The Eternal One… speaks to the nations and their leaders.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of created beings and of all material and spirit-worlds and dimensions in the visible and invisible worlds/realms :

‘Hear, ye creatures, I AM your GOD, and I will exalt My holy name among all of you throughout all ages. I AM. For I AM the One and Only GOD who has all powers to create… or to destroy what I created. I AM. My holy name is feared in all of creation, by those who know Me and My holiness and holy righteousness and holy judgments and holy love and holy mercy and holy lovingkindness and holy grace and goodness and work of salvation IN Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, the Great I AM, the GOD of Israel and creation. “Hear, o mankind, I AM the One who created prosperity and adversity throughout history. I AM the One who gives abundance or scarcity. I AM the One who protects or who allows the destroyer to come in. I AM the One who causes people to fight for righteousness against the evil and wicked ones. I AM the One who oversees all the nations… and who decides what their future will be. I AM.’ ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. ‘Blessed are all nations who acknowledge Me and who fear and honor Me… and who are willing to bow their knees to Me and to accept My heavenly Reign… and whose leaders seek Me in honest prayer for leading and guidance in what they should do or how to handle situations. I AM.’ ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. ‘Hear, ye leaders of the nations, if you despise Me or My holy beloved and glorified Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ, than you despise yourselves and your lives and your nations… and you will lead one-another into eternal suffering and destruction and eternal shame and punishment in eternity. I AM. For godlessness leads to destruction. For the rod of rebuke will then be in your own mouth for your own rebuke. I AM. And the rod of punishment will be in your own mouth to your own punishment and humilation and shame. I AM.’ ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH, The GOD of the heavens and the earth. ‘For I AM the Warrior against the evil and wicked and godless ones. I AM. Many of you will be humiliated in near future, because of their pride and evil and wicked attitude and works of deceit and betrayal of their own people of their own nations… and all the evil and cruelty they did while being members of secret/occult societies. I AM.’ ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. ‘For I AM exposing them… and will bring them into judgment, even when your judges are compromised and are even themselves members of your occult societies or under your control. I AM.’ ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, the Alknowing One. ‘Your time has come. Soon I will eradicate your evil under My sun. I AM. For I AM the HOLY ONE who hates your hypocrisy. Your own internet reveals your evil and lies and deceit and betrayal and wickedness. And all your thoughts to registrate all of all… to get or keep total control… will lead to your own destruction. I AM.’ ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. ‘During all ages again and again rulers of tribes, nations or worldly kingdoms or world-dominions made the same mistakes in My Holy Eyes : They left Me, the Source of True and Eternal Life… and in doing so became idolaters and slaves of Satan/Lucifer and the fallen angels and fallen ones… and did the things that I hated, for which I brought judgment from heaven upon/over or into them to their destruction and eternal punishment/suffering/condemnation. Many dominions/ kingdoms on earth I destroyed, because when they were ripe to be judged and to be destroyed than the destruction came from inside or from the outside or from heaven. For I have the power to cause whatever I want in creation : Floods, earthquakes, droughts, famines, plagues, deseases, wars etc. For all universal powers are in My Hand and I command them to do whatever is pleasing Me. I AM. For I AM the GOD who created them all… and they all obey My commandments at the moment that I speak them to be or to do or to fulfil what I revealed/prophesied or tell them to do. I AM.’ ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD, the GOD of the visible and invisible worlds. ‘Prepare yourselves for My coming. For Soon I will return to the earth to judge all of mankind in Holy heavenly righteousness. I AM. Woe to those, who are not willing to hear nor to learn nor to obey Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ and Our holy Gospel of salvation. For Our judgement will be terrible for/to them. I AM.’ ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, The GOD of Israel and creation. ‘Blessed are all who get to know Us… and who will be guided and lead to eternal glory by faith and obedience to Our Reign in heaven and on/in the earth. I AM.’ ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, the Eternal One.

Prophecy 31.08.2020. Received by The Candle.

God hears the prayers of little children…

This says GOD YHVH/YHWH, the GOD of all by Him created beings :

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth and ye believers in Me, the GOD of all spirits and living creatures, I AM GOD and no-one else. For I AM the Cause and Source of all that was, is… and will be. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty. “I knew you from before foundation of creation. Many of you were/are chosen to be My holy witnesses among the nations, tribes and generations. I AM. Some of you are with Holy Ghost holy anointed priests and kings, who are lead and driven by My Holy Ghost to glorify Us in creation in doing Our works, that We prepared for you to do. Some are even ministers to/in Our holy gatherings, where they serve among Our saints, in humbleness and meekness in obedience to Us, YHVH-Elochim… The Father YHVH, the Son YHVH saves the Anointed One/Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ… and the Holy Breath/Ruach Hakodesh/Holy Ghost. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD of the heavenly armies/holy world of holy angels. “Many were/are called to eternal life and glory by means of the preaching and teaching and evangelizing of the Word of God and the gospel of Salvation. Many heard Our Voice to their hearts. Many answered Us in their hearts or in their thoughts or in their spoken or in written words or in their prayers. Many already, when they just were little children. I heard them and answered their prayers and wishes. For little children are very precious to Me and their hearts and wishes/prayers. Some knew/know this and many on earth saw/see, when I opened/open their eyes for this, how I heard/hear them and gave/give them according to their desires. I AM. Many people and their lives were/are/will be fulfilled according to their prayers and decisions that they already made in their childhood… or youth. Often they forgot or forget what they asked/ask Me… or spoke/speak to Me, when they were/are so young. But at the moment that I will visit them, by My Holy Ghost, I will remind them. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, the All-knowing One. “I AM faithful. I AM.” ; Says the Almighty One of Israel and creation. “Amen.” ; Says the Spirit of GOD.

Prophecy 30.08.2020. Received by The Candle.

To the man who knows Me…

This says GOD YHVH to the man who knows Me like I AM in reality :

“Hear, o servant of GOD, I know your future tasks and work-fields. Do not worry, for I AM with you to lead and guide you to fulfill My holy works within and through you among mankind. I AM. ” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH, the GOD of the heavens and the earth.”Never fear men more than Me, for I have overcome them all in My and Jesus Christ’ holy name and grace and power and truth and righteousness and holiness. I AM. Soon I will exalt you among the kings and priests and rulers of creation. I AM. For I had and have a plan, that I will fulfill according to My holy will and decisions from before foundation of creation. I AM. No-one can stop My heavenly Godly plan, for I AM the Almighty One and no-one else. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH, the GOD of the heavens and the earth.

Prophecy 27.08.2020. Received by The Candle.

The destruction of the Great City…

This says GOD to the man who knows Me and My plan for creation :

“Hear, o man of God, I know that you have your doubts concerning your calling and ministry in this endtime, still I want you to understand that I AM the One who called you and pre-destined you to be Our witness in these last days in the EU and in the rest of the world… by means of Our works in and through you. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD, Adonai YHVH. “Soon I will sent you to Israel to be one of the two Lampstands/Olivetrees. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD. “For many don’t know, that they are really living in the last days… and some heard it and knew it, but willingly deny it… for they are to scared for the consequences of accepting the truth/facts. Many are so luke-warm, that they even are not willing to quit loving their money and wealth and luxury and worldly status more than Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach and Our True Gospel and its holy demands/holy and righteous teachings. Many love this world and its comfort and pleasures and riches more than Us. They should gather themselves not treasures on earth, but in heaven… so that they would be rich in Our heavenly Holy Eyes in doing real good works of love and mercy and righteousness and faith… and in obedience to Our Spirit/Words/Voice to their hearts. But alas, most of the people on this earth are all focussed on the earthly things… and not on Us and Our Heavenly Holy Eternal Glorious Treasures. They should follow My Son, The Merchant who sold all His pearls… to buy that One Great Precious Pearl of the Kingdom of GOD. Many of the merchants of today will soon loose all their merchandise and their wealth and their posessions, for the destruction of the Great Babylon, the mother of all whores, is very, very, very near. And all the kings of the earth and all the merchants of the earth will weep, when they will see and hear about her destruction, the destruction of the Great City Babylon. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of the heavens and the earth.

Prophecy 22.08.2020. Received by The Candle.

Words to the nations… 2020.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

“Hear, ye nations of 2020, I AM the GOD of all existing things in the heavens and in the earth. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-Elochim, the GOD of Israel. “Soon I will intervene in history and this present time and future times, according to My holy words, plan, revelations and prophecies. I AM. For many think that I AM just an imaginary illusion, but I AM. Soon I will expose all the evil of all of creation, when I will judge creation according to their works. For many abused My holy scriptures and even changed things during the ages in them, by which they falsefied My holy words, or mis-represented My holy word or mis-interpreted them… by which they deceived people and even abused them spiritually or even their precious souls/bodies. Soon I will show to all that I AM the KING of all kings and the LORD of all lords. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH, the Almighty one of the heavens and the earth. “Many feel… and will feel… lost in these and future days, when they are not connected to Me. I AM. For I AM the Source of all True Life. Those who miss Me… miss True Life… and are in their spirit dead, although they live biological. Feeling lost and empty and depressed and broken is caused by sins, that were comitted by you… or by people surrounding you. The greatest sin is unbelieve… or not willing to accept Me in your life or willingly denying My existence or even not willing to give Me honor or not willing to acknowledge My holy Reign in the heavens and the earth or not willing to accept My holy Gospel or My holy will for your life/disobedience towards My Holy Ghost and His words. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the GOD of the universes. “Without Me… and without accepting My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ and Our holy Good News… life on earth can already be “a hell for many on earth”. For spirits of darkness can enter into humans and make them suffer terribly. Only the return to Us, YHVH-Elochim – Father, Son and Holy Ghost – , can bring a change in your life… and can set you free from spiritual death. When We pour out Our holy Life-Giving Spirit upon and into you… you will be set free from slavery and captivity to these evil forces… and you will be filled with joy, peace and love and new life in the power of Our Holy Ghost, who will lead you into all the truth… and will set you completely free in your innermost being, so that you even can experience Light of Heaven on earth in your heart… and will know for sure, that We are the Living Gods of creation who want to save people from eternal suffering and punishment and judgment. For Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ took the sins of sinful mankind… and Our wrath and judgments and punishments over their sins and spirits/souls/blood/lives/bodies… upon His innocent live/spirit/soul/body/blood to save all from eternal condemnation and eternal suffering in places of eternal torture, kingdom of death and second death/lake of fire and brimstone. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, the GOD of the visible and invisible worlds. “Blessed are all who accept His saving work on the wood of curses/cross of Calvery… in simple trusting this message of Our Heavenly reconciling and redeeming work by means of the shedding of His blood on the wood/cross and on the ground and through a split in the earth/in the Rock-bottom to the mercy-Seat of the Arc of the Covenant in a cave under the cross/wood, where it was sprinkled to reconcile all of creation to Us, the GODS of the universes from past, present and future. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-Elochim. “There is now no condemnation anymore for those who are IN Christ Jesus, by means of Faith in Our work of saving grace in this crucified Mashiach/Christ Yeshua/Jesus and His dead on the cross. He was buried… and resurrected on the third day by My almighty powerful Ghost… and appeared alive and well to His disciples during 40 days… and was taken up on the 40 th day into heaven/sky/clouds… and is since that day seated at My Right Hand in heaven on His throne… and is glorified in the heavens and on/in the earth by MY Ghost and holy angels and all saints of past, present and future… and by all created beings at the moment that we work this in them out to Our eternal glory. I AM. ” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, who ruled and rules over all that was, is… and will be. “Amen” ; Says the Spirit of GOD.

Prophecy 19.08.2020. The Candle.


This says the God of the heavens/universes :

“I AM the One who created all. I AM. No-one can compare himself to Me. I AM. All who try to become gods will fail. I AM. FOR I AM the Almighty One and I will not tolerate a god or godess besides ME, than only those who I transformed to be like My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach… and who were/are/became like He is and I AM in their hearts, minds, and love and grace and truth and holy righteousness and works of faith in obedience to the True Good News of the New Heaven and New Earth, that I wil create after having destroyed this temporary world by means of My almighty words and My holy consuming fire. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH. “For the heavens and the earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD YHVH.

Prophecy 16.08.2020. Received by The Candle.

GOD will return IN Christ.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel :

“Hear, o mankind of this last age, I AM GOD and I AM the King of all kings and the LORD of all lords and I AM revealed to all of mankind during all ages by means of the works of My Hands, which are the things that I created in the visible and material worlds. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD. Many know or knew Me according to the knowledge or experiences or revelations or prophecies or dreams or visions I gave to them. Well, now is the time for all of mankind to prepare for My return. For I AM the GOD of the heavens and the earth and appeared to Moses, the man of God, and to the prophets and apostles and special anointed ones with holy Ghost as was pleasing to Me, so that they would be My holy witnesses, during the ages till these last days, by their testimonies or holy scrolls/scriptures. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation. “Be prepared, for the coming of the Son of men, the Son of God, Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, who is the Radiance of My glory, the Expression of My heavenly Being… and the Carrier or Bearer of My almighty powerful Words, by which I called all things into existence, is very, very, very near. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the GOD of the universes, the Great I AM.

Prophecy 15.08.2020. Received by The Candle.

Who will inherit the kingdom of God ?

This says GOD YHVH to the man who knows that I will come very soon :

“Hear, My son, I AM your God and Father. I AM the One who loves you. Be rewarded at My day, when I will appear in My holy Image and holy Temple of My Spirit Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH. Amen. “Many fell/fall/will fall away in these last days, but endure the hardship and trials and temptations and persecution. For only the True overcomers will inherit the Kingdom of God. I AM.” ; Says the Lord GOD.

Prophecy 12.08.2020. Received by the Candle.