God’s testimony…

This says GOD YHVH :

“Hear, o people of this earth and universes, I AM the Living GOD, who is Ghost/Spirit. I AM everywhere in creation as I decide. For I AM GOD and not a human person, who is just always at one place. Meanwhile I AM represented in all of creation by My holy powers and holy Son and holy powerfull angels and holy ones/saints/elected ones, who all glorify Me and My grace and truth… and My beloved Holy and gracious and righteouss and glorified Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many holy servants are activ in creation according to My grace and love and truth and Charisma’s/Holy Gifts of My holy Ghost. I AM. Many worshipers of Me and My Son are in creation gathered in Our holy names… and We are in their midst by Our Gracious Holy Ghost and holy words and holy powers and love and grace and holy powerfull angels, who guide and lead them to get to know Us more and more as We are in reality… and to protect them and to lead and guide them to do good works, that We prepared for them to do, and to prepare them for eternal glory. I AM. For We have great plans for Our beloved sons and daughters and children in the faith, according to Our holy Good News/Gospel. And We want them to tune into them. Our ways with mankind and Our thoughts concerning mankind are often totally different from what mankind thinks or wants. For We have heavenly glorious plans. Our plans are revealed in Our holy scriptures by Our holy Ghost, written by Our holy servants, who were servants of the holy Ghost, who revealed them… and lead them to write Our words and thoughts and plans and revelations and prophecies down, as an eternal testimony to all of mankind. I AM.” ; says the Lord GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH, the great I AM.

Prophecy 29.06.2020. Received by the Candle.

Against the godless and the wicked…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty GOD of creation : I AM.

At the moment many nations are getting more and more chaotic, if they refuse to accept Me and My Reign in creation. For powers of darkness try to seize and keep control, although My Spirit and holy angels and saints are still fighting them. I AM. Many are ready to war against one-another. But still I AM keeping some of them under My control… for the time that I AM willing to spare them and others. I AM. For the time will come that millions will die, because of their godlessness and wickedness and evil… and because they were not willing to allow Me to change their ways of thinking, speaking and actions/deeds. Many were/are Luciferians and did/do all that I hate. Therefore I will destroy them at a moment that they will not expect it to happen. For I AM the GOD who hates all evil and who hates it if they deny Me… and love evil and wickedness and idolatry… and love the lie and do the lie. I AM. I sent My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach to save sinners/evildoers, but alas many rejected this message of pure and holy righteousness and glorious heavenly love and mercy and grace and reconciliation and sanctification and justification and of completion and of glorification. Alas many are willing to steal, pray to images of human beings/gods or godesses… or to the queen of heaven, which is a demon, or to pray to “saints” , which were often no saints at all, but evil religious and deceiving spirits of wicked religious leaders, who rejected the true gospel… and in doing so became devils. I AM. Soon I will destroy all these churches/tempels/synagogues/schools of satan, where they rejected the original holy scriptures of the Old Covenants and the New Covenant, or holy prophets- and apostle-teachings. I AM. Woe to all these wicked ones, who think that they are supreme above all other people, but are in reality the lowest kinds of people that there are in the universes. Soon I will show them all that these “winners” are in reality the great losers of creation. I AM. They thought that they were above all other “slaves” of their godless and wicked Mammon-system/Beast-system/Whore Babylon-system, and that they could manipulate them like they wanted. But soon I will reveal My holy judgments with great power. I AM. For I know the secrets of these wicked ones and will show them that I AM in charge of creation. I AM. Woe to those deniers and false witnesses, these liars and betrayers and deceivers and seducers and killers. I AM.

Prophecy 26.06.2020. Received by The Candle.

To the man of God…

This says GOD to the man of God in the European Union :

Hear, o prophet of the endtime/last days, before the visible return of My holy Mashiach/Anointed One/Christ Yeshua/Jesous/Jesus, I AM the God of creation who called you to be My witness for the nations and Israel. I AM. Many despised you and hated you, because of the word of God that spoke and prophecied to you and through you… and showed them their sin and evil and iniquity. I AM. Soon I will send you to Jerusalem to be My witness, together with the second olive-tree. I AM. Many nations will see and hear your testimonies and preaching and your prophecy to Israel and to them. Many powers of My Holy Ghost will be seen by them, when I will reveal them in both of you according to My holy will and plan and prophecies. I AM. For We will beat them with plagues and disasters of different kind. I AM.

Prophecy 23.06.2020. Received by The Candle.

To the Roman Empire…

To the Roman Empire in this 21 century.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of Israel, the God of creation, the Almighty One, the I AM :

Hear, ye Roman Empire-globalists, who are in charge at this moment, I AM the GOD above all existing things. I AM the Almighty One. No-one was god before I AM. I AM the Faithful One, I AM the Great I AM, who revealed Myself to the greatest man that ever lived on earth : Moses, the Prophet of Israel. I AM. Soon I will make an end to your globalistic power. I AM. For I will come down from heaven to make an end to your World-Beast-System. I know, that you are not willing to accept this fact/reality, but I will do it according to My holy prophecies of former prophets and of this prophecy. I AM. For I AM GOD and not a human sinful being like you are. I AM. My holy prophet of this endtime will cause all that is pleasing Me. For My words in his mouth will be fulfilled in creation in these and former days. I AM. For many despised him… and other prophets and revelators and seeers in/of the last 3 centuries. Therefore I will restore My powers and true doctrine concerning the original gospel/good news of My holy scriptures of My former holy prophets and apostles of Me and the Lamb of GOD. I AM. Many hate Us, but We are the Gods of creation and not you. You are just clay vessels, who have a short time on earth to fufill Our plans in creation. For We are in charge. No-one is as powerfull as We are. I AM. I and My beloved glorified Holy Son, Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/ Christo Jesu/Jesus the Christ, are One with Our holy Ghost and Our holy writings/scrolls/scriptures/books/biblia. I AM. Many of you despised them… or read them to get knowledge, but abused it to take power and control. Soon I will make an end to this abuse and your cruel and godless and immoral and lawless and fraudulent and corrupt and wicked way of leading the world to eternal destruction and to hell. I AM. I hate your hypocrisy and lies and deceit and betrayal and greed and seduction of mankind and powertrips and your secret societies and the bloodshedding of innocent blood. I AM. Woe to you evildoers, My hell/second death is already burning for you. I AM.

Prophecy 21.06.2020. Received by The Candle.

“I AM Faithful…”

This says GOD YHVH, the God of all stars and planets and moons and asteroids and of all universes :

“Hear, ye inhabitants of this temporary earth, I AM the God who is a Warrior against evil. I AM. Although I AM very patient with all, still I will have to bring judgements upon the wicked. Soon it will happen according to My words and revelations and prophecies and according to My holy will. I AM. Many of you heard it before or read it before. Now is the day and the hour to return to Me and to change your way of life. Now is the day and the hour to allow Us to change your way of thinking, speaking and deeds. I AM. For the time is near. I AM the GOD of wrath and revenge. Soon My holy wrath will be poured out upon mankind and the earth. Although I AM love, I AM still the Judge of the living and the dead. I AM. Many heard this, knew this, but did not take it serious. Soon this will change. For I AM the GOD who is faithful. I will stand to My holy words and to My holy promises. I AM. I will save My holy remnant of Israel… and many out of the nations and tribes of creation. I AM. The other godless and wicked ones, who loved Satan and Lucifer and the evil spirits of darkness and their words and works and powers and evil lusts, I will punish with several awful/terrible and terrifying judgements on earth. If you want to know what judgements I will bring upon you and them in these and future days, than just read The Book of Revelations/The Apocalypse, the last book of the bible. I AM. For I AM a holy and faithful GOD, who does not lie. I AM.” ; says the Lord GOD Almighty.

Prophecy 20.06.2020. Received by The Candle.

WARNING to the messengers.

This says GOD YHVH :

“Hear, ye men of God world-wide, you are all My holy messengers. Repent, for many of you are not aware of the times of tribulation that are laying ahead of you… and the churchmembers. I AM. Preach about the tribulation. Preach about Romans chapter 3+4+5 and about Hebr. 11. and about Rev. 13 +14 + 17 + 18. For you are living in the time of fulfilment of these things. I AM. The Beast is already here. The Beast-system, the beast and the second beast. Also the two Lampstands/two olivetrees/two prophets are already activ, but not yet at Jerusalem, but still among the nations. I AM. Soon they will appear at Jerusalem to prophecise during 3 1/2 years. I AM. Rev. 11. All churchmembers have to know these things. Because the time will come, that those who are than still on earth will be tested/tempted to take the number, mark/sign/injection/tattoo or the name of the Beast 1 + 2 + 3. Beast 1 is the Beast-Mammon/World-money-system. Beast 2 is the worldleader of the Beast-system. Beast 3 is the false prophet/anti-christo/other christ/false Mashiach/false christ/false anointed one, who is the spiritual king/elder/ruler/leader of the Whore Babylon… and the number of his name is 666. The Whore sits on the Beast… and rides the Beast. The leader… of this seducing temporary spiritual church/whore/wife of satan… is oecomenical activ… to unite all religions under his “apostolic succession” … and to dominate all kings and rulers of the earth and the complete Beast-Money-system. WAKE UP ! You are living in the last days. Open your eyes. Look around ! Investigate these facts. I AM.”; says the Lord GOD, Adonai YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, the God of the True Israel… that is living according to the Spirit of God… and the God and Father of Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. “Amen” ; says the spirit of God.

Prophecy 18.06.2020. Received by The Candle.

God calls into existence…

This says GOD YHVH :

“Hear, ye people who have ears to hear and eyes to see, you are living in the last days before My holy return from heaven to judge mankind according to My holy words and their works. I AM. Many heard this, but were/are not aware of this fact any more, because they are caught up with the worries and anxieties of this world… and desires and evil lusts and fears of/or in this temporary world. I AM ” ; says the lord GOD Almighty. ” I AM the One and Only True almighty GOD of creation. I know that many religions and ideologies have their own gods and godesses, but I AM the One who is Holy and Righteouss and the Judge above al gods and godesses and above all of mankind. I AM” ; says the Lord God Almighty. “I AM the One who causes prosperity and adversity. I AM. For all of the heavens and the earth are under My control, according to My holy will and plan with and within creation. I AM” ; says the Lord GOD Almighty, the Great I AM. “Many of the inhabitants of this earth and of the cosmos/universe drifted away from Me and My heavenly glorious Love and goodness and righteousness and mercy and grace and truth. Therefore I decided to call all back into the fellowship with Me…. by means of the preaching of the heavenly eternal holy message or Good News/Gospel. This message was and is and will be preached till the day that I will return visible to the earth in the power of My Almighty Being/Ghost in and through My holy Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ, who is the Radiance of My heavenly Glory, the Expression of My heavenly Glorious Being, and the Carrier/Bearer of the words of My almighty powers. For when I speak through Him, by My almighty powerfull Holy Ghost/Spirit, than these things will happen immediatly in the Cosmos/Universe/ the heavens and the earth. I AM” ; says the Lord GOD Almighty. “For I AM the Almighty One, whose words will happen. I have the power by My Ghost to call into existence all that pleases Me and which was not yet… but will come into existence and will be at the moment that I or My Son call or command them to be. I AM” ; says the Lord GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation.

Prophecy by The Candle.


GOD’s LOVE saves…

This says GOD YHVH, the Lord GOD, to the nations and tribes of the earth :

Hear, ye nations and tribes of the earth, I know that many have fallen away from Me, but I AM a gracious God and will try to save many, although many don’t deserve it. But this is what the word grace means. You did nothing good in My holy eyes… or did good, but also sinned often, but still I AM willing to save you and justify you, because of the work of reconciliation that happened on the cross/wood of Calvery, where My beloved Perfect Son Jesus the Christ died for your evil and sins and sinful nature and your precious souls. I AM. For I AM the GOD of all giving and forgiving and saving and restoring and healing goodness, because I AM LOVE. Many don’t see My glorious LOVE anymore. Some are so religious, that they are even blinded by the schemes of satan and the evil spirits, that they are even willing to condemn other people… or even to start a religious war against other people, who have no… or another… religion or philosophy or scientific view. Many are spiritual blinded and deaf… and don’t acknowledge, that they are real evil/sinful in My sight. No-one was ever perfect, only My Holy Glorious Perfect Son, who came down from heaven… and entered into the womb of a virgin, His mother Mary, with His Spirit… and My Holy Almighty Ghost created a body of flesh and bones and blood around His Spirit. His body was without sin, because He was not caused by the sinful seed of a man/descendant of Adam. He was pure, holy and righteouss in My holy Eyes and never sinned, but fulfilled perfect My holy will… to save all who believe This Good News. The Perfect One died instead of the sinners/transgressors of My holy commandments and words/Thora/Law. I AM. He gave His innocent life/soul/blood on the cross/wood of curse and condemnation and judgement… instead of the evildoers/sinful mankind, to re-open the door/gate/entrance into My holy Presence… and into the Kingdom of God of Heaven… and into My holy Temple and into Paradise. I AM. Blessed are all who trust/believe/accept this glorious work of Our saving LOVE and grace and Eternal Truth. I AM. Believe Me and My Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ and this message of reconciling and comforting LOVE and grace and Godly Truth and Godly Justification… and you will be saved by means of Our grace and Truth in Our holy names/powers and authority and Holy Spirit and His sanctifying work in your hearts and life… to prepare you for further future Heavenly Glory. Amen. I , the LORD GOD, Adonai YHVH, AM.

Prophecy 16.06.2020. Received by The Candle.