How to be justified in God’s Presence… ?

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, the GOD of Israel and creation :

“Hear, ye people of the earth, no-one wil enter My sacred Place, unless He is born again out of water ( 1) and Spirit of GOD (2) and reconciled to Me by means of the faith in the blood of Jesus the Christ, that fled out of His wounds on Calvery. The Innocent Perfect One had to die in stead of YOU ! Only His blood reconciled YOU to Us… and cleanses YOU in Our Holy Eyes, so that you are worthy to stand in Our Holy Place. There is no other Way to enter and to stay in Our Presence now… or in eternity. Our Love purchased YOU out of the judgment, that normally would come upon YOU. The Innocent Son of ME, Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, payed the price to save YOU from My holy eternal righteouss judgment… and He was/is and remains the One, who became the ransom for your precious and beloved souls. For Satan/the Devil/the Accuser had the right to demand your souls, because YOU all sinned angainst Me… and one-another and creation. Every-one was/is/remains guilty in My holy Eyes as long as they are not reconciled to Me by the blood of My Beloved One, My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One. “Because of His atoning work on the pole/cross/wood of curses on Calvery/Golgatha… and on the place of reconciliation on the Arc of the Covenant, hidden in a cave under the cross in the Rock-bottem, I can now forgive all of mankind their sin… that they did out of ignorance or weakness or seduction and deception by Satan and the evil spirits and the sons of Satan. But I ask all, by the preaching of this Good News, to accept this message and turn around… back to Us… and to allow Us to renew your ways of thinking, willing, speaking, writing and deeds/actions. For every-one needs to be renewed, where they were deceived/seduced by evil. We want all to be saved for all eternity by means of our Giving Goodness/Grace and love and truth and mercy, for We are LOVE. Therefore all Our holy messengers will preach and teach Our heavenly Truth by means of Our Holy Ghost, which is the Spirit of Truth… which will lead you into all the Heavenly Truth… and We will seal you with Him, when you believe this message… and obey Us and her… this can/will save you for all eternity… if you remain in this faith. Our Giving Goodness creates New Life in people, while they are listening to Our Words… by means of creating faith in Us and Our gracious, loving, caring and saving truth and work of salvation… and powers in your lives. I AM.”; Says the Lord GOD Almighty.

“A human being will only be justified in Our holy Presence on earth and in heaven by means of faith IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach. HIS fAITH overcame this evil world and all its deception and seduction and the evil snares and schemes of Satan and the evil spirits and evil persons. HIS FAITH WILL SAVE YOU. Stick to this FACT !

Trust and rely completely on Us and Our saving work, fulfilled IN Christ Jesus and His blood… and not on your own works according to the law of Moses… nor on your own religious background or symbols or rituals or other sacrifices.

WE, in heaven, ONLY ACCEPT ONE SACRIFICE… which is the Perfect Lamb of GOD, that was slain for the sins of creation on the pole/cross/wood of curses on Calvery : Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ.

I, YHVH-GOD , AM.. One… with Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach and the Holy Ghost and Our saving works in creation throughout all ages. Allow Us to ad you to to the True House of GOD on earth… to be saved for all eternity… by means of faith in this saving message in Our holy names : YHVH-Elohim, which stands for : YHVH-GOD the Father, The Son YHVH SAVES- the Anointed One = Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… and the Holy Breath/Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Ghost of YHVH. WE will lead you out of the evil… and prepare you for eternal glory. Follow Us IN by Us given faith to you in this message of heaven. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH, the GOD of salvation IN Christ Jesus, the Living One, the King and High Priest of heaven.. and its Holy Heavely Tabernacle/Temple/House of GOD in heaven… and on earth, represented by those who are connected to Them… by faith in God’s eternal truths… and the Holy Ghost… and in obedience to the Glorious Heavenly Eternal Facts… and Their heavenly glorious prophecies and revelations and holy apostle-teachings. They all have just ONE FOUNDATION/BASIS : Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ/ The Word of GOD, that became flesh and blood, The Lamb of God who took/takes the sins of the world away from creation… by saving people by this heavenly message… in bringing them to repentance by God’s gracious and overflowing love and truth… or by judgement, if they remain refusing this message of salvation.

“Amen”, says the Spirit of GOD YHVH, the Great I AM.

Prophecy 24.02.2021. Received by The Candle/Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


(1). Water stands for the renewing of your mindset/thoughts by God’s Word… and also for being baptised in water like Jesus was… and his faithful disciples in those days… and throughout all ages. John 3. + Mark.1. + Mark 16 ; 15-20. + Matth. 28 ; 18-20. + Ephesians 1-6. + Romans 8. + Gal. 1-5.

(2). Spirit of GOD : Eph. 1 ; 13+14. The book of Acts is in reality the book of GOD’s Work by His Holy Ghost/Spirit IN and through and with Jesus Christ’ disciples/faithfull followers. Rom. 8. God’s Ghost leads and guides the True Followers / Saints / people set apart by GOD in Spirit and truth and love and grace and mercy and faith IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach, the Savior of all who believe by God’s grace the True Gospel/Good News.

“By grace you are saved through faith, not by your self. It is God’s gift to you. Because we are God’s work… created IN Christ Jesus to do the good works, that He has prepared for us to do.”

THE LOVE OF GOD… and the grapes of wrath…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation to the churches world-wide :

“Hear, ye churches world-wide, I know your situations. I see and hear what is going on in your midst. Rely on Me and don’t allow satan to deceive you… to think that I AM not in charge of all of creation. I AM. Although many in creation are deceived by the evil one, still I AM the GOD above all that was, is… and will be. FOR I AM the One and Only True GOD of all universes. I AM. Many heard this before and knew it, but lost it. Reason : They were caught up in the worries of this world and its lusts… of the eyes, ears and the fleshly desires of their own bodies and those of other people. Pornography has increased during the last 70 years and many are “inspired” by it to become more evil than animals… yes some even fell away from Me to their eternal damnation. Woe to those, who deny Us and rebell against Us in doing willingly evil… to spit Us in Our heavenly holy glorious faces of pure LOVE. I AM. Soon WE will destroy all these “beasts” of the earth, the grapes of wrath, which WE will throw into the winepress of the fury of Our Wrath, which will be tread By My holy Temple/Tabernacle/Image/Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, and on His robe and on His tigh is written His holy title : “King of kings and Lord of lords, The Word of GOD”. Our perfect LOVE and work of reconciliation and saving grace and love and truth IN Christ Jesus was tread/trampled and despised and rejected by these evildoers, who were not willing to honour Us nor Our Eternal Love and holy Righteousness. They rejected the love and the mercy and righteousness and saving work and suffering of My beloved Son, the crucified Christ Jesus, and His work of atonement/reconcilation and redemption by the shedding of His precious blood/life/soul. I AM. Woe to those who were not wiling to quit with evil, but even had their joy in it… and in those who were/are as they were/are. I AM. Blessed are all who acknowledge Us by means of Our Giving Goodness and love revealed in Our works to save many, who believe Us and Our glorious saving message/Gospel/Good News from heaven… and sticked/stick to her… till the end of their earthly life. Amen. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, YHVH-Elohim.

Prophecy received by The Candle/Jean Schoonbroodt./NL. EU.

God speaks… to the inhabitants of this creation.

The Almighty One speaks to the inhabitants of this creation

This says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One IN and through Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach IN and by the power of the almighty Holy Ghost, the Lord of hosts and of all the armies of the heavens and on/in the earth, the GOD of Israel and creation :

“Hear, ye inhabitants of this temporary earth and universe and temporary earthly life, I AM your GOD and Creator and heavenly glorious almighty Father, the GOD of Israel, YHVH-Elochim, the GOD of all flesh and bones and all spirits in the visible and invisible realms/dimensions/worlds. I AM. Many are lost in transgression of My holy words and holy will. Many are, by their sin in their mind and spirit and by their thoughts and words and writing and speaking and deeds/actions/doing, spiritual dead… for they are not willingly connected to Me, the True Source of Life. Many proclaim that they are children of gods or godesses, but don’t know Me, the Only and True Faithfull GOD of all universes from past, present and future. I AM. Soon I will appear to all of mankind at Jerusalem in Israel to judge all nations and their inhabitants. I AM. For I revealed Myself throughout all ages to all of mankind in MY creation. I AM. Many heard, that I appeared/revealed Myself to the holy prophets and to My chosen people/nation of Israel in the past… and by them and their holy scriptures to all of creation. These historical facts are mentioned in the Bible/Holy Scrolls, holy scrolls written by My Holy Ghost by weak vessels/prophets/revelators/seeers, but who lived by/in the power of Our Holy Ghost as Our holy witnesses throughout all ages…. and later by apostles… and all anointed ones with Holy Ghost to reveal Our Holy Life-Giving and life-saving message from Our Heavenly Throne and glorious almighty Being and powers and Majesty. I AM. Soon their will be no time anymore for people to repent and to make things right with Us and with other people surrounding them. For Our judgments will fill the earth. Our Heavenly Justice and Righteousness and holy Demands were fulfilled IN the saving work on the pole/cross of Calvery IN Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… to safe all who believe Us and call on Our holy Names. But those who refuse…this saving and healing and reconciling and sanctifying and forgiving and justifying and completing work for the sinners, and the transgressions of mankind and creation, and just trust in their own selfishness and own works and build on self-righteousness and refuse and deny Our perfect Heavenly Righteousness… and reject Us and Our saving work of reconciliation on the cross of Calvery and on the Arc of the Covenant, which was hidden in a cave under the cross of Jesus the Christ, will be rejected by Us on Our day of Our Last Eternal Judgment… and will be cast out of Our Eternal Glorious Presence into a place of eternal suffering. I AM. Because of Our knowledge, concerning the temporary facts and eternal facts, We call all people on the surface of the earth and in all of creation, where-ever they are, to turn back to Us… and to accept Our Heavenly Good News/ Gospel to save their souls for all of eternity. Our Giving Goodness from Our Heavenly Throne will save many, who are willing to learn from Us and Our holy messengers, prophets and apostles of Me, the GOD and Father of all of creation, and My beloved and Living and in all heavens and on/in the earth glorified and exalted Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, who fulfilled all during His life on earth to save all who believe Me and Him and Our works of saving grace in My and His name. Amen. For We created all to Our Eternal Glory… and the Glory of Our Eternal Giving Goodness/Grace. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, YHVH-Elochim.

Prophecy/Words of God received in Jesus Christ’ name in the power of The Holy Ghost… by The Candle/Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. 21.02.2021.

Concerning the Two Witnesses… Rev. 11.

This says GOD :

“In these days I will reveal the two prophets of Revelation chapter 11. You are living in the days of Moses, My holy servant… and My holy servant Eliyah. Both are two Lampstands, who stand before the Lord of the earth. Both are the two Olivetrees, who stood and stand before Our Throne in heaven and on earth, for they are day and night continually directly connected to Us. We are Elohim above all elohim, YHVH/YHWH-Elohim, the Gods above all gods or godesses. We are YHVH/YHWH, the Lord GOD, The Father of creation, the Son YHVH/YHWH saves/ the Anointed One with Holy powerfull Ghost/Breath/Dynamis/Energy/Holy Fire… and the 7-folded powers of Our holy Ghost. I AM. We chose them before foundation of creation to fulfill this holy task in Our Presence in heaven and on earth. They are One with Us and we are One with them. Therefore they have all authority during their three and a half years, that they will testify, preach, teach, warn, lead people out of captivity and slavery and out of the Beast-system by Our grace and truth and powers, performing miracles like never before happened on earth, if people are willing to listen to their testimony and don’t refuse to repent… and to obey Our holy Voice in their mouth and ministry. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH/YHWH, the Almighty One of creation and the GOD of the True Israel, according to Their holy choice and grace.

Prophecy 17.02.2021. Received by the Candle/Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


This says YHWH/YHVH/The LORD GOD :

‘Hear, ye nations, I AM GOD, the Almighty One. I AM not amused by those who amuse people without accepting My holy righteousness. I AM. Many seek the things of this world to become famous or adored… as if they were/are gods or godesses. But I AM the Only Almighty One, who was, is.. and is to come in My holy Image/Tabernacle/Temple, called Immanuel or Jahshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Never before… people existed… till I created them. They are My invention and not the invention of themselves… nor the product of evolution. I AM. They didn’t create Me… nor am I a product of their fantasy or of religious deceit. I AM.’ ; Says the Lord GOD, The Almighty One, the GOD of Israel and creation.

Prophecy 30.01.2021. Received by The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt.NL.EU.


Please be careful to what you lean your ears to,

for not all people in these days have the right gracious and loving and caring mindset as Jesus Christ had/has. Many people in these days, surrounding you, are not always willing to hear the truth. Some even choose willingly the lie, if it gives them wealth, riches or fame or worldly power. Many abuse other people in different ways. Many are even in God’s holy eyes sons and daughters and children of The Liar/Satan/the devil/the evil spirit and of evil spirits, like fallen angels and demons and unclean spirits. Only return to God and Jesus CHRIST CAN SAVE YOU out of their snares and chains. Accept that everyone was/is a sinner, who transgressed/transgresses God’s commandments… and needs forgivenes from God and Jesus the Christ, who have the power to save them from judgments… and to set them free from the chains of darkness/satanic powers/slavery to evil spirits and their evil desires and powers, which lead people to destruction and eternal suffering.

Jesus Christ took God’s holy judgement over our sins upon His innocent body on the cross of Calvery… to save us for eternity,

if we are able, by God’s grace/gift, to believe and accept his reconciling sacrifice on the cross of Calvery by His giving goodness/grace. The Innocent Son of GOD took our sins/guilt on his innocent soul and God’s holy wrath over our sins and ignorance concerning God’s righteousness and unbelieve/disobedience towards His gospel upon his innocent body, soul and spirit. GOD struck him in stead of us, so that GOD now says to all, who demand in heaven and on earth righteousness and judgment over the guilty ones :

“It is fulfilled IN My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH, The Great I AM of Israel and creation, who spoke to Moses, the man of GOD.

“He, Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Chris, has fulfilled all demands, that I, the Lord GOD YHVH, had towards mankind to bring them back into My holy Presence and to justify them in My Presence. For no-one was capable to fulfill My holy perfect will in such a way, that they would be able to say to Me : “I have earned heaven and eternal glory with you o GOD, for I was so perfect and righteouss, without any guilt in your Presence, for I did always your perfect will”. All sinned and fell/fall short of the glory of Me, the living GOD. Only ONE PERSON really fulfilled perfect My holy will during his earthly life : Yeshua ha Mashiach/ Jesus the Christ. And therefore He is the Only One who could stand in the gap between Me and sinful suffering mankind. He was/became in My holy Sight/Eyes and in the sight of all angels, the good and the evil ones, the Only One who could save mankind for all eternity by fulfilling MY holy will… perfect…. till the end. His sacrifice is the Only One, that I accept in My holy Presence… to save some-one, to forgive them, to justify them and to sanctify them and to cleanse and purify them… and to make or see them as being completed/perfected in Our holy Eyes and… to give them eternal glory with Us, if they remain in this saving gift of grace by means of Our gift of Faith in His reconciling work from Gethsemane to Calvery… and the shedding of His innocent perfect living blood on the Arc of the Covenant, which was hidden by My Hand in a cave in the Rock-bottem under the crucified Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach on Calvery/Golgatha. His blood fled through a split in the earth/rock-bottem to the place of reconciliation of/on the Arc of the Covenant, that I made with My people of Israel. I AM. He, the Innocent, became the True Pesach/Lamb of God, given by Me, The GOD of creation, the God of Israel, to My people of Israel and the Jews for their sins… and the sins of all of mankind and creation. His Innocent Living blood was sprinkled by Me by My Heavenly True Eternal High Priest, the True Holy Perfect Mashiach, Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ on Our place of reconciliation, which is the place of atonement on the Arc of the Covenant in the Sight of Me and My holy cherubim. Now all demands of Us are fulfilled in Him and His redeeming work to save all, who believe this Good News… that We proclaim and preach and teach by Our holy Ghost/Ruach Hakodesh to Israel/Israelites and the Jews and to all nations. For there is NO OTHER WAY… than ONLY OUR WAY to be saved for all eternity IN YESHUA HA MASHIACH/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ/ The Lamb of GOD/The Lion of Juda, who has overcome… and who is now seated and glorified at My right Hand… and who has got all powers and authority in the heavens and on/in the earth… to save all who believe in Me and Him… and Our work of saving grace through faith IN Us and Our words/Gospel of salvation. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD, Adonai YHVH, the GOD of creation, the GOD of Israel, the Almighty One, EL-Shaddai. The Great I AM.


Rom. 6 ; 23. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God’s grace/giving goodness is eternal life IN Yeshua ha Mashiach/Christ Jesus.

John 3 ; 16. For God so loved creation, that He gave his Only begotten Son, so that whoever believes (and obeys) Him… will not perish, but will have everlasting life.

Eph. 1 ; 3. + 1 ; 13+14. + Eph. 2 ; 1-22. + Eph. 3 ; 14-21. + Matth. 28 ; 18-20.

Words… and prophecy, received from GOD, by The Candle/Jean Schoonbroodt. NL.


Eternal reality…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, the GOD of Israel :

“Hear, ye nations, I AM the One and Only True GOD who created all visible and invisible realms in creation. I AM. Many heard My Voice in the preaching of the Good News/Gospel of saving grace and truth and godly love and justifying goodness over all who believe… and to those to whom We count the redeeming work of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ as the Only Reason to be justified in Our holy Eternal Presence. I AM. ” ; Says the Lord GOD almighty, YHVH-Elochim. “Many lost their salvation by means of the love for the world and her desires and fleshly lusts and pride and haughtiness and worldly fame and religious deceit and seduction and Mammon/Worldly wealth/riches of the earth and worldly posessions… and choices, that were opposite My holy eternal will. When people start to get to know Me by means of My grace and love and truth, but reject Me after they have understood what it will take them… or will cost them… or they decide, that they are not willing to follow Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ… and are not willing to suffer for Christ’ sake nor willing to take up their cross daily and are not willing to deny themselves till the end… than they will choose the world again and will fall away to their eternal destruction, death and the kingdom of death/scheol/hades and second death, which is the lake of fire and brimstone. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD, the Ruler of the universes, the King of all kings and the LORD of all lords, who revealed Himself IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach in the flesh and blood and bones. “Blessed are all who remain in Me and My Son and Our Holy Ghost and Our Holy Words… and who are obedient to Our Holy Gospel-Truths as faithfull disciples, true sons and daughters and children of faith IN Yeshua ha Mashiach/Christ Jesus. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the King of Israel, the GOD of the heavens and of the earth. “They will overcome this evil godless world… and will, after they have endured till the end, inherit the Kingdom of God… and will reign with Us during 1000 years on earth as Our holy kings and priests. I AM.” ; Says the Almighty GOD YHVH, the Heavenly Righteous GOD and Father of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, the Son of GOD.

Prophecy 11.01.2021. Received by The Candle/ Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.

Words of GOD… and of His Ghost… and of GOD’s Son…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty GOD of Israel and creation :

“Hear MY WORDS, ye inhabitants of this temporary creation and temporary earthly life,

I AM the GOD of the heavens and the earth… and of heaven and the heavenly Kingdom of GOD… and of paradise… and of the glorious holy New Heaven and holy New Earth and of holy Eternal Glory and Perfect LOVE in Our Eternal Heavenly Glory and Presence… and of kingdom of death/scheol/hades and of hell and hell-fire. I AM the GOD, who will throw all wicked ones, who remained/remain stubborn towards Me and My Son and Our holy will and holy Gospel of salvation, into the furnace of fire… or will make them to an oven inside of themselves, where MY HOLY FIRE WILL PUNISH THEM, BECAUSE THEY FELL AWAY, because they loved the world and satan and his desires more than Me, the GOD of the heavens and the earth. I AM. For I AM THE HOLY GOD and not an evildoer… and not a person who loves evil. I created the heavens and the earth… not you Me. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty.

Those who love sex, money, wealth, riches of the earth, drugs, alcohol or whatever addiction… or their godless and sinfull/self-centered lives/selfishness/narcistic mindset/attitude/character… or even creation itself… or persons… and health and worldly pleasures and idols or idolatry more than Me and My Sonwill go lost for all eternity. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty.

Unless I will intervene in their lives by My LOVE and Grace and truth and Holy Ghost.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD.

“WE did all We could do by means of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ and Our works of salvation/saving grace and truth and the work of reconciliation on the cross of Calvery/Golgatha,

where He was crucified for their/your sins… to save them/you from them/the sins and enslavery… and to cleanse them/you from all evil… and to justify and purify them/you in the power of His words, Spirit, flesh and blood and dead… and resurrection-power and glorification at the Right Hand of ME/the GOD and Father of creation… and His High Priesthood and His saving/helping and strenghtening and blessing prayers… and spoken blessings over all who believe Him… and His words/gospel… which are seen by Us as being IN HIM… in front of My holy heavenly glorious throne, THE THRONE of Me, GOD YHVH, because of His loving work and Our works of LOVE and grace and truth and saving powers. Amen.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD.

“The wicked/evildoers and stubborn ones…

who refuse to repent/turn around from godlessness and evil and satan/lucifer to Us and Our Saving Grace and truth and LOVE and righteousness… will reject Our holy saving Grace and truth and holy Gospel… or will start with Us, but will fall away after having heard and accepted the Gospel… and than suddenly return again into the world, because they were not willing to remain in the True Faith and sanctification and work of completion and justification and glorification. Their lust for the fleshly and worldly desires… and their satisfaction, in their flesh, mind, soul, spirit, and acceptance and doing of them and even spreading and promoting of them… brought them back under the powers of satan and the evil spirits of darkness to their eternal suffering, destruction… and eternal torment. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD.

Woe to those who are not willing to become HOLY and to remain HOLY in My HOLY EYES. I AM. For I AM THE HOLY GOD and hate unholiness.

Woe to the evildoers, wicked ones, sons and daughters and children of satan,

the goats and wolves, and “predators” and wild animals and snakes and reptiles of former and these last days, before I will return in MY almighty heavenly holy righteouss judging powers… to judge them and to destroy them and to throw them into the second death, which is the lake of fire and brimstone, where they will suffer in all eternity with satan/lucifer, the fallen ones and demons… and death and the kingdom of death/scheol/hades, which will also be thrown into second death after having fulfilled their temporary task. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty Ruler and King of the universes. THE GREAT I AM, the GOD of the heavens and the earth.

“Only the chosen ones,

who refuse to turn back into the world after having heard and believed the Good News… and who are sealed with the promissed holy Ghost of Us… and who entered/enter into the Small Gate/Door and remained/remain on the Small Path of Us… and remain with Us in Our glorious grace/loving giving goodness and love and truth to enter eternal glory… by means of Our gift of world-overcoming faith and obedience to Our holy words/will and plan… and trusting in Our promises, in the power of Our grace and Spirit and truth and Our endurance given to them, which stands firm as an unshakeble eternal ROCK, will be saved for all eternity. I AM.

They build their houses on this Eternal ROCK and will stand firm in the faith in Us and Our saving grace and love and truth during all tests, trials and temptations and persecution… and will not love their lives on earth till the end, but will follow Jesus/Yeshua till the end.. to be rewarded in heavenly Glory with glorious crowns and will inherit the Kingdom of God and will rule and reign with Us in all eternity. I AM. These are saved by grace through faith IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach and His blood… and have washed/cleansed their hearts and lives in the Blood of the Lamb of GOD… and will be/are dressed with robes.. and are justified by Us and Our words. I AM.” ; “Amen.” ; Says the Spirit of GOD.

Prophecy 01.01.2021. Received by The Candle/Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.


Jesus Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach said to the Jews in his days,

when they asked Him what works they should do to fulfill God’s will and to be saved for eternity by means of their own works according to the law of Moses :

“This is GOD’s work in you, that you will believe in Him/Jesus/Yeshua, who He has sent.”

To save them for eternity by means of His fulfillment of what was written about Him in the holy scriptures of GOD YHVH and His prophets, that HE would save them by means of His saving work on the cross of Calvery…where He was slain as “The Lamb of GOD”…

and by means of the shedding of His blood as an atoning/reconciling sacrifice for their sins and of those of creation… so that the Gate/Door back into Our/God’s paradise and heaven and glorious Temple and Our/God’s Presence would be opened again to all… so that all can enter back into the Holy of Hollies/ Heavenly Tabernacle/Holy Sanctuary… and can stand in front of Our/God’s Holy Throne… without being strucked by Our/God’s holy consuming fire or condemned by ME, His GOD and Father, Adonai YHVH, the Great I AM, and Our Godly holiness and perfect righteousness. Our/God’s gift of faith in His and Yeshua Hamashiach’s /Jesus Christ’ saving work of LOVE and grace and truth and reconciliation on the cross/wood of curse and the sprinkling of His blood on the place of atonement on the Arc of the Covenant, which was hidden by Our/God’s Hand, during the time of the prophet Jeremia( before king Nebudkadnezar entered Jerusalem to take them, disobedient Jews, captive), exactly under the cross/wood of curse in a cave in the ROCK-bottom of Calvery … and the sanctifying work of Our/God’s Spirit in their lives to complete them… will save them and justify them in Our/God’s Presence, here and now on earth… and in all eternity… in Our holy names, YHVH-Elohim’s name and in the name above all other names : Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, which means translated : YHVH saves, the Anointed One. Their, by US, GOD’s given, faith in this work of salvation IN Yeshua ha Mashiach and his blood is counted to them as being righteouss. They are justified by grace through faith IN Christ Jesus and his blood. There is now no condemnation anymore for those who are IN Christ Jesus/Yeshua ha Mashiach, Living IN and by His Spirit/Anointing to Our Glory/Glory of GOD… and Our grace. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty.

If you believe this message of God…

and His Son Adonai YHVH = Adonai Y.H.V.H. = Yeshua Hinoschri/Hamashiach Wamalech Hayehuddim, the Immanuel, born out of virgin, Miriam, at Beth-Lechem- Judea in Israel, born out of the tribe of Juda, the Star of Jacob/Israel, the Scepter of Juda, the Lamb of God and the Lion of Juda, Son of David, Descendant of David, former king of Israel, and future eternal King on the throne of David of Israel, than please allow GOD to unite you with him in this eternal holy truth… and allow Him to knit you in… into a True holy Gathering of true saints/true holy ones of the Living GOD, who worship the GOD of Israel, who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, in Holy Ghost and truth of GOD in Yeshua Hamashiach’s holy glorified name. Amen. Be baptised in water and Holy Ghost… to become and remain a worshipper of GOD in Holy Spirit and truth in obedience to His teachings by Yeshua Hamashiach… and his twelve holy messengers/apostles/prophets out of the 12 tribes of Israel, who were chosen and ordained by GOD himself in and through Yeshua ha Mashiach, who is God’s Temple. For it pleased and pleases GOD that His fulness dwelled and dwells IN Yeshua ha Mashiach. “Amen.” ; Says the Spirit of the Living One, the GOD of Israel.

Yeshua Hamashiach said/says :

“Those who have seen and heard Me, have seen and heard My heavenly GOD and Father. For I AM in Him and HE is IN Me. We are One. Those who believe in Me, believe in Him. I AM the Good Shephard. My sheep listen to My voice… and follow Me… and I will give them eternal life… I AM. My words are not mine, but the words of Him who has sent Me. And I have come to do His will. And He has given Me a commandment what to do and what to speak/to tell. And His will is eternal life. For I did not come on earth to judge creation, but to save Israel and creation. I AM.” ; Said/says the Lord GOD IN and through His Son Yeshua ha Mashiach.

Words of God and of God’s Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit/Holy Breath/Ruach Hakodesh and of Jesus The Christ/Yeshua Hamaschiah , 01.01.2021.

Received by The Candle/Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.