To the nations of the EU.

This says GOD YHVH to the nations of the EU :

Hear, ye nations of the EU, I YHVH AM GOD Almighty. I AM the Creator and Sustainer of all. I AM. Many heard about Me. Many already kneeled in churches before Me… and prayed to Me. But many asked for the fulfilling of their evil lusts, when they prayed. My holy Person and Being hates evil. Therefore I ask you to repent, for the time will come when I will confront you with all you thought, spoke and wrote and did. I AM. Many of you think, that I AM a gracious GOD… and yes, I AM. But My holiness and righteousness demands judgement. I AM. Therefore I again ask you : Please repent, for the day of My holy wrath and vengeance has come. Many of you will experience this. Some already experienced this. And some experience it right now. I AM. I AM the GOD of all righteousness and judgement and will reveal to all who they were and what they did. I AM. No-one will escape the day that I will judge them here on earth… and in eternity. I AM.

Prophecy 10.10.2019. Received by The Candle.

To the inhabitants of the earth…

This says GOD YHVH to the earth and her inhabitants :

Hear, ye inhabitants of the earth, I AM GOD above all. I AM. My holy power is capable to do immeassurable more than you ever can ask or even imagine, for I AM the Almighty One and no-one else. I YHVH GOD AM. Prepare yourself. For soon I will come. My holy ones and righteouss ones will enter the kingdom of God. The evil ones will be cast out into eternal darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. I AM.

Prophecy 09.10.2019. Received by The Candle.

Word to the Romans…

This says GOD YHVH to the Romans :

Hear, ye Romans, many think that you would not exist anymore, but you still exist… in a different way. Many of you are now a spiritual hierarchy, but not as holy as My holy True Church of My beloved One, Jesus the Christ/Yeshua ha Mashiach. Many of you are a mixing of traditions and Judaism and of pagan religions and of christian values. But many of you are not born of water and Spirit of GOD YHVH, who I AM. Many of you even err in the ways you worship and of who you worship. Many of you are idolaters, because they kneel before statues or images of “saints”, which are not true saints, but the images of pagan “gods” or “goddesses” , but renamed after christian saints of the bible. Many kneel or bow before them and look at them and pray to them, and think that they pray to the True saints, who can do intercessory/prayer for them before My heavenly holy Throne. But alas, I have to disappoint you. They will not do intercessory for you in My holy Presence, for they were fallen angels and demons or sinful people, who were rebellious towards Me in their lives and who will be punished in the eternal lake of brimstone, sulfer and fire. I AM. There is just ONE Mediator between Me and you and that is My holy beloved Son Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ. I AM. He is the High Priest in My holy Presence in Heaven, who will do intercessory/prayer for those who believe in Me and Him to their salvation, according to the True Gospel/Good News/Word of GOD that will save many who believe. I AM.

Prophecy 03.10.2019. Received by The Candle.

To the news-websites… and media.

This says GOD YHVH to the news-websites and media :

Hear, ye news-websites and media, I, the LORD GOD YHVH, hear and see what you are doing. I know what is true and what not. I see your hearts and lives and know what your intentions are. I AM aware of your emotions and your political views. I know what convictions you have and know the motives of your hearts. I know your hidden lives and secrets. I know what you are trying to achieve and in what ways you are trying to make them your reality. But all you are doing will be judged by Me, the GOD and Judge of creation. I AM. Many are not always aware of this eternal fact. Many live as if I would not exist, but they err and are blinded by the schemes of satan and his demons and unclean spirits and by their human slaves, who have to do their evil desires and will. My holy name is from eternity to eternity adonai YHVH, the lord GOD of creation, the GOD of Israel. I AM. Soon I will send My holy Mashiach/Christ Yeshua/Jesus, who will judge all the nations and mankind, for He is My Image, My holy Son, who is the Radiance of My heavenly Glory, the Expression of My heavenly Being… and the Carrier/Bearer of My heavenly words of My almighty powers. I AM. I will judge you by means of His appearance on the day of My final judgement. For He is the Word of GOD, who became a human Being of flesh and blood, and this Word of God will judge you according to the works you did according to the things which are written in the books of your lives. I AM.

Prophecy 29.09.2019. Received by The Candle.

To the holy people of Israel…

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation, to the holy people of Israel in the endtime :

Hear, ye holy people of Israel of the endtime, I, the lord GOD YHVH, AM your GOD and Heavenly Father. I AM. Many of you are willing to listen to My holy words and are willing to recognize the fact, that I was IN Yeshua ha Mashiach/Jesus the Christ in former days. I AM. Many of you have the gift of faith in His reconciling and justifying and sanctifying and completing work of redemption and glorification… in the power of the Holy Spirit…. and His precious blood, that fled out of His wounds on the cross of Calvery/Golgatha and was sprinkled on the Mercy-Seat on the Ark of the Covenant, which was/is hidden under the place, in a cave, where He was crucified for the transgression of Israel and the Jews… and of all of creation. I AM. Many of you need to understand, that I will lead and guide you into all the truth, concerning this eternal work of salvation. I AM. Many of you and of the nations will hear these things… and will be amazed or even shocked or even desperate to find out if this is true. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 23.09.2019. Received by The Candle.

Former things will be revealed… and judged.

This says GOD YHVH to the nation of Israel :

Hear, o nation of Israel, I AM GOD, your GOD. I AM the King above all kings and the LORD above all lords. I AM the Ruler above all rulers and I AM the GOD of grace and love and truth and righteousness I AM. My holy word is spread amoung the nations and the tribes of the earth by means of My holy messengers and their holy testimonies and holy scriptures and holy chronicles. I AM. Soon I will reveal to all the True Mashiach and His judgement. For I and He are One with Our Ghost and words and true saints from past, present and future days… and our holy chosen angels. I AM. We will reveal the former things… and will judge mankind according to their works. I, YHVH GOD, AM.

Prophecy 08.09.2019. Received by The Candle.

To the emergency-centers of the USA.

This says GOD YHVH to the emergency-centers of the USA :

See and hear and experience that there will be many disasters in the USA, because of the evil and wickedness of many in the USA. I YHVH GOD AM the GOD of eternal judgements on earth and in eternity. I AM. Many are not willing to acknowledge, that I AM already judging. Many deny My almighty power and the fact that I will repay people their evil deeds. I AM. Many states will be hit with several disasters, because of the iniquity and wickedness and godlessness and lawlessnes of the inhabitants. I AM. Many call on God when they are in need, but they don’t commit their lives to Me nor to My beloved Son Jesus Christ. Many seek their own lusts and worldly desires, but deny Me in their words and deeds. Soon I will reveal My holy power to all of mankind. For many desire signs and wonders, but are not willing to quit with evil/sin/lawlessness. Therefore I will sent them a man, who will proclaim to be God, but He will be the deceiver of mankind. He is the image of satan, his son. He will be radiant and a mighty speaker and very intelligent, but will lead many to eternal destruction and punishment by his lying and deceiving words and wonders and miracles and powers. All who didn’t love Me, nor My Son nor Our holy Gospel/Words, will be deceived by this false person and his false prophet. For they will try to rule this world, but they will only succeed for a very short while, for I will destroy them by the Breath of My holy Mouth on the day that I will come down from heaven to destroy them at Jerusalem in Israel. I AM.

Prophecy 04.09.2019. Received by The Candle.

The Sword of the Spirit… and the Iron Rod… of GOD.

This says GOD YHVH, the Almighty One of creation :

Hear, ye nations of this endtime, the time is near, that I will take up My holy Sword of the Spirit of GOD/the Word of GOD… and the Iron Rod… to hit the nations. For many are godless, idolators and evil and wicked in their ways of life. I AM. Soon I will show to all of mankind, that I AM the Holy One of Israel… who will punish the enemies of Israel and of My holy ones and chosen ones out of Israel and the nations. I, YHVH GOD, AM. For many nations persecuted Israel and My holy chosen ones out of Israel and the nations, who are called born again christians. I AM. Hear, ye nations, My chosen ones are the pupils of My holy Eyes. I AM. Woe to those, who touch them or try to harm or to kill them. My holy anger/wrath will fall upon them on My holy day of wrath and revenge/vengeance. I AM. For I AM their holy righteouss GOD and Heavenly Father and their Defender. I AM.

Prophecy 03.09.2019. Received by The Candle.