To the nation of Persia.

This says GOD to the nation of Persia :

Hear, o Persia, I AM GOD. I AM the GOD above all. I AM the Creator of all existing things. I AM. My holy name was and is YHVH GOD forever. I AM the GOD of Israel and creation. No-one was before I AM. I AM the I AM, who spoke to Adam and Eve and to all chosen ones of all ages. I AM the GOD of Henosh, the seventh after Adam. I AM The GOD of Noach and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel. I AM. I AM the GOD of all true prophets and apostles and holy messengers from the past and present and future days. I AM. I AM the Living GOD, who still speaks to people in visions, revelations, dreams and prophecies, like this one. I AM. My holy name is forever YHVH, the GOD above all other gods. I AM. Soon I will sent My beloved Mashiach/Messiah/Christ from heaven to destroy the enemies of Israel… to save the remnant of Israel. I AM. For many nations are willing to attack My Israel and to devour My Jews, but I AM their Fortress and their Shield. I AM. I will not allow nations or tribes to destroy My holy chosen ones. I AM still the GOD of My holy Israel, which exists out of holy people, who fear and honor and serve Me and believe in My holy Mashiach/Messiah/Christ Yeshua/Jesous/Jesus. I AM. For soon many God-fearing Israelites/Jews will experience that I AM their Savior IN and through My holy Mashiach. I AM.

Prophecy 16.12.2019. Received by Jean Schoonbroodt/The Candle.

To the house of lords…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the house of lords :

Hear, ye lords, I AM the LORD GOD, the almighty One of creation. I AM the First and the last. I AM the Alpha and Omega and no-one else. I AM. Many of you heard this before. Many of you know that I AM the GOD of the universes. I AM. Many of you denied Me in the past in your thoughts, words and deeds. Now is the time of repentance. Now is the time of salvation. Now is the time that I will judge mankind according to their words and works, if they were not willing to obey Me nor were willing to believe My holy gospel. I AM. For My Word is the Judge of the living and the dead. I AM. For I AM pouring out My Spirit of grace and truth and of repentance and of judgement. I AM. Many will know who they were and who they are… and how I look at things, by means of My holy Spirit… who will convince the world of sin, righteousness and judgement. I AM. Many of you will bow their knees in the true knowledge about their evil and sinfulness. I AM. For many of you dishounored Me and My holy Son Jesus the Christ and Our holy gospel/truth/word of God and Our holy messengers. For your pride and haughtiness is evil in My holy eyes. I AM. Prepare yourselves, for My judgement is coming very soon to all of you, according to the truth and reality and the facts. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 04.12.2019. Received by The Candle.

Evil in high places…

This says GOD YHVH to the people of the nations of the endtimes :

Hear, ye people of the nations of the endtimes, you are very busy with all kind of things. Still you are often deceived by those who have lies as their companions. I AM. Many will fall or fell already into their trap. Many are focussed on the lies and schemes of evildoers without knowing it. Many think that the media and persons on high places or influential ones are the persons who speak truth and give right information, but their deceit is known to Me and to all whose eyes I will open by My Spirit of truth. I AM. For many persons on high positions are slaves of evil spirits of lies and deceit and deception and manipulation and of violence and even religious deceit. Many know this reality/this fact, when I open(ed) them the eyes for what is really going on. I AM. Many secret societies rule the world. Some are even activ in the background of public organisations, who manipulate(d) the world and direct the people to the New World Order of the Beast and the anti-christo. Many heard already about this, but denied it… or were not willing to accept it… or even fought against this idea or reality. Still My holy heavenly Cousel will decide what will happen on earth day by day. For We are Elohim above all elohim, the GODS above all gods. We, YHVH-Elochim, are the Gods who have a plan with and within creation. Our word is an everlasting unshakeble ROCK of all ages. The heavens and the earth will pass away, but Our holy words will never pass away. I, YHVH-GOD, AM.

Prophecy 19.11.2019. Received by The Candle.

To the inhabitants of Rome…

This says GOD YHVH to the inhabitants of Rome :

Hear, ye Romans, you are still activ in this age in many ways as the Romans of former days. You are willing to submit to your Ruler and Emperor, the Pope. Still I have to remind you, that not all people are submissive to Me and My holy gospel/words. Many rebel against Me and My holy Son and Our holy Ghost and holy gospel… and True Church, the True Body of Christ Jesus, which exists out of all true and faithful believers in Us. For a church, that is not obedient to Us and Our Gospel-truths, is a church of dishonor or even a temple of satan and evil spirits and evil persons. My holy Son Jesus Christ said : By their fruit you will know them. Their words and deeds will show who they are and who they serve, If they serve Us… or their belly/their own lusts and desires and carnal mindset, and in doing so… satan and the evil spirits of lies and deceit and deception and of worldly power and manipulation, to make you their slaves and to abuse their power to control and abuse you. Although they have the name of being servants of Us, they are servants of darkness and evil. Therefore I urge you all to believe Us and our Word/Gospel of salvation and of Our Heavenly kingdom of love and grace and truth and of righteousness more than the words of liars and deceivers. I AM. Follow Us. Follow Jesus Christ, who is My holy Son and My holy living Temple of Me and My and His Spirit of love and grace and truth and of compassion and righteousness and goodness… and a serving attitude in meekness and love to friends and enemies. He was willing to sacrifice His sinless life for you and them, to save many for all eternity, if they repent and believe and trust and obey Us… by means of Our grace and love and truth and saving and healing and transforming powers and words. I, YHVH GOD, AM. Blessed are all who believe Us more than lying mankind ; and who obey Us in the things We show them by Our words and Spirit and gracious goodness and heavenly wisdom. I, The LORD GOD, adonai YHVH, AM.

Prophecy 17.11.2019. Received by the Candle.