This says GOD YHWH : I AM the Eternal One. Hear, ye people of the 21 age, soon I will open the door to heaven to many. For I AM a gracious GOD, who longs to be united with all My beloved children, the […]
Author: The Voice in The Wind.
Revelation Song.
Word to the Maple Leaf.
This says GOD YHWH to the nation of The Maple Leaf : Hear, o nation of the Maple Leaf, I know your ways and see the struggles and see your iniquities and your evil and wickedness in your nation… and know also those who […]
God’s love… and righteousness… and Temple.
This says GOD YHWH to Israel and the nations in these last days, before the return of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ : Hear, o Israel and ye nations, I AM the GOD who is Ghost, Light and Love and gracious and pure […]
To the nation of Turkeye.
This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Turkeye : Hear, o nation of Turkeye, soon I will visit your nation with judgements, for you are very proud. Your leader is willing to destroy Israel. But I AM the One who brought the Jews […]
God allows mankind to be tested…
This says GOD YHVH to Israel : Hear, o Israel, your enemies are surrounding you, but I AM your Helper en Savior. I AM your Fortress and Shield now and in future days. I AM. Many knew this, but forgot it. Now I remember […]
GOD, the Warrior against evil…
This says GOD : Hear, ye people of these last days/ the endtime, I AM your GOD and Savior in My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many know Me as YHVH/YHWH, the GOD of creation and of Israel. I […]
God’s glorious love…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One, to the people in the desert of this world, where many are spiritual dead in sin and transgression and evil : Hear, ye dead people in the desert of this world, if I wouldn’t bring My Spirit […]