the earth, because of the stubbornness of many, who started to follow Jesus Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach… but fell away to their eternal condemnation and suffering, I AM. Although many deny it, it remains still the eternal fact. I hate it when people start and than quit. For many loved themselves and lusts more than Me and My beloved Son Yeshua/Jesus. Their love for sinful satisfaction brought them to rebellion against Us to their eternal suffering. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Just a few will be saved for all eternity. They will be lead out of the Whore Babylon and the Beast-system. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel and creation.

Prophecy by A Voice in the Wind. / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


GOD, the Judge among the nations…NOW !

This says GOD by His prophet JMPS :

“Hear, ye nations, I know who you are and what you think and speak in secret and in public. I know you, rulers of the earth, for I AM GOD and know all things. No-one of you can hide anything for My holy Eyes who are like flames of fire which look through your hearts and minds and soul and spirit and marrow and bones. I AM. No-one will flee My coming judgments on earth, which I already have prepared to be poured out upon you who left Me… and even cursed Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach, for you loved the desires of Satan/Lucifer and of the flesh and of the fallen angels more than Me the almighty Ruler of creation. I AM. I know that you all hope that I will forgive, but I AM a consuming fire to al of My enemies in future days. I AM. Many were talking to Me, but not willing to trust nor to obey Me. Their “faith” was nothing more than just wanting to be satisfied in all areas of life… according to your fleshly sensual and sexual desires and evil and cruel lusts. Your money became your world-wide-web in witch the Cross-Spider caught you… to become her slaves and prey to suck you out and to destroy/kill/murder you. I know that many are not willing to accept this fact and evil reality, but it is true. I AM. For I AM GOD and never lie. I was in your midst as a Judge throughout all ages and I was The One who protected you against enemies… as long as you called on My name and walked in faith and obedience towards My holy commandments or were seeking righteousness and truth and true worship of Me, The Living GOD, Creator of the universes. I AM. But the last 100 years you left Me. Many of you chose 666/www. Many of you chose in doing so for the World Order, lead by Satanists/Luciferians, and not for My holy Heavenly Kingdom nor its righteousness. I AM. Many of you know that I AM GOD and that I AM speaking the truth right here and now, but you will try to deny it or to hide it or to fight it… or even to destroy the holy testimonies or holy scriptures or even church-leaders or faithful ones, who testify about this. BUT I AM GOD and will not allow you to do so, unless I will judge them according to My word. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the Great I AM.

Prophecy by The Candle /Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

Who is the Greatest in the universes ?

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

“Hear, ye nations and inhabitants of the earth, I AM YHVH-GOD, the great I AM, the GOD of all existings things and beings. I AM. My name was and is and remains glorified all over the earth. I AM. Many of you heard him before but didn’t acknowledge him, for many of you thought that He was connected to a cult or a tribe or even of a sect. I AM. But listen, I AM a consuming fire to all who fell away from Me in the past and in the future, for I hate it when people start with Me… and after a while again choose for Satan/Lucifer’s kingdom of darkness or this evil and wicked lost world of idolatry and evil lusts and desires and cruelty and even of murder and all evil and unclean spirits. I AM. My holy name is and remains holy forever and I will never deny Me nor My name nor My grace and love and truth and compassion and mercy and holiness and righteousness and holy judgments from past, present and future. I AM. My holy Reign is over all according to My Holy Plan and revelations and prophecies. I AM. Many knew or know this, but alas often Satan/Lucifer robs them this fact. My reality is different from Lucifer’s/Satan’s deceptive and seducing illusionary world with all kinds of “splendor” and marvel-effects and science-fiction and fake-news and fake-people, who resist Me and My holy Son and Our holy words and Our holy people. I AM. But soon I will ripp of all of their masks and the veil of their lies… and I will reveal their betrayal and evil and wickedness and cruelty and manipulation, by which they blinded the hearts and minds of people by creating a illusionary world, which is also called the “High House” without foundation… that is floating in the air… and is full of blasphemy. I AM” ; Says the LORD GOD of the heavens and the earth, The Almighty One, The King of all universes from past, present and future… till the moment that they all will be consumed by His FIRE, because of the words of His almighty powers spoken by His Temple/Son Yeshua ha Mashiach and His holy Mouth in the power of the Almighty Ghost of GOD YHVH, the Great I AM. “Many searched Me for different things… and I will reveal to all their attitudes, hearts, mindset and their real intensions. I AM. Many longed earthly blessings and even where so focussed on earthly things and possesions, that they even cursed Me and My holy Son when I took it away from them. They forgot that I AM the Almighty Holy One who can give or take away… like I decide. FOR I AM the GOD who Reigns all in creation… according to My holy will and decisions and plan. FOR I AM in control… and I will do what I think that will be wise or usefull to accomplish My heavenly Plan, that I already had from before foundation of creation. I AM. I AM the GOD who knew/knows the end from the beginning. I AM. Many underestimated Me, for they can not comprehend Me and My holy Plan nor My words or revelations and prophecies and My Perfect Plan… unless I will give it to them. I AM the One and Only who oversaw and oversees all from before foundation of creation till the total destruction of the temporary universes… and the start of a New Heaven and a New Earth… to fulfill My Perfect Plan. I AM. Woe to those who start to fight Me, for I AM the GOD who will reveal that I AM the Only Almighty One who has all rights to do whatever I like to do. No-one can defeat ME. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD, the Almighty Creator and Destroyer of all worlds, who is not a woman… but the GOD and Father of all of creations that ever were.. are… or will be.

Prophecy received by The Candle / Jean Martin Peter Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


IMPORTANT MESSAGE of Him who really Reigns…

This says GOD YHVH to the nations and Israel :

“Hear, ye nations and Israel, I see your condition, spiritual and economic and financial. I know that great suffering will come upon you unless I intervene. But alas My holy will and plan with and in creation has to be fulfilled to reveal who the true saints are and who not. Only My true saints will overcome the evil in these last days. For many were willing to listen to My Heavenly Voice for a short time, but fell away to their eternal destruction and suffering. I AM. Many longed for peace on earth and chose this instead of peace with Me by accepting My true Gospel of saving grace and sanctification to heal and save their precious souls. Alas many were not willing to stay on the small path to eternal glory, for they loved the by Satan/Lucifer World Order and their “peace and oecomene” more than Me. The false prophet with white robes of Rome has deceived all of mankind by his movement for “world-peace”, although I said, by My holy and beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, that I and He didn’t come to bring peace… but the Sword of God’s Word that would separate evil from holiness. I AM. Many are now concerned about their health, but they should be more concerned about their eternity ! Many are concerned about the economic-Beast-system of Rev. 13. and how to keep it “going on”. But I tell you as the LORD GOD Almighty, that I will crush that system on My day of My judgment. Many are doing everything they can to keep the system going on, but they deny Me the JUDGE of creation. I AM the One and Only GOD who has all powers and energies of all of the kosmoia/universes. No-one else. And when I decide that judgments will come… and I AM not willing anymore to listen to the prayers of My saints on earth… than no-one can hinder My destroying works… or My hands, that will hit the nations and Israel. I AM. Many thought in their illusions that they ruled creation, but I AM the ONE and Only who can create prosperity or adversity. I AM. I AM the GOD who creates or destroys. I AM. All the “gods” of the gentiles are just nothing than images without spirit, who can do nothing. For I decide what happens in creation by day and night. All the Luciferians/Satanists and fallen angels- and demonworshippers and all the idolaters of this fallen world will be judged… and many are already judged… and some know it and some not yet. I AM. But you will see how evil they are when real temptations come… and trials and persecution… or disasters or wars or famine or earthquakes or other strikes, when I will hit them with My Hands from heaven will all kinds of plagues, deseases and real pandemics. For I AM the GOD, the Almighty One and no-one else. I AM. Many think that those in “power” have real power, but they don’t have real power, for I AM GOD YHVH and not they !!! I AM. My holy plan will be fulfilled exactly according My revelations and prophecies by My holy and true messengers. I AM. I AM the LIVING ONE, the Living GOD of all existing things in the visible and invisible realms/dimensions/ worlds. I AM. No-one can hinder Me to do what I want to do… if I pour out My holy wrath and vengeance upon the evildoers and the earth, because of their godlessness and wickedness and cruelty and thora-lessness. I AM. Hear, ye nations and their leaders and Israel and your leaders, I AM the Almighty One and many of you denied Me and My holy Almighty universal Reign. I AM the King of the universes and the King above all kings and I REIGN with My Iron ROD, which is not an army-weapon, but My holy judging powers spoken by My Almighty Voice and words in the power of My Almighty Ghost. I AM. I AM the One who created all visible and invisible realms/dimensions/universes… and all existing things in the spirit-realms and in the material realms… by the power of My almighty Words. For I have the power to speak just one verse to completely destroy all of the existing universes in all consuming fire. For I AM the GOD above and in and through all according to My holy words and will and Almighty Ghost. I AM. No-one has My powers, only My beloved Son Yeshua Ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, who is My Temple in which I dwell with My Almighty Ghost and powers. I AM. For I have given to Him all authority and powers in the heavens and in the earth. I AM. So when He speaks… than listen to what He says, for I AM in Him and He is in ME. We are One.” ; Says the LORD GOD of all universes, the Great I AM, the GOD of all that was, is… and will be, the Great YHVH/YHWH, the GOD of Israel… and of all that was, is and will be. “Amen. Hallelu-YHVH. Amen.” ; Says the Spirit of GOD.

Prophecy, received by The Candle / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
