This says GOD to the churches/Ecclesia of the endtime/last days : Hear, ye Ecclesia/churches of the last days/endtime, I AM GOD the Almighty One of Israel and creation. I AM the GOD and Father of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ/Jesous Christos, My beloved Son, […]
Category: Uncategorized
To the nation of Sweden…
This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Sweden : Hear, ye nation of Sweden, I know your immorality. I know that there are many enemies in your country, who are willing to abuse you and your children. Many of them have another religion […]
To the house of Israel…
This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation, to the house of Israel : Hear, o Israel, I know you ways. I see and hear you thoughts, words, deeds. I know your ways amidst the nations… and see those who are filling their pockets […]
Why God hits nations…
This says GOD to the nation of Irack : Irack, your country/nation is divided because of your iniquity, for your former Ruler Saddam Hussein tried to gather the Arabic nations/Islamic nations against Israel. Therefore I sent the USA as a “Hammer of the earth” […]
Turn around and get saved…
This says GOD YHVH to the nations of this endtime : Hear, ye nations of this endtime, you are wasting your time when you are not willing to serve Me, for if you are not willing to serve Me than you will have to […]
To the media and social-media…
This says GOD YHVH to the newspapers and media and social-media : Hear, ye media and social media and newspapers, I know that you are all accepted by people as being bringers of news. My holy eyes see your motives. My holy Spirit and […]
I AM the Living GOD and will never change…
This says GOD YHWH : I AM the GOD of grace and truth… and of chastisement and of judgement. I AM the Creator of all existing things. For I AM the I AM, who revealed Himself to Mozes, the man of GOD. Many prophets […]
Kingdom of Death opens its gates…
This says GOD YHWH : Hear, ye nations, many nations are now afraid for the corona-virus-infection. Many are already suffering. Many already died from this desease/plague/pandemic… and many will follow. The death is going around the world in different ways… and the kingdom of […]