Rebellious mankind…vs…revealing GOD.

This says GOD :

In these days I will exalt My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach, Jesus the Christ. I AM. For many proclaim that they are gods and godesses… and even when they deny this, they still behave like this, by deceiving one-another in denying My holy Existence and Son and Spirit and words and holy Gospel-truth. I AM. Many will go lost for eternity, when they chose/choose for iniquity, evil and godlessness and fury and wrath and anger and agression and an envious attitude towards Me and My Son and Our Spirit of righteousnes and truth and of judgement and mercy. For I AM the Unchanging GOD of creation. No-one can blame Me for the evil that people do, for they have all their “own will” to serve Me or to deny and rebel against Us… and our holy eternal Reign. I AM. Many will fall into the hands of the Living GOD, who I AM, and will be consumed by My holy fire of judgement, unless they repent and turn back to Me and My Son and Our Holy Gospel and Our Holy Temple. I AM. Our Holy Temple is existing out of living stones, which are the True saints on earth, who trust and obey Us… according to Our grace, poured out upon them and into them, by Our Life-giving holy Spirit. I AM. Many don’t know the Holy Spirit nor His hidden work in the hearts or minds in My holy saints and in the lives of those that We prepare for eternal glory. I AM. Many are not aware that I, YHVH GOD, AM amoung them by My Ghost and Powerfull Spirits/angels, who serve Me and My Son and Our holy Temple or gatherings of saints IN Christ Jesus name. I AM. The mindset of many people is just focussed on earthly things like sex, drugs, pleasures, wealth, luxury, ambition, money, influence, power, religion, philosophy, tradition, cultural things and occultism and even satanism… and different political and socialistic or communistic or marxistic and other “social” or “kapitalistic” views and systems and global items, who almost all deny Us and deny Our heavenly eternal values and truth and power and eternal glory. Therefore they are all on the broad-way to eternal punishment and destruction, unless We reveal Ourselves to them… and lead them to repentance, by Means of Our revelations and prophecies or apostle-teachings and holy words or visitations from heaven by means of Our own appearances or of Our holy angels, with messages from Our heavenly throne. I AM.

Prophecy 17.02.2019.The Candle.