GOD speaks to the nations in 2023 and 2024.

This says GOD to the nations in 2023 and 2024 :


“You were very anxious about what would or will happen. But I tell you : Fear Me and quit with your godless lifestyle and with your evil and wickedness… otherwise I will pour out further judgments upon you. I AM. For I AM the Holy GOD of the True Israel… according to the Spirit of GOD living in obedience to Me and My Good News… among all bad news. I AM. For I AM the True GOD of creation… and I will not spare you, if you remain stubborn towards My holy call and holy prophecies. I AM. Blessed are all who know Me as I AM in reality… and who acknowledge Me in/on all their ways, while being led by My Holy Ghost and/or holy angels. I AM. Woe to all who remain stubborn and were/are not willing to learn from Me and My Holy Son Yeshua HaMashiach / Jesous Christos / Jesus The Christ. I AM. For We will judge the living and the dead by Our Holy Words on Our Day for them. I AM. Glory, Glory, Glory in all eternity to those who believe, trust and obey and follow Us till the end. I AM.” ;

Says The Almighty One of creation, the great “I AM”, who spoke to Moses… the man of GOD.

Prophecy by The Wind of GOD’s Breath.   13.11.2023.