Message concerning these serious days… in which our choices create our eternal fate… and final destiny… |
This says GOD YHVH, The GOD of Israel, the GOD of creation, The Almighty One : “Hear, ye people of the endtime, I AM the GOD who will fulfill My holy words in these last days. I AM.Revelation 13 is now being fulfilled. Many churchleaders err when they say that this is not a fact nor reality, but false teaching or false prophecy. But I AM the GOD of holiness and righteousness according to the Thora and all other holy scriptures of the book of the Israelites and Jews, called the Tenach and the other holy scriptures written by the Jewish holy apostles of the Lamb of GOD, who is My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach / Jesous Christos / Jesus the Christ. Today I will reveal in this holy message/prophecy that soon I will erase billions of people, who are worthy to be eliminated because of their godless and wicked life-style. I AM. For I AM the GOD who allows Satan /Lucifer to rule this Anti-God and Anti -Christ World -Beast-System , called the New World Order. I AM. For many were / are / will be tested if they take the mark/sign/name/number of the name or injections or tatoo’s or other 666-linked micro-technology into their body, right hand or forehead, which stands for actions and center of the will. I AM. Many chose already for the pleasures and provisions of this godless wicked Satanic – / Luciferian -World-System, also called the Beast out of the sea, and for the Beast out of the earth, which is the false prophet of Rome. I AM. ; Says the Lord GOD Almighty, the GOD of the heavens and the earth, the Great I AM of the universes. “Those who accepted or accept the mark, number, name… or number of the name of the Beast… and or their injections linked to 666 by means of vaccines… or band aids with sharp and thin pallisade-needles filled with hydrogel with nano-technology and/or other Rna en Dna-changing and the body and nerve-system influencing strange materials that are like antennas, that receive the radiation or electro-magnetic fields of 4G, 5G, 6G, 7G, which will sent messages to their brains and nerve-system and cells of their bodies… to take them totally over for the sake of total-world-control. I AM. Many heard it already before, but were not willing to accept it… for it seemed too horrible and too insane to be true, so they refused these holy warnings and called them “conspiracy-theories”. Their lack of faith in Me and My Son and Our holy Gospel and prophecies and revelations brought them to the point that they believed the lies and deceit and manipulation of the by Satan ruled elite… and their World-Government, The UN ,The Beast out of the Sea. They chose for the by Satan / Lucifer reigned anti-GOD world-system… and in doing so for eternal condemnation. I AM. For I came to save all who believe… and trust… and obey… My holy words and will and revelations and prophecies and holy instructions… given by My holy Ghost. I AM. Woe to those who resist Me and My holy prophecies and revelations and warnings by those who even know these facts by investigating it according to the holy scriptures… and were / are watchers on the wall / or standing on My towers of My holy castles/fortress to look into the fields… to see if their is danger by the enemies, who want to destroy the cities or dwellings of those who protect them… by giving the alarm to wake them up to prepare for the battle. I AM. Now, in these days, I even use people who are even not born again, but live according to their conciousness and their knowledge of what is really going on, because of their investigation of what is really going on in their own fields of profession… and who are willing to teach all what they discovered/discover to warn other people of what is really going on that will damage and destroy people. I AM. Many people of medicine and doctors were and are activated to warn mankind, by My work in their lives, to save all who are willing to listen to real true facts and real knowledge and real unfalsified science and whistle-blowers. I AM. Many are raised up to be My warriors for truth and righteousness in these last days to save all for eternity… who believe Me and My words and messengers and co-workers… to save all who believe the facts and are not willing to follow the deceit and seduction and manipulation and indoctrination of the evildoers and wicked and betrayers, who created and sustain and honor and obey this world-wide-Beast-system, which tool is the “internet of all things” or the world-wide-web of the great Spider, that will catch and kill/murder all who are caught in her web. A web of a spider looks very beautifull constructed and has a special attraction to its victims, so that they will come to be caught and killed/murdered according to the spiders will or hunger for flesh. I AM. Do not allow them to inject her vomin/poison into your body to erase you and to bring you into eternal hell/second death/condemnation. I AM. Those who will take the shots will die a horrible death… and will be thrown into second death, which is the lake of fire and brimstone.You can read this in Revelation 13 + 14 of My holy revelation to My holy apostle John in the book called “The Apocalypse” or “The Book of Revelations” in the bible, the last book of the second part of the bible called : The New Testament. I AM.” ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, YHVH-GOD, the GOD of Israel and of creation, The Savior of all… who believe, trust and obey Him. “Amen” ; Says the Spirit of GOD. Prophecy on the 04.09.2021. Received by The Voice in The Wind / The Candle / Jean M.P. Schoonbroodt. NL. EU. |

Message by The Voice in The Wind. / The Candle / Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.