This says GOD to the nation of Persia : Hear, o Persia, I AM GOD. I AM the GOD above all. I AM the Creator of all existing things. I AM. My holy name was and is YHVH GOD forever. I AM the GOD […]
Category: Uncategorized
To the house of lords…
This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the house of lords : Hear, ye lords, I AM the LORD GOD, the almighty One of creation. I AM the First and the last. I AM the Alpha and Omega and no-one else. […]
Work of salvation… and its fruit.
Work of salvation… and its fruit.
To the elected ones…
This says GOD YHVH to the elected ones/true saints of creation : Hear, My beloved ones, the time is near. Soon I will take you all up into heaven… to be with My beloved Son and Me forever. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Prophecy 26.11.2019. […]
Test the spirits of ministers.
Evil in high places…
This says GOD YHVH to the people of the nations of the endtimes : Hear, ye people of the nations of the endtimes, you are very busy with all kind of things. Still you are often deceived by those who have lies as their […]
To the inhabitants of Rome…
This says GOD YHVH to the inhabitants of Rome : Hear, ye Romans, you are still activ in this age in many ways as the Romans of former days. You are willing to submit to your Ruler and Emperor, the Pope. Still I have […]
The TRUTH will shock many.
The truth will shock many :