The True GOD speaks…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the human beings in this temporary creation :

Hear, ye human beings, soon I will reveal to all My holy Being. I AM. For many heard My holy gospel and words of God and holy messages or read holy scriptures or holy testimonies or read holy chronicles, concerning My holy infuence and work in creation to save elected ones of Israel and the Jews and the nations/goyim and of christianity. I AM. Many had their own thoughts concerning these holy messages and prophecies and testimonies and experiences of these wittnesses or their scriptures. I AM. But know and understand this, I AM the GOD who spoke and speaks to all of mankind, so that they all will know who the True GOD is among all these several “gods” and “godesses” of the past… or of these days. I AM. Many worship and serve idols, blinded as they are in their hearts and minds and understanding by the schemes and evil snares of Satan/Lucifer and their demons. But I AM the GOD of saving grace. I AM the GOD who will take the veil away that covers the multitudes, for I AM the GOD of truth and reality and facts. I AM the GOD who created all visible and invisible material and spirit-worlds/dimensions. I AM. I AM the all-knowing GOD. I AM the Source of all existing things, that I called into existence by means of My almighty powerfull Ghost/Spirit and dynamis/powers/energies. I AM. For I have the powers to speak and to transform My spoken words into existing things in the material worlds and in the spirit-worlds. I AM. I AM the almighty GOD, who is Ghost/Spirit… and I AM the GOD and Father of creation. YHVH/YHWH is My holy name forever. I AM.

Prophecy 09.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

You have a choice… and God will honor it.

This says GOD :

Hear, ye nations of the earth, I AM GOD above all existing things in creation. I AM. Many of you are familiar with christianity, but not with Me nor with My everlasting reign and truth and righteousness nor with My faithfulness towards My holy words and plan and holy will concerning the things that happened and will happen in these and future days. For I AM the Almighty One of creation. I AM the Source of life and grace and truth and righteousness and of goodness and of judgement. I AM. My saving grace and truth and healing love and power is for all who call on My holy name and the holy name of My beloved and glorified Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Many have problems or issues, but I AM the GOD who can save, help, heal or even strenghten the weak, for I AM the GOD of all living creatures that I gave energy and breath to live in the earth. I AM. I AM the Source of all powers in creation. I AM the GOD who is Ghost, light and love and holy. I AM. Let all who call on My holy name depart from all evil, for I hate evil, but allow it to exist… so that mankind can have a choice in this temporary creation. I AM. For I AM the GOD who loves creation and who wants people to have a choice, so that they are also capable to do as they want, even if it is to their own eternal punishment or destruction. For My holy judgements are already on earth active. If people choose for satan and his pleasures and desires, than they will hate Me and My holy words and saints and will become sons of satan and will go lost for all eternity… and will be punished in all eternity, because they were not willing to become sons of GOD YHVH, the only Almighty One in creation. I AM. My holy chosen ones, elected ones, who are submissive to Me and My holy will and words and who accepted My holy saving grace and truth and gospel… and who turned away from evil… and called on My holy name and the name of My beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ to their salvation… and who were baptised to My and His name and the name of the Holy Ghost in water and Holy Spirit… will be glorified and justified in My holy presence, because of their faith in Our Life-giving love and grace and purity and work of salvation in the crucified Christ and the shedding of His blood… to their salvation and reconciliation to Us. Amen. I, the LORD GOD YHVH, AM.

Prophecy 03.01.2020. Received by The Candle.

God’s influence in creation.

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of creation :

Hear, ye tribes and nations of the earth, soon I will intervene in the history of the world. For I AM the GOD who leads the history of the world throughout all ages. I AM. Although My invisible Being is denied by many and My almighty powers are denied by many… and many speak as if nature and mankind would write history, while willingly denying My influence in creation, I AM still in charge of all powers and forces in creation. I AM. Soon I will test all of mankind, for I AM the GOD who tests the hearts of people to see if they are willing to serve Me… or satan. I, the Lord GOD YHVH, AM. Many have already made their choices… and soon it will be visible in how they will act, while being tempted by satan and his demons and unclean spirits. I AM. For many have no controle over their desires and lusts and are evildoers and even wicked people, who do and will do cruel things to each other and other people and children and animals. I AM. Many are worthy to be called sons of Satan/Lucifer, for they do his will and words and evil and wicked and cruel thoughts and instructions… and are slaves of him and the evil spirits. Their destiny will be the place of eternal suffering in the second death, which is the lake of sulpher and brimstone and fire. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Some people have decided to serve Me and My holy Son, the Immanuel/God with us/Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesous Christos/Jesus the Christ. I AM. Soon We will come to judge all people worldwide, all nations and tribes of the earth, for We are the GODS of righteousness and truth and holiness and mercy and grace and love and goodness… and hate all who provoked/provoke and blasphemed Us and who denied Us and who rejected Our love and holy saving and life-giving good news/gospel of salvation in Christ Jesus and his blood. I AM. Soon we will reveal the true sons of GOD and the true sons of satan. The True sons of GOD will enter eternal glory and the Kingdom of GOD and paradise and Our holy Temple. The sons of satan will suffer and be punished and tortured in all eternity. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 29.12.2019. Received by The Candle.

The call to all in these last days…

This says GOD YHVH, the GOD of the heavens and the earth :

In these last days I will call all worldwide in several ways to repent… and to return to Me and My beloved Son. But I know, that many will not follow the call, but will demand proves for Our existence, although the whole creation breaths that I AM. But I know, that many will inherit the kingdom of God, because of Our work of redemption and salvation in Christ Jesus. I AM. Many people out of many nations and out of Israel will get to know Us in future days to their salvation for eternity, when they are willing to pick up their cross… and to follow My beloved Son. I AM. Although many are aware of Our Being, they still will refuse to accept Us as their Lords and Saviors. They are hardened in their hearts by means of the snares and evil schemes and evil lusts/desires of satan and the demons and unclean spirits and their deceit and the deceit of their slaves. I, YHVH GOD, AM. No-one will be able to save himself, but only Our work of salvation will save people who will repent from their evil works and godlessness.
We are YHVH-Elohim, YHVH-Gods : The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. WE will save people by means of Our grace through the gift of faith in Us… and Our words… and holy works of salvation and reconciliation. I AM. Many people are already saved. Many are on the small path to eternal life and glory. Our grace and truth and love and mercy will save many. For We are LOVE. Our LOVE is spread as glorious light in creation by the preaching of the good news/gospel. Our love is active by day and night. Our love can be seen in creation by those that we opened/open the eyes to see her. Many are blind although they have eyes. Many are deaf although they have ears to hear. Although they live in their bodies, they are spiritual dead in sin and transgressions and evil and works of darkness. Their hearts are darkened by the powers of evil. Satan/Lucifer and the evil spirits have the right to enslave them, if they refuse to acknowledge Us and Our love and words. I AM. Still We are patient with all… and always trying to reach out for many of them. But, many are not willing to be changed by Us. Many love evil and the works/lusts/desires of the flesh… and sin willingly against God and mankind and creation. And in doing so they are enemies of Us and of Our words and of Our message of the cross/crucified Christ Jesus. I AM. Many people on the surface of the earth tend towards evil and cowardness… and remain, in doing so, in the power and chains of the powers of eternal darkness. I AM. Blessed are all who live life to its fullest by means of faith in Us… and Our work of saving grace and love and truth… and salvation in Christ Jesus and his blood. Amen. I AM. Soon He will come to take His beloved ones home into eternal glory. Amen. Hallelu-YHVH. Amen ; says the Spirit of GOD.

Prophecy 23.12.2019. Received by the Candle.

To Israel : Enemies surrounding you…

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel :

Hear, o Israel, I AM GOD. I AM your GOD and Heavenly Father. I AM. Many of you are My children, spiritually, if they remain in believing in Me and My coming Mashiach/Messiah/Anointed One. I AM. Many nations surrounding you are envious. But still I AM your GOD and Shield and Fortress. I AM. But the time will come, very soon, that several nations will turn against you. But I will reveal in those days that I AM the Living GOD, the GOD of creation and of My Israel. I AM. For I will defeat the enemies of Israel according to My former prophecies. I AM. For all mountains and hills are My work in creation and I AM the GOD who laid the foundation of creation. I AM the GOD who made the pillars of the earth. I AM the GOD who can cause earthquakes to punish people or even to destroy them. I AM the GOD who has all powers in the heavens and on and in the earth. I AM. I AM the GOD who causes prosperity or adversity. I AM. I AM the GOD who can chastise people or nations or punish or judge them according to My holy word and will and plan. I AM. I AM the Almighty GOD of all existing things and no-one is more powerful than I AM. So Israel… trust Me in all circumstances. For My holy everlasting powerfull name is YHVH GOD. I AM.

Prophecy 22.12.2019. Received by The Candle.

To the nation of Persia.

This says GOD to the nation of Persia :

Hear, o Persia, I AM GOD. I AM the GOD above all. I AM the Creator of all existing things. I AM. My holy name was and is YHVH GOD forever. I AM the GOD of Israel and creation. No-one was before I AM. I AM the I AM, who spoke to Adam and Eve and to all chosen ones of all ages. I AM the GOD of Henosh, the seventh after Adam. I AM The GOD of Noach and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel. I AM. I AM the GOD of all true prophets and apostles and holy messengers from the past and present and future days. I AM. I AM the Living GOD, who still speaks to people in visions, revelations, dreams and prophecies, like this one. I AM. My holy name is forever YHVH, the GOD above all other gods. I AM. Soon I will sent My beloved Mashiach/Messiah/Christ from heaven to destroy the enemies of Israel… to save the remnant of Israel. I AM. For many nations are willing to attack My Israel and to devour My Jews, but I AM their Fortress and their Shield. I AM. I will not allow nations or tribes to destroy My holy chosen ones. I AM still the GOD of My holy Israel, which exists out of holy people, who fear and honor and serve Me and believe in My holy Mashiach/Messiah/Christ Yeshua/Jesous/Jesus. I AM. For soon many God-fearing Israelites/Jews will experience that I AM their Savior IN and through My holy Mashiach. I AM.

Prophecy 16.12.2019. Received by Jean Schoonbroodt/The Candle.

To the house of lords…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the house of lords :

Hear, ye lords, I AM the LORD GOD, the almighty One of creation. I AM the First and the last. I AM the Alpha and Omega and no-one else. I AM. Many of you heard this before. Many of you know that I AM the GOD of the universes. I AM. Many of you denied Me in the past in your thoughts, words and deeds. Now is the time of repentance. Now is the time of salvation. Now is the time that I will judge mankind according to their words and works, if they were not willing to obey Me nor were willing to believe My holy gospel. I AM. For My Word is the Judge of the living and the dead. I AM. For I AM pouring out My Spirit of grace and truth and of repentance and of judgement. I AM. Many will know who they were and who they are… and how I look at things, by means of My holy Spirit… who will convince the world of sin, righteousness and judgement. I AM. Many of you will bow their knees in the true knowledge about their evil and sinfulness. I AM. For many of you dishounored Me and My holy Son Jesus the Christ and Our holy gospel/truth/word of God and Our holy messengers. For your pride and haughtiness is evil in My holy eyes. I AM. Prepare yourselves, for My judgement is coming very soon to all of you, according to the truth and reality and the facts. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 04.12.2019. Received by The Candle.