About the ransom… paid for precious souls.

This says GOD :

“Hear, ye nations and tribes and generations of the earth, I AM the GOD and Creator of all of you. I AM. My holy name is glorified in all of creation in the visible and invisible worlds, dimensions/realms. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the King of the universes, the Great I AM. “My holy name is also glorified in My Holy Temple. I AM. For I AM the GOD of revelation, whose honor is in this… that I will reveal Myself to chosen vessels, who will honor and glofy Me and My holy name and Being. I AM. My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach is My eternal King on the throne of David, who was the king of Israel in the past. I AM. For He is the descendant of David. And I promised My servant David, that I would give him a descendant that would sit on his throne… and would reign in all eternity. I AM.” ; Says the LORD of all kings and rulers of creation. “Hear, ye nations and descendants of Adam and Eve… and descendants of Jacob/Israel, I AM your GOD, who gave all of you breath of life/spiritual energy into your bodies… to create your soul/personality. I AM. For your life/soul/personality is created of dust/matter and Spirit. My holy Place is in heaven… and on earth, where people and holy angels are connected to Me by My Holy Ghost. I AM. Not all people have Holy Ghost in their hearts. Many are living according to the spirit, that I gave them when they were created and born, but lost their connection to Me. Many died in their spirit, when they started to sin/transgress my holy Law/Thora. Satan and sin/evil got power over their spirit… and started to control them. I AM. Now I had to save them out of the evil powers of darkness that chained them. So I decided to fulfill My heavenly plan, that I made before foundation of creation. I AM.” ; Says The LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty King and Ruler of the universes. ” I sent My holy Son to purchase them out of the evil ones and their chains. He was the ransom for their souls/lives. His innocent blood fled on the place of reconciliation before the eyes of My holy angels and Me on earth and in heaven. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH. “Many people heard this message throughout all ages, preached by My Holy Ghost by Our messengers and witnesses. I AM. But alas, many wicked people and even false prophets and false apostles and false preachers and false “servants of God” denied this eternal holy TRUTH and FACTS. They taught that people can earn a place in heaven in doing good works, while they denied Me and My Son and Our holy Ghost and holy Good News/ Gospel of Our saving Giving Goodness/Grace and the gift of eternal life… by means of the gift of faith in the atoning/redeeming work and saving work of My beloved Son Yahshua Ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ on Golgatha/Calvery. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHWH, the Almighty One of creation. “My holy LOVE is concerned about the wellbeing of My beloved sons and daughters, that I knew from before foundation of creation. I AM. For I will do anything that is necessary to save them for all eternity, for I will not allow Satan to lead them to the place of eternal and endless suffering, where he and the fallen ones will end in eternity. I AM. Glory will be in all eternity… to those, that I knew and loved and chose and saved by grace through faith in Me and My beloved glorified Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… and Our work of salvation on the cross of Calvery. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD of Hosts.

Prophecy 10.04.2021. Received by The Candle /Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

Fulfillment of Revelation.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of that Spiritual Israel… that lives according to the Spirit and the word of GOD, which are ONE, The Great I AM. :

“Hear, ye nations, the time has come that I will lead you into captivity by those who are willing to obey the other-mashiach/anti-christ. For the other mashiach/anti-christ is willing to keep all as his slaves… that he wants to serve him… and who are willing to serve him. All the others will be lead into facilities, that will behead them. I AM. I allow this to happen as a judgment over all… who despised My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach. For I decided, that Satan would reign on earth over all who were/are not willing to serve Me in obedience to My holy words/thora and all the holy scriptures of the holy scrolls of My holy prophets and holy apostles. I AM. My holy chosen ones will not submit to that other mashiach/anti-christ… nor will they accept the mark, name, number of the Beast. I AM. They are willing to pick up their cross to follow My beloved Son till the end, even if this means that they will die as martyrs. I AM. I, YHVH-GOD, wrote the scroll of the things that would happen in heaven and on earth, which you can find in the scroll/book of Revelation of the Bible/the Book of the Jew… and the Christian. I AM. I revealed and reveal past, present… and future in this book. I AM. I held this book in My right Hand, while sitting on My throne in heaven. No-one was worthy to open this holy scroll in heaven… only The Lamb of GOD, the Lion of Juda, who had overcome. I, YHVH-GOD, the LORD GOD, reveal to all Jews and Israelites and to all nations and Christians, that The Lamb, That Lion, is My Holy Only Begotten Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/ Jesus the Christ, which means translated : YHVH saves, the Anointed One. I AM. He opened the 7 seals of the scroll… and… in doing so…. revealed the things that happened… and happen at this moment… and in future. I AM. Past, present and future are opened in this scroll/book of Revelations/Apocalypse. I AM. My holy apostle and prophet and revelator John, the disciple of My beloved Son Yeshua/Jesus saw, heard and experienced and wrote down all the things that I showed him by the holy angel that I sent to him… as a testimony of what happened and happens in heaven and on earth… and how WE in heaven decided and decide what happened throughout the ages from that moment on… till now… and in future. I AM. Many were/are often not willing to accept that MY plan will be fulfilled according to My holy words in Revelation. But I AM faithful. I will do as I decided. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD, the Creator of all.

Prophecy 23.03.2021. Received by The Candle/Jean Schoonbroodt.NL.EU.

Word to those who are still in the system…

This says GOD :

“You know who I AM. You understand many things from the Old and New Testament, although you never understood the truth that is now really going on in creation. Your stubbornness is the reason why you chose to love this Beast of Rev. 13, and the Whore Babylon as described in Rev, 17-18. more than Me. I AM. Many will go down into eternal suffering/punishment/ condemnation into the second death, because they chose for 666, when they chose for Mammon/money/riches of the earth/wealth, power, false teachings and doctrines and for lazy-ness and worldly comfort. Many are hated by Me and My beloved Son… for they were not willing to follow Us in obedience to Our holy words and testimonies and prophets and apostle-teachings and true prophetic utterances of true prophets and revelators of this endtime… I AM. Many were/are still not willing to accept these eternal facts. So they hate Us or Our true faithfull ones… who were/are not anymore in this world-wide-web-system, this anti-christ-system. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation.

Prophecy 22.03.2021. Received by The Candle/Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

Words of God to mankind…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of Israel and creation :

“Hear, o mankind, I know the distress and persecution that is going around. Many of My believers and followers, who speak truth in a world of lies and delusions and of betrayal and evil and deception and seduction and fraud/corruption and rape and of murder and manipulation… to cause obedience to satan/lucifer and the fallen angels and demons and unclean spirits, are willing to revolt against these evil forces in the air and against all these evil mindsets and evil actions… by speaking My Holy Words concerning the reality of Our existence and Being… to save all who are willing to listen to the Truth of God’s Words. For Our Truth will set you free from satanic slavery or captivity in your heart, spirit, mind and soul and flesh and blood/body. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD. “Many of the inhabitants of this earth are worshippers of evil spirits. Soon I will judge them, if they are not willing to quit with this satanic idolitry. I will even destroy them at a moment that they will not expect. For I AM the GOD of all dimensions in all universes, that ever were/are or will be. I AM. My Holy Name is glorified in all the heavens… and on/in the earth by My Holy Almighty Ghost and holy serving spirits/holy angels and by Our holy people/saints. I AM. No-one was before I AM. For I AM the beginning of all existings things, that I created by My Holy Ghost/Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Breath/Holy Dynamis and His Holy Powerful Words. I AM. My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ revealed who I AM by means of all that He spoke and did. I AM. You can read His history in the holy scriptures, that I wrote by My Holy Ghost through weak vessels/human beings, who believed Me and My words and My holy Good News about the Savior Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, who would die on the cross of Calvery for the sins of creation… to save all out of the snares and chains of satan/lucifer and the evil spirits. His blood fled out of His wounds from Gethsemane till He was buried. He was crucified… and hanging on the wood of curses… while suffering for all the sins that mankind committed against Us and Our Holy Thora/Law… and in doing so against Us and mankind and creation. The Innocent One was struck by My holy wrath/anger and holy fury instead of mankind, so that I can forgive all, if they believe this message of grace and love and truth and of righteousness and mercy and forgiveness and reconciliation and justification by the shedding of His blood on the cross and on the heavenly place of reconciliation on earth before Me and My holy angels on the Holy Arc of the Covenant, which was hidden by My Hand in a cave under the cross of Yeshua/Jesus in the rockbottem. I AM. Many heard this… and many not yet. His sacrifice is the ransom that purchased mankind out of the power of the evil- one/Satan/Lucifer. Now I can save all, if they don’t remain rejecting this holy heavenly message. I AM. For I called and call all of mankind to return into My Presence, here on earth, by revealing, prophecying and preaching and teaching these eternal facts concerning The Only Way to save mankind for eternity, so that they will be with Me in heavenly glory in all eternity. Still I want them al to turn around from godlessness and evil to Us… the Holy Ones, YHVH-Elohim. I AM. We are the Elohim above all elohim, which means translated : The YHVH-GODS above all other gods or godesses. WE are the Almighty Ones, the Father YHVH-GOD, the Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ and the Holy Ghost. WE ARE ONE. We are the Ones who created the heavens and the earth. We are I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, the Great I AM.

Prophecy 03.03.2021.

Received by The Candle/Jean M.P.Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

How to be justified in God’s Presence… ?

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, the GOD of Israel and creation :

“Hear, ye people of the earth, no-one wil enter My sacred Place, unless He is born again out of water ( 1) and Spirit of GOD (2) and reconciled to Me by means of the faith in the blood of Jesus the Christ, that fled out of His wounds on Calvery. The Innocent Perfect One had to die in stead of YOU ! Only His blood reconciled YOU to Us… and cleanses YOU in Our Holy Eyes, so that you are worthy to stand in Our Holy Place. There is no other Way to enter and to stay in Our Presence now… or in eternity. Our Love purchased YOU out of the judgment, that normally would come upon YOU. The Innocent Son of ME, Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, payed the price to save YOU from My holy eternal righteouss judgment… and He was/is and remains the One, who became the ransom for your precious and beloved souls. For Satan/the Devil/the Accuser had the right to demand your souls, because YOU all sinned angainst Me… and one-another and creation. Every-one was/is/remains guilty in My holy Eyes as long as they are not reconciled to Me by the blood of My Beloved One, My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One. “Because of His atoning work on the pole/cross/wood of curses on Calvery/Golgatha… and on the place of reconciliation on the Arc of the Covenant, hidden in a cave under the cross in the Rock-bottem, I can now forgive all of mankind their sin… that they did out of ignorance or weakness or seduction and deception by Satan and the evil spirits and the sons of Satan. But I ask all, by the preaching of this Good News, to accept this message and turn around… back to Us… and to allow Us to renew your ways of thinking, willing, speaking, writing and deeds/actions. For every-one needs to be renewed, where they were deceived/seduced by evil. We want all to be saved for all eternity by means of our Giving Goodness/Grace and love and truth and mercy, for We are LOVE. Therefore all Our holy messengers will preach and teach Our heavenly Truth by means of Our Holy Ghost, which is the Spirit of Truth… which will lead you into all the Heavenly Truth… and We will seal you with Him, when you believe this message… and obey Us and her… this can/will save you for all eternity… if you remain in this faith. Our Giving Goodness creates New Life in people, while they are listening to Our Words… by means of creating faith in Us and Our gracious, loving, caring and saving truth and work of salvation… and powers in your lives. I AM.”; Says the Lord GOD Almighty.

“A human being will only be justified in Our holy Presence on earth and in heaven by means of faith IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach. HIS fAITH overcame this evil world and all its deception and seduction and the evil snares and schemes of Satan and the evil spirits and evil persons. HIS FAITH WILL SAVE YOU. Stick to this FACT !

Trust and rely completely on Us and Our saving work, fulfilled IN Christ Jesus and His blood… and not on your own works according to the law of Moses… nor on your own religious background or symbols or rituals or other sacrifices.

WE, in heaven, ONLY ACCEPT ONE SACRIFICE… which is the Perfect Lamb of GOD, that was slain for the sins of creation on the pole/cross/wood of curses on Calvery : Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ.

I, YHVH-GOD , AM.. One… with Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach and the Holy Ghost and Our saving works in creation throughout all ages. Allow Us to ad you to to the True House of GOD on earth… to be saved for all eternity… by means of faith in this saving message in Our holy names : YHVH-Elohim, which stands for : YHVH-GOD the Father, The Son YHVH SAVES- the Anointed One = Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… and the Holy Breath/Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Ghost of YHVH. WE will lead you out of the evil… and prepare you for eternal glory. Follow Us IN by Us given faith to you in this message of heaven. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH, the GOD of salvation IN Christ Jesus, the Living One, the King and High Priest of heaven.. and its Holy Heavely Tabernacle/Temple/House of GOD in heaven… and on earth, represented by those who are connected to Them… by faith in God’s eternal truths… and the Holy Ghost… and in obedience to the Glorious Heavenly Eternal Facts… and Their heavenly glorious prophecies and revelations and holy apostle-teachings. They all have just ONE FOUNDATION/BASIS : Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ/ The Word of GOD, that became flesh and blood, The Lamb of God who took/takes the sins of the world away from creation… by saving people by this heavenly message… in bringing them to repentance by God’s gracious and overflowing love and truth… or by judgement, if they remain refusing this message of salvation.

“Amen”, says the Spirit of GOD YHVH, the Great I AM.

Prophecy 24.02.2021. Received by The Candle/Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


(1). Water stands for the renewing of your mindset/thoughts by God’s Word… and also for being baptised in water like Jesus was… and his faithful disciples in those days… and throughout all ages. John 3. + Mark.1. + Mark 16 ; 15-20. + Matth. 28 ; 18-20. + Ephesians 1-6. + Romans 8. + Gal. 1-5.

(2). Spirit of GOD : Eph. 1 ; 13+14. The book of Acts is in reality the book of GOD’s Work by His Holy Ghost/Spirit IN and through and with Jesus Christ’ disciples/faithfull followers. Rom. 8. God’s Ghost leads and guides the True Followers / Saints / people set apart by GOD in Spirit and truth and love and grace and mercy and faith IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach, the Savior of all who believe by God’s grace the True Gospel/Good News.

“By grace you are saved through faith, not by your self. It is God’s gift to you. Because we are God’s work… created IN Christ Jesus to do the good works, that He has prepared for us to do.”